A number of sources do suggest that very thing:
Death to Pigs, by Hendrickson pg501
Bugliosi interview by Merrick, 12-15-71
Bugliosi: "I'm the one that put Manson inside the gates of the Tate residence. I put him in there, not on the night of the murders, but a couple of nights earlier."
Manson's Right Hand Man Speaks Out by Charles "Tex" Watson c. 2012 pg43
It's believed that Manson was at the house looking for Terry the night before the murders and was offended by the new occupants.
Grimtraveller said... "Back in 2005 on Col Scott's site, someone called GLH said that he'd spoken with Tex the month before and this is what Tex had told him "Manson had been to Cielo the night BEFORE the murders". I debated that with him, saying I'd heard that Manson had been there in March '69. He stood firm on his claim that Manson was there on August 7th (in the evening). ...and Manson was agitated the next day"
Jay Sebring’s business partner Jim Markham:
"I believe Manson had gone up to the house” — Polanski was away shooting a movie — “and Manson wanted to sell cocaine and marijuana,” he says. “He showed Jay and Wojciech the product. They were going to buy some of it, but the two of them beat him up at the gate. The next night, Manson sent the Family up [to kill them].”
Beausoleil: "He(Charlie) had been over near his [Melcher's] house and, as he said, he checked out the wires, telephone wires and the electric gates and exits from that property."
Wait... wasn't Charlie down in San Diego County on that date, bringing Stephanie Schram down to her sister's house in Jamul and having dinner there, and then sleeping on the lawn of the residence of one of Stephanie's friends? Well, that is what Bugliosi claimed. But what was that based on?
Not Charlie. He admitted going down to Jamul but didn't put a date on it.
Not Schram. She couldn't remember the date:
Helter Skelter, pg368
"Stephanie was a bit vague when it came to dates. She "thought" the day they returned to Spahn Ranch was Friday, August 8, but she wasn't sure."
Not that traffic ticket Charlie got from the Highway Patrol near Oceanside on the way down. It's never been made public.
Not Stephanie Schram's sister, identified only as "Mrs. Hartman," who allegedly claimed that Charlie told her that "people were going to be slaughtered, they'll be lying on their lawns dead." Her interview was never released.
Not Stephanie's 'friends' in San Diego on whose lawn Manson and Schram allegedly slept on, the night of Aug 7 to the morning of Aug 8. There's no evidence they were ever identified.
Though of course Schram never said anything about Charlie stopping by Cielo Dr. in the time she was with him, from her meeting him near Esalen to when they allegedly returned to Spahn, "arriving there about two in the afternoon" on Aug 8, in Bugliosi's version.
But Schram claimed it was Aug 5 when she first came to Spahn with Charlie. They had dinner there, and then in the evening drove off the ranch, but only for a couple of blocks before Charlie pulled over and they slept in the bakery truck that night. The next day, which would have been Aug 6 if Schram is right, they drove down to San Diego, spent the night, returning to Los Angeles on what would have been Aug 7. Note that during his trial Tex claimed he saw Charlie at Spahn the next morning, on Aug 8. There are now enough gaps in the timeline to make a trip to Cielo the night before very possible.
So why didn't Bugliosi use evidence of this alleged visit by Charlie up to Cielo the night before, at the trial? It would have been very incriminating to Charlie, whether the visit was to do a drug deal with Voytek, as per Markham, or to do a reconnaissance, as per Beausoleil. The only realistic scenario is that Bugliosi could not have entered this evidence without revealing the source, which might refer to the house being under surveillance before the murders, as Doris Tate claimed.
Submitted by Starviego. Thank You Starviego.
Thanks Starviego.
I have older submissions from you (and others) that I will post in the coming weeks.
Grimtraveller said... "Back in 2005 on Col Scott's site, someone called GLH said that he'd spoken with Tex the month before
He had spoken to Tex the month before what?
and this is what Tex had told him "Manson had been to Cielo the night BEFORE the murders". I debated that with him, saying I'd heard that Manson had been there in March '69. He stood firm on his claim that Manson was there on August 7th (in the evening). ...and Manson was agitated the next day"
I agree with Grim. Manson was there in March 1969 when Hatami was there and told him to get lost!
I believe that Manson was driving that stupid bread truck around until he returned to Spahn on August 8th when he learned that those 2 dopes were arrested for stolen credit card usage and he needed money to bail them out.
Why use stolen credit cards at Sears? Why not get some good steaks or something worth stealing? Oh wait, we're dealing with people who don't have brains.
Thanks Starviego for a decent concise article.
If anybody was watching Cielo, I would bet it was someone working for Folger’s father watching AF.
For the trial Bugliosi only presented what was needed to gain convictions. For the book Bugliosi was interested in selling books and patting himself on the back. The whole truth was not his concern for the trial or the book.
To me Bugliosi appears to emphasize that drugs were not part of the motive for the killings at Cielo. He also over emphasizes the “Helter Skelter” motive.
It would have been very difficult to prove that Manson was at Cielo on 8-7 to sell drugs to VF and JS. It was easy to prove that Manson spoke to many people of the “confusion” known as “Helter Skelter”.
Manson may have been at Cielo on 8-7, but Bugliosi wanted no part of that.
According to the book "Helter Skelter"
". . . Manson was cited for only having no valid drivers license in his possession. Manson gave his correct name and the ranch address, and signed the ticket himself. Officer Willis noted on the ticket that Manson was driving a 1952 cream color Ford bakery van, license number K70683. The date was Thursday, Aug. 7, 1969, time 6:15 p.m.
"That night, according to Stephanie, she and Charlie parked somewhere in San Diego and slept next to the van, returning to Spahn the next day, arriving there at about 2 in the afternoon.
According to Linda Kasabian, on the afternoon of August 8, Manson gave Mary Brunner and Sandra Good a credit card and told them to purchase some items for him. At 4 that afternoon the two girls were apprehended driving away from a Sears store in San Fernando, after store employees checked and found the credit card was stolen. The San Fernando PD arrest report stated that they were driving a "van 1952 Ford license K70683".
I don't think it's likely Manson was at Cielo Drive the night before.
Bugliosi apparently based his Jamul timeline solely on the traffic ticket issued by the CHP near Oceanside. From Helter Skelter, pg367-8:
"Manson... drove to San Diego... to pick up Stephanie's clothes.
Enroute, about ten miles south of Oceanside on Interstate 5, they were stopped by California Highway Patrol officer Richard C. Willis. .... The date was Thursday, August 7, 1969; the time 6:15P.M. The ticket, which (LAPD Sgt.)Patchett and (LAPD Sgt.)Gutierrez found, proved Manson was in Southern California the day before the Tate murders."
Bugliosi is quite explicit on the time and date of the ticket. Yet he only implies--but does not explicitly state--that this was on the way to San Diego(in the southbound lanes of I-5), but what if it was while on their way back from San Diego(in the northbound lanes of I-5)? That would allow Charlie to make it to LA in time for an evening trip to Cielo Dr. the day before the murders.
--The evening of the 7th of August, 1969, the four occupants of the Cielo house--Sharon, Jay, Gibby, and Voytek--are over at Sebring's house, located at 9810 Easton Dr. in Beverly Hills, watching a movie on cable TV and having dinner when the wires going into the house are allegedly cut, messing with the lights and interrupting the cable signal. Leading to the conclusion that this was an aborted murder attempt on the house's occupants, presumably by the same cast of characters that would finish the job the next night at Cielo Dr.
Listening to the recorded interview with the butler, the only time mentioned is 11pm, when the group finishes their dinner. Thus they probably would have arrived at the Sebring house that night between 9-10pm. This timeline is roughly consistent with Manson's alleged trip up to Cielo Dr., with a subsequent angry or even violent encounter with Jay and Voy as per the account of Markham, at around 8:30 to 9:30pm on Aug 7.
In Helter Skelter, Bugliosi implied the immediate precipitater to TLB was Charlie's anger for being snubbed by the audience at Esalen several days before. But the idea of Charlie being slapped around or disrespected at Cielo, just hours before a first murder attempt at Sebring's house, is a far more realistic proposition, IMO.
So what did Charlie do? Did he race back to Spahn, quickly gather up a kill posse, and then race over to Easton Dr. to do the dirty deed, somehow knowing Jay's location and address, only to be stymied by some complicated wiring?
Or did Charlie hang around Cielo, following them in their vehicle as they left the Cielo house, all the way to Easton Dr. a mile to the north? Did he then launch a plan to mess with their minds by cutting some of the wiring on their house? This would explain why none of the other family members ever mentioned this foray to Jay's house the night before. They didn't know about it. And if Schram was told to stay in the bread truck while Charlie walked up to the Sebring house, all she would know is that Charlie parked on some dark residential street somewhere and that Charlie walked off and didn't return for about half an hour.
Bugliosi claimed that Manson slapped Schram after being snubbed by the Esalen audience. Schram claims Charlie slapped her for messing up the chance to get a free meal, even before they went to Esalen. I speculate that was just a cover for Charlie slapping Schram after he was dissed by the Cielo residents, and before the wires were cut. Manson was so angry he couldn't control himself. IMO only!
From 'TaborFresca:'
"The 4-6-70 Brunner Statement/Interview could be used to support this hypothesis.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Is that when Charlie got back to the ranch with that bakery truck?
MS. BRUNNER:When he got back which time?
MR. STOVITZ: Well, no - you we can fix the date that you went out on August the 8th and you and Sandy had that bakery truck why, why didn't you take it before (unintelligible) bakery truck.
MS. BRUNNER:Unintelligible.
MR. STOVITZ: Charlie had to come back with that bakery truck sometime before you and Sandy (unintelligible) do you remember when it was?
MS. BRUNNER:He went up north and then he came back, then he left again, then he came back, then he left again, then he came back. He might have gotten back that day or the day before, I don't remember."
Starviego said: MS. BRUNNER:He went up north and then he came back, then he left again, then he came back, then he left again, then he came back. He might have gotten back that day or the day before, I don't remember."
Well that's as clear as mud! HA HA HA!!! I can't remember now but I'm thinking that Sharon wasn't feeling very well on the evening of August 7th and didn't want to go anywhere. 11:00pm seems really late for Sharon, being in her third trimester and being tired all of the time.
I know it's about a 2 hour drive from San Diego to LA, depending on how fast you drive I guess. I always assumed that Charlie got back to LA on August 8th.
Hopefully we could learn more details whenever Stephanie Schram releases the book she teased in 2011:
Video of a parole hearing for Charlie: https://youtu.be/gp1_0N_3oj4?t=16
Charlie: "...ask him why the District Attorney moved the Highway Patrolman to the east coast, along with the traffic ticket...."
As far as I can tell, the CHP officer was never interviewed, nor has the traffic ticket ever been put into evidence, so Charlie may be onto something.
From the Schram interview of 2011 by Brian Davis.
Brian Davis: "Some of Charles Manson's supporters claim that Charlie told them that he was not at the LaBianca's house that night. Instead, he was on his way back to the ranch and you guys got a speeding ticket."
[the truck was actually stopped due to an equipment violation]
If true, Manson is claiming they got the ticket in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, as I suspect.
Another one of your ridiculous conspiracy theories, Star ? You never give up. You're so prescient at ignoring and trying to manipulate actual evidence, heck, you could be CIA ! 😄
I can't help it. I gotta be me!
That's what Charlie Manson used to intimate !
The meaning of Prescient:
pre·scient adjective
having or showing knowledge of events before they take place:
"a prescient warning"
Starviego said:
Brian Davis: "Some of Charles Manson's supporters claim that Charlie told them that he was not at the LaBianca's house that night. Instead, he was on his way back to the ranch and you guys got a speeding ticket."
[the truck was actually stopped due to an equipment violation]
I thought we were talking about Manson being at Cielo Drive not Waverly Drive.
We were. The important part is Charlie seems to be endorsing the idea that they got the CHP ticket on the way BACK to LA from San Diego. And not TO San Diego, as Bugliosi strongly implied(but never explicitly stated as such).
According to Ed Sanders:
Manson & Stephanie arrived at Spahn's Ranch on the afternoon of August 6, 1969. They stayed part of the afternoon and evening at the ranch, then headed to San Diego, spending the night in the Twinkie truck. The next morning, August 7, 1969, they headed to Jamul, CA where Stephanie lived with her sister & brother in law, Mr. & Mrs. Hartman. At 4:15pm near Oceanside, CA, Manson was pulled over by the CHP and got a ticket for not having a license. They had dinner with the Hartmans and he talked about people dying on their lawns. Manson & Stephanie drove the truck to somebody's lawn and spent the night. That was on August 7th and on the morning of August 8th they drove back to the ranch, arriving around 1pm.
Wow I didn't mean to shut down the convo!!! I feel like Cat Stevens...
That one guy looks like a "size LARGE". HA HA HA!
To reiterate, there was plenty of hard evidence to establish an accurate timeline in the week before the murder:
--The credit card slips used at the four gas stations where Charlie got gas on the way to and from Esalen.
Aaron Stovitz to Rolling Stone
DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY AARON STOVITZ: You see, Manson has an alibi right up until August 7th, 'cause he met this girl, and he, uh, drove with her from Big Sur all the way down to Oceanside. And they made gas purchases on these stolen credit cards all the way down the line.
Helter Skelter, pg366-8
Aug 3 - "...sometime between seven and eight(am)(Manson) purchased gas at a station in Canoga Park, using a stolen credit card.
"On August 4, Manson, still using a stolen credit card, purchased gas at Lucia. ... he did it again the next day."
"...Manson left Big Sur on August 6, making gas purchases the same day at San Luis Obispo and Chatsworth..."
[And presumably any credit card slips on any gas purchases made on the way to and from San Diego.]
--The front desk register at Esalen, and any witnesses to Charlie's presence there.
--The people who encountered Charlie and Stephanie in San Diego. Meaning Schram's sister and the people at the house where they spent the night
--The CHP ticket given to Charlie near Oceanside.
Plenty of evidence, but all of it has been kept from the public eye! So there was definitely a cover-up going on. The only reason for this has to be that none of it is in accord with Bugliosi's own timeline.
Well Beauders what do you think about Luna being a killer? She has Botox lips. I don't like her.
"Aug 3 - "...sometime between seven and eight(am)(Manson) purchased gas at a station in Canoga Park, using a stolen credit card."
Charlie never got up that early! He was a BUM!
I don't like this new look.
It is not hard to get up early if you haven’t gone to bed the night before..l
Good point. I suspect Charlie and the others were doing a lot of speed at that time.
I made this comment and it disappeared. I'll make it again.
I thought "The Day of the Dolphins" was directed by Roman Polanski but I see it was directed by Mike Nichols. I thought Roman was working on that before the murders. What happened?
And Charlie is still a BUM!
Polanski was writing a script based upon the book “Day of the Dolphin’s”. He said that writing a script that the audience would believe was difficult due to holes in the story and figuring how to make the dolphins talk. He said that he lost heart for the project after TLB but did supply a script and movie proposal but UA rejected it with his $5M budget being higher that their max of $4M. He said he probably could have rearranged things to fit into UA’s budget, but he chose not to pursue that path. He describes this in the book “Roman”. You can read it free on the Internet Archive.
Okay thanks Tab! That makes sense. I think he was working on that script when Sharon came to visit him and left to go back to the states I think in July of 1969. She left him a note. I'll think of what that is tomorrow. :)
I worked as a projectionist at a drive in during the late 1970's, my grandmother ran the snack bar, my father was a projectionist there before me. I had some connection to nearly every movie that came out from the late 1960's to the early 1980's. "The Day of the Dolphin" came out in 1973, I never saw it though, I would have been 12 at the time, it was rated "PG". It never came to "my" drive in, it was at one of "our" indoor theaters. It was more difficult for me to get into "PG" rated movies at indoor theaters, although I could sometimes get in. In any case, I didn't see that movie until years later, and I don't think I've ever watched it all the way through.
Wikipedia says: The film version was originally going to be directed by Roman Polanski for United Artists in 1969, with Polanski writing the script.[4] However, while Polanski was in London, England, scouting locations in August 1969, his pregnant wife, the actress Sharon Tate, was murdered in their Beverly Hills home by disciples of Charles Manson. Polanski returned to the United States and abandoned the project.
To be honest, for me, "The Day of the Dolphin" was a science fiction "garbage" film you could "get away with" in 1973. Basically, Hollywood cranks out movies to make money, and this was one of a very great many.
This is the trailer--The Day of the Dolphin Trailer
Thanks Sunset! I would have worked as a projectionist, but I can't stand that flap sound.
I liked that movie The Day of the Dolphin. Of course I was probably stoned when I saw it. Well, not stoned, maybe rocked. Well I wasn't rocked maybe stoked. Not sure what would have stoked me. I'm sounding like Mr. Kimble.
Drive-In Movies were a big thing back when I was a kid. It was a Dollar a Car Load back then. We'd put folks in the trunk to get in. And if you got there before dark you could go to the playground and swing on the swings and wait until the picture started. Drive-In food was good. Hot dogs, hamburgers, Frito Pie, Ice Cream! You put that speaker on the windah and let it fly! You could turn up the volume and hope you didn't get static. And if the speaker didn't work you drove to another pole.
I don't remember when they did those ratings, but I remember in 1969 Midnight Cowboy was rated "X". Which made everyone go see it at the Drive-in because you didn't have to prove anything. I saw it at the Drive-In and didn't really understand why it was rated "X", except for that scene in the movie theater.
Beauders B&B has gone mad. Where are you? I hope you're okay!
I'm still here Katie. I'm really enjoying B&B. I still think Luna's father is Finn's
Yeah Luna went haywire there for a while. I'm wondering what's gonna happen to her in the future. Well, I guess Luna's father is either Finn's Dad or Tom.
Katie, I have Soooo many memories from the drive in, I basically lived there for about 15 years. My grandma ran the snack bar, she'd let me sit in her car and watch the movies when I was a little kid. About halfway through the movie, she bring me out pop corn, pizza, a drink, a hot dog, a hamburger or a steak sandwich, (and french fries). She had a great parking place by the snack bar, and one of the best speakers on the lot. I could sit in the car by myself and watch the movie, (or sleep if I felt like it).
Later, she got me to work in the snack bar running drinks. I was only like 14, they didn't have to pay me minimum wage, I got "student wage", like 85 cents an hour. One thing I remember about that time was the day Elvis died, it's all my aunt talked about that whole night.
Later, I ran the projectors. I had to carry the cans of film in when we got a new movie each week, and put them on "our" film reels. The reels they came in on were often bent and would jam and break the film. Sometimes the film would break, 200 cars would start blowing their horns, I learned how to fix it fast. Our house was about 3/4 of a mile away, dad would sleep on hot summer evenings with his window open, he could hear the cars blowing their horns and always ask me the next morning, "did the film break"? (of course he knew it did).
After the movies were over, I had to pick up the trash off the field, a stick with a nail in it to pick up the used condoms and beer bottles. Every spring I had to put all the speakers on the poles, every fall take them off. In the fall, there was almost always a bees nest in the cap on the poles. I'd tap the top with handle of a screwdriver, listen for buzzing, then take the screws out, flip the cap off with the screwdriver, and run.
In the winter I worked as an usher at an indoor theater. They usually had better movies, but not by much. I remember "Grease" and "Saturday Night Fever" were sell outs, I think they were both "held over" for 3 weeks. About the only movie I remember people walking out of was "The Life of Brian". I was sitting in the lobby, after about the 10th person walked past me, I asked "why are you walking out", a woman said "it's sacrilegious"
Our drive in screen could barely be seen from the highway on a sharp angle. We had many "soft core" "R" rated movies and later "hard core" "X" rated movies. People would pull off the highway, we had to call the police a few times because they were nearly causing accidents. Many people complained about those "adult" movies. One of my school buddies was coming home from church one night and he said as they drove past the drive in, all they could see on the screen was "a big bare ass". His dad was a deacon in the church and they weren't happy about it.
I definitely got an "education" from those movies. There was an "X" rated parody of "Jaws" called "Gums". Brooke Shields appeared nude in the movie "Pretty Baby", she was only 12 years old. (I felt sorry seeing that little naked girl being used like that). Carol Connors was a model that appeared on "The Gong Show", (I remember seeing her on that show). Not long afterwards, she did "adult" films. I was a senior in high school and I'll never forget "Candy Goes to Hollywood". There was a character in that film called "Sarah Dawcett", (she looked exactly like Farrah Fawcett). Her "talent" on "The Dong Show" was shooting ping pong balls out of her hoo haa and a guy catching them in his mouth. (you didn't see stuff like that in this small town around here very often).
Those were the days. The intro to Candy Goes to Hollywood
Sunset, remember the videos that played at Intermission? We would bail out of the car and run to the Refreshment Center. I loved the Drive In Theater! Yeah I remember the cars honking if the film broke. I think they would also turn on their bright lights, like that helps. But most of all I remember my Dad having trouble with the speaker and moving from pole to pole.
I remember when the Drive-Ins closed, and it was sad.
Katie, actually, I don't really "remember" the intermission video. When I ran the projectors, I had I think it was a 10 minute reel for intermission, but I never ran it, they told me not to. Often, our intermission would only last about 5 minutes and people would start blowing their horns. I could look out the door of the projection booth right into the snack bar and could see when there were only like 2 or 3 people left, I'd start the second movie. Might be 1 minute, might be 10 minutes, just depended on how many people came in.
Hollywood priced the drive in's out of business. They charged so much to rent their movies, they controlled ticket prices. People aren't going to pay $25 for a ticket to see a lot of the garbage they crank out. The only money the drive in's had to pay the employees and other "overhead" came from snack bar sales, Hollywood took all the ticket money. Yes, it was sad when they closed, (especially for me)
My dad said when he worked there they had pony rides on the playground. The guy that owned the place would drive south, I think the Carolina's and buy a large quantity of fireworks for the 4th of July. My mom said they used to have shows on the roof of the snack bar. I asked her who, the first one she named was Dottie West.
One of the bad things for me was my high school buddies and girls would come and sit out on blankets, I couldn't go sit with them because I had to run the movie and stay close to the projectors. I sat in my lawn chair outside the door, usually with a big cup of Sprite, and ran and watched the movies, 7 nights a week in the summer.
You know Sunset, back in the day movies that ended up at the Drive In were considered "B" movies that would never make it at the sit down theaters. I don't remember porn movies being shown at the Drive In (not to say there weren't any), but mostly junk scary films that were churned out in 2 or 3 weeks and distributed to the Drive Ins. Movies like "The Last House on the Left", "I Spit On Your Grave", "Don't Go In The House", etc. Actually one of the movies I saw at the Drive In was Fearless Vampire Killers with Sharon Tate & Roman Polanski. That movie really SUCKED! LOL.
I was watching the old TV show "Dragnet 1969" last night. This "hippy cult" up in "Oak Leaf Canyon" was stealing payroll checks. When they walked into the apartment, "Gannon" said to "Friday", "Don't inhale or you will be higher than Apollo 8" (Apollo 8 launched in late December, 1968. It went to the moon, orbited 10 times, but didn't land).
Sunset I LOVED Dragnet. Sargeant Joe Friday. He had the best delivery. I think that is who the "library cop" on Seinfeld was imitating. I also love Adam 12. I think that was a spinoff of Dragnet. They show a lot of street scenes on both shows and I swear I've seen the bicycle shop where Gibby's bike was on the day of the murders.
B&B: Taylor has been diagnosed with 'broken heart syndrome". GET OUTTA HERE!!! LOL.
Yes that is so rediculous.
Lets figure out a new subject!
Now they are going to do work on her chakra, I wish it would cure my cancer.
With Halloween just around the corner, scary movies come to mind. “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” was low-budget big-profit movie that was shown at drive-ins. Marilyn Burns was one of the [two] girls in the movie. A couple of years later she played Kasabian in the two-part TV movie Helter Skelter.
Despite having large roles in these two movies, she did not act in many more films but she did appear in a small number of horror films.
My bad thought for the day is that Sunset77 and Katie8753 team up and write a book “Death to PG, Drive-In Movies during the 1970’s”. The title is inspired by the book “Death to Pigs”.
Starviego, one thing that possibly may shed new light regarding Cielo Drive in the few nights prior to the murders are the Addendums to the First Tate Homicide Progress Report. Addendum #9 and Addendum #10 may have useful info but I have never seen a copy. O’Neill appears to reference some of this in Chaos.
But they may be a disappointment and say little. Earlier this year Cielodrive.com posted some documents that possibly may be what was contained in Addendum #3. If these documents were Addendum #3, then that was a big letdown.
Thanks Tab! The only thing I have to offer at this time is that Candice Bergen is moving back to Holy-Wood because she's bored with her new husband in New York.
Some of the movies made in the 60's and 70's that went straight to Drive In were so awful that no one with any sense could sit through it.
I ask myself how many young girls (or boys) went to Holy-Wood and thought they were gonna be a movie star. That's gotta be a million to one shot. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was probably the worst movie ever made, along with Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, 3, & 4, which was the same banality over and over and over again. Let's see, the script calls for a demented half-witted guy wearing a stupid mask wielding a chain saw. Yeah!!! LOL.
But the upside to the Drive In was fresh air, mobility & stuff to eat! The downside was crappy movies, broken speakers and broken films.
I don't like the new Google stuff going on here. You used to be able to preview your comment but that's gone now. I guess Sundar Pichai isn't fun anymore. Or was he ever?
Honestly, I'm getting kind of tired of "Dracula" movies this month, they are on every channel of TV I get. I did watch "House of Dark Shadows" all the way through for the first time the other day. I remember being scared to death of a movie I watched at the drive in sitting in my grandmothers car in 1970, I was only 9 years old, "The Dunwich Horror". It's not very well known, but it scared the hell out of me when I was a little kid.
By 1979 I was running the projectors at the drive in, Dracula had gone disco, I kind of liked Love at First Bite
Has anyone heard about Horse Teeth? Has she killed anyone else?
The movie Halloween in 1978 was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. I remember back in 1978 I was at a friend's house, and we were trying to figure out what to do that evening. I looked at the theatre ads in the paper and saw a movie called "Halloween" and said "let's go see that". I hadn't heard anything about it at all. No publicity. We went to see it and I was paralyzed from the very beginning until the end. That was the scariest movie I've ever seen. Of course all the sequels are dumb but that was a good movie. John Carpenter wrote that haunting theme music and did so many things in that movie.
After I awoke on October 31, and made a pot of coffee, I watched the movie “Halloween” as I drank coffee. While Halloween is not one of the 100 Top movies of all time, it is one of my 100 Favorite movies. The Michael character is referred to as the bogeyman by the little boy, Jamie Leigh Curtis, and Donald Pleasance. Bugliosi depicted Manson as the bogeyman.
Jamie Leigh Curtis’s mother was Janet Leigh and starred in Psycho. I watched that movie after those little things stopped ringing the bell. Psycho and Halloween are both influenced by Ed Gein.
An interesting movie from the 1980’s was “Jagged Edge”. A women is killed. She was in he nightgown, tied with rope, and there was writing in blood on the wall. LE and the DA were afraid the public would think there was another Charles Manson on the loose. There was a copycat crime and the DA, who will win at all costs, is non other than a former Digger. And did I mention horses.
Jeff Bridges, Glenn Close, Robert Loggia, Peter Coyote.
“Jaws” and “The Birds” are two scary and thrilling movies where man or a broken man is not the real monster.
Tab I had a Halloween visitor dressed like Michael Myers. Complete with the Kirk mask and green overalls. It's my opinion that Halloween was the best horror movie ever made. John Carpenter went to great lengths to make sure that that movie was believable. It was supposed to be filmed in "Haddonfield, IL", but was in fact filmed in CA. He had to spray dead leaves around to make sure it looked like fall.
I haven't figured Charles Manson out yet. He said a lot of things, but never admitted to anything.
Anyway, Jaws (Peter Benchley) and The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock) were good movies. Jagged Edge was a good movie too. I watched a movie about the Menendez Bros. today. I had already seen it, and I watched the Menendez Bros. trial in the 90's. I think they are dangerous. I don't think they should get out. My opinion. I know one of them is married and I wouldn't want him living with me.
I'm voting tomorrow. And I'm voting for Donald Trump! And I'm not scared to say that! :)
Beauders Has B&B gone nuts? Everyone does the nasty in the office. There are no rules. Carter & Hope are trying to keep it secret but hug and kiss every time they can? Is this an office or a brothel? And where is Finn?
Carter pairing up with Hope is really boring.
I just saw this. I hope the link works:
"A new Charles Manson docuseries includes a never-before-heard phone call where the infamous serial killer admits to more murders before becoming leader of the "Manson Family" cult.
The three-part Making Manson, which drops November 19 on Peacock, reveals 20 years' worth of never-before-aired conversations in which Manson, who died of natural causes in 2017, talks about his childhood, life of crime, and his time as a commune and cult leader from the late 1960s to the early 1970s."
Yeah, Charlie was a killer.
Starviego LOL. Yeah..."breaking news"!
I'm wondering if there will be a lot more media focus on Manson now that he's dead.
Katie, I thought about you last night, I was watching Dragnet again. This group of young hippies was breaking into stores stealing things. They beat up the guy at the grocery store and Friday was asking him what happened. He said they jumped him, beat him up, broke his glasses and stole items, he said "and one other thing, I could tell they needed a bath".
Later on, Friday was reading through the list of items they had stolen from several stores. Cases of beans, peas, gasoline cans, generators, cake pans, cooling trays, rifles, ammo, asparagus seeds, a whole big long list of things. Gannon said, "it sounds like they got just about everything". Friday said "not quite, and they missed their chance at the grocery store and the hardware store" Gannon said "what's that", Friday said "soap".
Sunset that's hilarious! Love me some Sargeant Friday!!
Hippies breaking in and beating people up. I wonder if that episode was filmed after August of 1969. The TV hippies used to be "peace loving flower carriers", but after August of 1969 they got meaner. LOL.
It apparently was filmed in 1968, "Dragnet 1968". A number of those episodes are eerily reminiscent of what took place later in 1969. Maybe that sort of thing was going on all over LA at that time but I don't think even Friday and Gannon could have predicted what was going to take in August 1969.
I can't remember if I published this before but here is Andy Griffith & Company playing Dueling Banjos long before it was featured in Deliverance in 1972.
Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!! :)
My comment won't post the way I want it to. In any case, that song from Deliverance was apparently first written as "Feudin Banjos" in 1955. (there is video on YouTube but my links won't post). Apparently, that song was re-written by "The Dillards", the band that played "The Darlings" on The Andy Griffith Show. One member of The Dillards is still alive (Rodney Dillard, the guitar player) and he has a Facebook page. He's a nice guy and often answers questions about the show, (including mine)--The Dillards
Thanks Sunset! "Fuedin Banjos" = "Dueling Banjos". Clever. But there's only one banjo!
Doug Dillard was the original banjo player for the Dillards. He had a “sh— eating grin” and was a very big partier. He left the Dillards and joined up with Gene Clark, one of the original Byrds, to form the “Dillard and Clark Expedition” which put out a couple of early country-rock albums. Dillard and Clark’s live performances were hurt by them commonly showing up wasted. It has been written that Doug totaled two cars as he drove to Gene Clark’s wedding. Gene Clark’s affair with Michelle Phillips led to Michelle being fired from “The Mama’s and Papa’s”.
Dean Webb, on mandolin, and Mitch Jayne, on upright bass, were original members of the Dillards along with Doug, on banjo, and Rodney Dillard, on guitar and dobro. Jayne was the storytelling frontman.
After Doug left, and was replaced, the Dillards put out a couple of early country-rock albums. Their “a cappella” version of the Beatles “Yesterday” and bluegrass version of Tim Hardin’s “Reason To Believe” are quite good.
Here's something about Doug Dillard you probably didn't know. In the late 60's and early 70's, there was a woman that made molds of celebrities genitals named Cynthia Albritton. Apparently, Doug Dillard was one of them, however, the "mold failed". The rock band KISS wrote a song about her--Plaster Caster
One other thing, I've asked Rodney about the Manson family, I think twice, they were out there involved with many of the musicians when that was going on. He's never replied to anything with the name "Manson" in it that I know of. I don't know if that means anything or not. I can't hardly believe he doesn't know "something" about what was going on. He might just not want to talk about it.
Here are "The Dillards" on "The Judy Garland Show" along with Jerry Van Dyke. I think Jerry was the brother of Dick Van Dyke and played banjo also in an episode of "The Andy Griffith Show"--The Dillards on the Judy Garland Show
Whether Rodney and the other members of the Dillards knew of Manson is hard to say, but there is a high probability that they were acquainted with the Cielo crowd.
Jim Dickson was very influential in making bluegrass popular and bringing it to LA. He produced the first 3 Dillards albums. He also produced the Byrds earliest studio album (that was released years later) and managed the Byrds when Melcher produced their first and second released albums. Chris Hillman, who was one of the original Byrds, wrote this:
“Michael and I had a good friend from our Byrds days named Charles Tacot, an older guy who ran with Dickson and a lot of the Hollywood crowd. “
When Gene Clark left the Byrds and recorded solo albums, Bill Rinehart recorded with Clark and was a member of one of Clark’s short-lived groups.
Doug Dillard joined the Byrds tour that followed the album “Sweethearts of the Rodeo”. Doug then joined Gene Clark forming Dillard and Clark.
Tacot and Rinehart were interviewed after the Cielo Drive murders.
If the Byrds met Tacot through Dickson it’s highly likely the Dillards also did. It’s also highly likely they knew Rinehart.
You guys are great!!! Love reading your comments! Y'all are so knowledgeable about all this stuff! I posted this a while ago, proving that Manson was just a thief when it came to claiming to writing songs.
Michelle Philips couldn't hold her legs together. She was a punk. I think she was after Roman Polanski at the party they had in February of 1969 when they moved into Cielo Drive.
I'm watching Deliverance tonight on DVD. I have so many questions about that movie. I'll post them tomorrow cuz I'm tired now.
I do think that the Dillards knew about Manson.
Rodney Dillard just yesterday posted a photo of Neil Young holding a guitar that was loaned to him by "The Dillards" so he could audition with "Buffalo Springfield" for the "Whiskey-A-Go-Go". Neil Young was a well known friend of Manson, I think he gave him a motorcycle. Manson girl "Capistrano" (Catherine Gillies) said the "Buffalo Springfield" was her favorite band.
I happened to look yesterday, the date Doug Dillard posed for Cynthia "Plaster Caster", was July 27, 1969. That would have been about 11 days before "TLB". I looked, but I couldn't find video of Neil Young or "The Buffalo Springfield" playing at "The Whiskey".
It would almost be impossible for Rodney not to have some strong feelings about Manson. I'm not going to ask again though. I posted a "kind of stupid" comment on there yesterday, but he still gave me a "thumbs up".
Someone else posted more photos of Neil Young holding the Dillard guitar, with Buffalo Springfield. Rodney was the guitar played for the Dillards, so that might have been his guitar Neil Young is holding. I don't know if this link will work, you have to zoom in-- Neil Young with Buffalo Springfield
I LOVE the Dillards/Darlin's! Dig it! It must be easy to play the bass fiddle. Doesn't look hard except it doesn't seem to have frets.
I've got some dirt on Andy Griffith if anyone wants to hear it. LOL.
Katie, it's harder to play bass than you might imagine. I played electric bass in the college jazz band. I was not very good, the only reason they kept me was because I had a good bass and amp. That upright bass is fretless, mine had frets. I love to get my bass out sometimes and play along with records. I saw "The Go Go's" live in 1983. They are still going now about like they were then. Belinda Carlisle has a Facebook page, her travel schedule is unreal, (she's older than I am) and it's all I can do to get out of bed and tie my shoes. She's in London one day, Phoenix the next day, Mexico City the next day, etc. I didn't have YouTube videos to copy bass lines from when I was in college--Our Lips are Sealed bass cover
Katie, if the "dirt" about Andy Griffith is about his affair with Aneta Corsaut, it's pretty much well known. At least one source said he would "meet" with her in her trailer nearly every day. The Dillards were only in a few episodes and I don't think they knew as much or even knew about it. Rodney has never mentioned or talked about that on his Facebook that I know of. There were many rumors and odd things on that show. Floyd had a stroke, Goober complained about something, Aunt Bea apparently wouldn't even talk to the other cast members. I've probably watched every episode 50 times over the years.
Thanks Sunset. The dirt I have on Andy is his terrible temper. I watched a documentary about him a few months ago. Evidently the entire cast & crew was terrified of him. Once they were having a cast party on the set and Andy got mad about something and grabbed the tablecloth and ripped everything off on the floor. He evidently used to beat his wife up too. Once they were arguing and he had her up against the wall and raised his fist to punch her in the face and she dodged it and he broke his hand on the wall. The narrator on the documentary said that Andy had to wear a cast on his right hand for a few episodes because his fingers were broken, and they explained it away saying he got hurt doing something. A few nights later I saw one of those episodes and he was wearing a bandage on his hand. So I know that part's true. That floored me! The Andy character is so easy going and likeable with that big ole toothy grin!!! And yes they mentioned that Aunt Bea didn't like Andy at all.
Katie, your mention of bass fiddles brought back a memory. I have many stories of playing electric bass in the college jazz band, all of them are bad, except for one. There was going to be a talent show. One of my buddies was a music major, he was a very good keyboardist, had his own synthesizer, and was a little bit weird. He needed a bass player and a drummer, he had apparently memorized a fairly popular song of that time, and being in talent shows etc. was how music majors got extra credit and "A's" in classes.
So the afternoon of the talent show we decided to practice, I'd never even heard the song, we played it about halfway through and decided "good enough". About 4 hours later I'm standing on the stage with my bass guitar I didn't really know how to play, I'd guess there were maybe 500 people out in the audience, (maybe 1,000, I couldn't see the audience, it was dark out where there were and lights were in my eyes on the stage).
Our version of the song sounded exactly like the more popular version, it came out perfect. The synthesizer guy didn't miss a note, I played my 7 note bass line over and over and over, the drummer did his thing. We easily won first place, for about 2 hours after the show, I was a rock star.
This is the more popular version-- Ladies and Gentlemen. . . Emerson, Lake, and PALMAH!!
This thread is six months old. Just saying.
Sorry, Starviego, the blog is getting a little bit "ragged". It's been so long since I created new posts on here, I don't even remember how. I don't really know of anything "new". I looked yesterday to see if I could find out where Leslie Van Houten is, I couldn't. She might still be in a halfway house and not allowed free access to the internet, or even know how to connect.
Apparently, a documentary came out last month on Peacock streaming service called "Making Manson". Apparently, a guy was friends with Manson while he was in prison, made telephone calls to him, and recorded them. Apparently, the audio is supposedly "new". I haven't seen it, just clips, Manson says he killed people in Mexico etc., probably just prison blab. You hear that kind of stuff all day long in prison. I think Dianne Lake and Catherine Share are interviewed for it. It sounds to me pretty much like the same old rehashed stuff. Making Manson
Today is December 7th. The anniversary that Japan deliberately made an unprovoked and dastardly attack on our American Naval Base in Pearl Harbor. I haven't heard anyone talk about it today, but I will talk about it. It is a day of infamy!
Horse teeth is probably laying low. She must be living off someone. She doesn't have any money. Unless she hid it somewhere and later dug it up. LOL. Who would house her? Whoever does should sleep with one eye open.
Billy Joel: It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday and the manger gives me a smile. Cuz he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see to forget about life for a while.
And the piano sounds like a CARNIVAL, and the microphone smells like a beer. And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say man what are you doin' here?
Oh and by the way, Carter taking over Forrester is just STUPID! That's not even a legal loophole. It's fraud and criminal activity. Carter could end up in jail.
These soap operas are nuts. Why do I watch them? I can't answer that.
I am enjoying Ridge and Steffie being taken down a peg, they are so arrogant.
Beauders, LOL. I can't wait for Ridge and Carter to come to blows. I think Carter would win. Meanwhile, Dollar Bill is getting soft and believing Luna's crap? This is getting interesting...
Well it looks like the Menendez Brothers might get a second chance to get out. Netflix released a docu-series about their heinous crime and a lot of people decided they must be freed.
Guilty or Innocent? Discuss!!!
Maybe Tex will get a Netflix about him! LOL.
The only known interview of CHP Officer Wills (not Willis, as reported by Bugliosi) is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mroq0jObfrk
Two things stand out: "I was going northbound.. southbound on Interstate 5 just south of San Clemente..." Whether the traffic stop happened in the northbound or southbound lanes is a crucial question; if it happened in the northbound lanes it would radically alter the timeline, allowing Manson to be back in LA the evening of Aug 7, 1969. Unfortunately we get no clarity here.
Secondly: According to the LA Sheriff's Office, via Officer Wills, "The same van was given a parking ticket in LA and he claims to have been in San Francisco that night and he couldn't have been if you gave him a ticket and then that same van was given a parking ticket about 10 o'clock that night, and so.. that's one of the things that they used to break his .. his saying he was in San Francisco..."
Where and when was Charlie given this previously unmentioned parking ticket? It sounds like it was up in LA somewhere, and it was issued the late evening of the 7th of Aug, 1969. This is yet more evidence that Charlie was back up in LA on the 7th, and not the 8th, as Bugliosi claimed. The exact address where the parking ticket was issued is also relevant. I wounder if it was in the vicinity of Cielo Dr.? Is that why we've never heard of this parking ticket before?
Besides the northbound-southbound confusion, Wills doesn’t mention a dog being present. Schram picked up her clothes, guitar and dog. If Wills had mentioned a dog being present, then they were likely heading back to Spahn.
Good point. Though nowhere does Schram mention she actually picked up her dog in San Diego.
So what are we arguing about here, whether Manson was at (or near) Cielo Dr. on Aug 7, or Aug 8? I've never seen any evidence that he was, only speculation and in some cases wild speculation. I just listened to the YouTube interview with CHP Wills.
"The only realistic scenario is that Bugliosi could not have entered this evidence without revealing the source, which might refer to the house being under surveillance before the murders, as Doris Tate claimed." Who did Doris Tate think was surveilling the house, the police, Manson followers? There has never been any evidence of that that I know of.
"Tex claimed he saw Charlie at Spahn the next morning, on Aug 8." While I don't think either Manson or Watson ever said as much, my "wild speculation" is that is when Manson told Watson what to do at the Tate murders. I suspect Manson gave Watson a very strict set of instructions of what to do. It seems to me, Atkins (and maybe Krenwinkel and Kasabian both) said Manson told them "do what "Tex" says", indicating Manson had a very good idea what "Tex" was going to do.
Personally, I think that's when a great deal of the planning was made between Watson and Manson. Watson walked up the hill with a "line" (rope) over his shoulder, it's my opinion what he was going to do with that rope was planned. There were wire cutters in the car, that was planned. Each girl had a knife, that was planned. The fact they didn't search the guest house and kill Garretson indicates they were told to ONLY kill the people in the main house. They had extra clothes to change into afterwards, that was almost certainly planned. My suspicion, although it's never really came to light, is this planning took place between Watson and Manson on Aug. 8.
It seems to me, Nancy Pittman said she and Manson were waiting on the porch of Spahn when Watson and the girls returned from the murders. That indicates Manson knew what was supposed to happen and he was waiting there to hear "what happened".
In all the time I've followed this case, I've never seen or heard any credible evidence Manson was at or near Cielo Drive on August 7 or 8, (other than Spahn Ranch). (just my opinion).
Starviego said:
“Good point. Though nowhere does Schram mention she actually picked up her dog in San Diego.”
In the docuseries, “Helter Skelter: An American Myth”, episode 1 “Charles Manson is Your Brother”, at roughly 49:50, Schram says:
“When we met at the gas station, I said,
“If I go to Big Sur with you, will you take me to San Diego to get my things? And he promised he would. And he did.
We spent a couple of hours with my sister and Charlie and my sister’s boyfriend, and I don’t think they were happy. They were on the outside looking in, and I don’t think they were real glad that I was going with him, but nevertheless, I was.
So basically , I didn’t take much.
A few clothes, my dog, and my guitar.”
Watson trial Vol8017, page 4537:
Mr. Bugliosi: I have a stipulation. May it be stipulated that Officer Richard C. Wills of the California Highway Patrol be deemed to have been called by the People in court, was duly sworn and testified as follows:
That on August the 7th, 1969, at approximately 6:15 p.m., he gave a traffic ticket to Charles Manson while Manson was driving southbound near Oceanside, California, and that Mr. Manson was driving a 1952 Ford baker van, plain colored?
So stipulated?
Mr. Bubrick: Yes, I will so stipulate.
Previously Schram answered some leading questions on page 4536.
Q: Well how about the dates of the 7th and 8th?
I know you got the ticket the night of August the 7th in Oceanside —
A: Right.
Q: — and you spent the night in the San Diego area before you came back?
A: Right.
Lis Wiehl is the author of the book, “Hunting Charles Manson”.
Page 120:
“Sharmagne Leland-St. John-Sylbert, who was one of Jay Sebring’s girlfriends, wasn’t impressed by Charlie or his musical abilities. She first heard him play in a tall office building at 9000 Sunset Boulevard, which housed some of the most influential music firms of the 1960s and ‘70s. Her boss, Jim Dickson, manager of the Byrds, had an office there, down the hall from Beach Boys manager, Nick Grillo.
On her way to work one morning, Sharmagne passed Charlie in the hallway. His hair was stringy and dirty, he was sitting barefoot and crosslegged in jeans on the floor, playing an acoustic guitar outside Grillo’s door. …
When she headed to the bathroom a few minutes later, she thought he was gone. But as she tried to get into the bathroom, she felt the door pushing towards her. He came out, saying nothing as he walked by.
Inside, she was shocked to see words scrawled in lipstick on the light colored tile wall, sexually explicit and demeaning to a woman involved with Byrds member Chris Hillman.”
So Charlie went into the Ladie's Room before it was considered politically correct. Another glass ceiling broken!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
I feel as I should at least mention the fires in LA as they are so horrible. Many of my Facebook friends are effected by them. One of them is Lynn Carey, her father was actor Macdonald Carey. I'm not even sure how I ran across her on Facebook, she's older now, in fairly poor health. She changed her profile photo last night to a bunch fire, I don't even know if she is safe. Nearly all the celebrities I know of on Facebook are talking about the fires.
Macdonald Carey played "Tom Horton" on the NBC soap "Days of our Lives" for almost 3 decades plus he was in many movies with many other famous stars. Lynn has photos on her page when she was a child with many movie stars. I came to find out after several years, Lynn's photos, in 1972, had been in and on the cover of Penthouse Magazine
.... singer Lynn Carey provides the singing voice for Kelly MacNamara in the film(Beyond the Valley of the Dolls) and reveals in the interview that she was dating Manson victim Jay Sebring and was invited to Sharon Tate’s house on the night of the infamous murders but luckily didn’t go....
Thanx for that Starviego. Although I've followed Lynn Carey on Facebook for years I barely know her. (She did post a couple of times yesterday so I assume she is "OK"). Many of her posts over the last year have been very sad, she is pretty poor health with medical issues. I think she said her fire alarm went off for several days, she couldn't get it to stop herself and she couldn't get anyone to turn it off for her.
I couldn't get your link to work, I don't think you posted quite all of it. (they can be tricky). I had no idea she was involved with Jay Sebring. I've learned not to ask people about TLB on Facebook, they won't talk about it. She was apparently in a band called "Mama Lion", I'd never heard of it. Lynn Carey in Mama Lion
link works for me...
Those fires are terrible. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to leave your home and wonder if it's still gonna be there when you get back. And where would you go? That whole area's on fire. Somebody dropped the ball on that one. I wonder if Sharon's or Jay's houses were affected by the fire.
Jay seemed to have a million girlfriends. Wonder why he was still mooning over Sharon.
Hey Katie I was right, next time on B&B we are going are going to learn Jack is Loony Luna's, father. I've been saying this for two years and finally they caught up with me. Cat Fights galore.
BEAUDERS!!! I watched the preview for next week and it showed that Jack was Luna's Daddy. I thought about you when I saw that. RIGHT ON!!!
Speaking of Luna, why would Bill care about her and get her out of prison to live at his house? That didn't make any sense to me. Plus she seems to be zooming in on Will.
I'm sick of the Ridge/Taylor crap. In fact, you'd have to pay me a lot of money to kiss that guy. He looks like a grizzled old ape! LOL.
Well Katie, the truth has finally come out, this hopefully will be a great storyline.
Or is Finn the daddy...
Isn't Finn Poppy's nephew? That would be gross. Another thing that's gross is that perfume lady. She's creepy!!
Yes Katie perfume lady is creepy. She looks like she wamts to have sex with everyone in the cast. I wonder what her real life like. I am right the writers are going to make Finn to be the daddy. They could have gone on a sex abuse case but they are making the sex consensual.
That perfume lady just floats around and smells like perfume that makes people stop in their tracks. LOL. She doesn't even talk much.
If Finn & Poppy "did it" that's disgusting. She's gotta me twice his age and she IS his aunt, even if he's adopted. She's the sister of his adoptive mother. She oughta be in jail with Luna. And when did Bill get so soft? He used to be a tough guy. Now he just sits around and complains about his mother!
Has anyone heard of the "Zizian" cult? Apparently, they were wanted for up to 5 murders, they may have began in San Francisco. I've followed them for a few days, they apparently caught the leader Jack LaSota in Frostburg Maryland. Apparently, he's a "transgender". Anyway, I think he's in the Allegany County Detention center about 10 miles down the road from me. This is just now happening so I don't have all the details yet. Apparently, a dude in Frostburg saw 2 white box trucks on his property and the people in them asked to stay for a month. He thought they were suspicious and called the cops. Ziz
Sunset I heard about that but I don't know much about it. Is that in PA?
No Katie, it's in Allegany County, Maryland. (there is an Allegheny County PA not too far away, different spelling.)
As best I know, Jack LaSota has not been extradited anywhere yet. There might not be enough evidence to connect him/her to a particular murder. As best I know, he/she is still sitting in the jail about 10 miles down the road from me, possibly along with 2 others. I don't know if he/she is in the male part or the female part of the jail, it is Maryland, and it's hard to say what they do.
I do know that when I was in the old jail, the first thing they made me do was get a shower. I could hear the guards talking, "if he tucks it (penis) up between his legs, we'll have her pull it out for him". When I got out of the shower, there was a woman standing there smiling, I don't know if she was a nurse or a jail guard, I don't think she was wearing a uniform. Anyway, they put me in the male part of the jail.
Here's another article about Ziz
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