Sunday, September 17, 2017

Legal Mumbo Jumbo

I'll never understand law or lawyers.

The DA and Judge both agreed/determined that "Van Houten cannot obtain evidence after her conviction, because she does not face a sentence of death or life without parole".

Okay cool.
If that's "the law", then that's the law.
Game over.
Case closed.

But what confuses me, is this:

Richard Pfeiffer is a lawyer.
It's safe to assume, that Pfeiffer knows the law (just like the DA and Judge).


Why would Pfeiffer even bother trying to get the tapes released, when he knows darn well, what the law states? He certainly must know, that Leslie is not entitled to the tapes (because she does not face a sentence of life or life without parole).

Restated another way:

If the law clearly states, "Van Houten cannot obtain evidence after her conviction because she does not face a sentence of death or life without parole", then WHY THE HELL did Pfeiffer even bother petitioning for the tapes (in the first place)???

Are lawyers like Pfeieffer just trying to "slip one by" the DA and Judge?

Was Pfeiffer just hoping that the DA and Judge wouldn't know, or look-up the applicable laws???

Dilligaf described Pfeiffer's petition (for the Tex Tapes), as a "Hail Mary". 

Jeez. I guess so...

It seems to me, if "the Law" was against Pfeiffer from the very start (and he knew it), then it was more of a "complete waste of everyone's time", than a "Hail Mary". LOL

Am I missing something?

In retrospect, the whole thing seems like a stupid exercise in futility to me.


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Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

Can i ask why you let Mario spam this blog with bullshit about him knowing inside ingo to these cases and then never coming out with it and thrn i get blamed for calling him out for it? At least Grim has some knowledge and interesting opinions about the case, Mario sounds like a guy who got internet access from the state mental hospital

grimtraveller said...

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

Can i ask why you let Mario spam this blog with bullshit about him knowing inside ingo to these cases and then never coming out with it and thrn i get blamed for calling him out for it?

The thing is, you don't call him out on it, you call him mentally ill. Having mental health issues does not automatically invalidate a person's observations, even if that were the case with Mario.
I've asked Mario a few times to cut to the chase and explain his mysteriously cryptic utterances and I explained to him that people will get short with him because to put it in 70s soccer parlance, the fans want action, not waffle !
The issue isn't you calling him out, by all means do that. We all get called out now and then. It's healthy. It's the way you approach him. Ask yourself this; do you really think you'll ever get any co~operation from someone you continually try to belittle ?
You've got a good sense of humour, some of the things you say are actually genuinely funny. There's tons you could have said to Mario without denigrating his mental health.
As for whether or not I think he's sane, at this present moment, I have no reason to think otherwise. I don't know him. He writes cryptically most of the time and until he's a little more forthcoming, there's not much he can add for me. Maybe it would've helped if I was into the whole OJ thing but my interest in that case never stretched, even though the trial was on TV here. I can't remember a trial actually being on TV before that.

katie8753 said...

Susan I agree with Grim on this one. I can't understand what Mario is trying to talk about sometimes, but I've never considered him mentally ill, and I sure wouldn't call him any names. He's always been a very polite & pleasant blogger and for that he deserves more consideration than that.

I also don't care if he wants to discuss the OJ Simpson case. If anyone else is interested they can have a conversation about that case for a while. There aren't any signs around here that say we can only talk about TLB.

Susan you are a lot of fun to blog with. You have an extensive knowledge not only of TLB, but also of a lot of crime cases and other topics other than TLB and it's fun to talk about that. You just need to knock off the "rough stuff".

I think we can all have a good time "agreeing to disagree" sometimes!

Unknown said...


Thank You Both.

The way I comment and blog?
It is for Legal reasons and Safety ressons. Once in a while I may get humorous, but having people connections in
The Charles Manson Case & Saga is Serious.......and also that includes my personal involvement in
The OJ Simpson Case & Saga....Serious.

Thanks again to you both.

Mario George Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case

katie8753 said...

Oh Mario, you're welcome Sugar!! Maybe someday I'll understand what you're talking about. Til then, keep on trucking!!! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Ms. katie8753

Mario George Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

Ive asked the guy a million times to just come out and tell people what he supposedly knows and nothing ever comes, im sorry but the guy is full of shit and at this point its just babbling, i dont understand what the problem is, is he scared of dome type of retribution for letting the info out? The case is 50 years old, no one but us on these TLB blogs even cares

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

Mario, the case is half a damn century old, the people involved thst are still involved start their days by putting in their dentures, adult diapers and drinking Geritol, you have no reason to be concerned with your safety

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

Still alive not still involved

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ms Katie8753
Ms beauders

You have a great blog here.
So you both know, I have been called MANY derogative names over the years. Certain people on The Internet I WILL NOT respond to.
Thanks to you both for understanding.

Mario George Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case

katie8753 said...

Ahhh Mario, the internet can be a bad place. You gotta roll with the punches!


katie8753 said...

Susan said:

Ive asked the guy a million times to just come out and tell people what he supposedly knows and nothing ever comes, im sorry but the guy is full of shit and at this point its just babbling, i dont understand what the problem is, is he scared of dome type of retribution for letting the info out? The case is 50 years old, no one but us on these TLB blogs even cares

So what do you care? Is it interrupting your life that Mario doesn't disclose what he says he knows? Maybe he doesn't know anything and he's yanking your chain! Schreck does the same thing and it doesn't seem to make you pee in your Post Toasties!

Get a grip!

katie8753 said...

Plus Schreck wants to charge you $85 for stuff he doesn't know. Stop picking on Mario!

Unknown said...

Oh Ms katie8753
Our (My) Generation....The Who.

Peace to you also Ms katie8753

Mario George Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

Thats because Schreck has actually interviewed people in the case and has an atual relationship with Manson having interviewed him countlass times, he has a well thought out theory and backs it up with facts

katie8753 said...

Backs it up with facts????

I thought we went over this. The victims at Cielo all died around the same time. It's forensic science. His theory that Voytek & Gibby died hours later is BOGUS!

Susanatkinsgonorhhea said...

With the exception of two things, Frykowski and Folger dying later and FBI surveillance of Cielo

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