Hi , I hope you're well :). My name is Barbara Gonzalez and I'm a 21 year old, Venezuelan girl. I really have a deep love for Jay Sebring and Sharon Tate .
I have an account on instagram about Jay. The name of my page is Jay_sebring_love. Every day I upload some photos, articles and interesting quotes about Jay. My intention in creating that account, is to maintain the legacy of Jay's life, and let the world know how wonderful he was. If you want to, follow me on instagram please. :)
This is the link
Can you please put this information on your blog in Honor of Jay please??
Many thanks before hand 😊
Kind Regards, Barbara
This looks like something Venus would enjoy...
ReplyDeleteShe already does, lolol
ReplyDeleteBarbara is a wonderful person and has found some rare pix and articles! Her site is well-done!
Great Stuff! Thanks Barbara!
ReplyDeleteBarbara said...
ReplyDeleteMy intention in creating that account, is to maintain the legacy of Jay's life, and let the world know how wonderful he was
Was he wonderful ? Do we know this for a fact ? How can we know this ?
There's a picture of young Jay in the Navy, and also pics of Gibby & Voytek that I haven't seen before. Good stuff!!
ReplyDeleteI was good friends with a woman who was an actress back in the early to mid 60s and she spoke glowingly of Jay Sebring. I got the impression that he was well liked.
ReplyDeleteGrim, how do you know he wasn't?
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong for someone to want to remember only the good in a deceased person? Let me answer for you, no, it isn't. People do it everyday so why do you feel the need to challenge? Shit.....
Stormy!! Dill!! :)
ReplyDeleteDilligaf said...
ReplyDeleteGrim, how do you know he wasn't ?
I don't. We can't possibly know one way or the other because I don't see how such a statement can be quantified. We present such different sides of ourselves to different people.
Is it wrong for someone to want to remember only the good in a deceased person ?
Wrong ? Not at all. For me, it lessens his value as a person however, because it leaves me with an unreal view of the person. There's a difference between pointing out and honouring the good things a person did while they were alive and stating that they were good/wonderful, especially when one did not know that person.
Let me answer for you
Doesn't that then make yours a question that contains it's own reply ?
People do it everyday so why do you feel the need to challenge?
I don't feel a need to challenge. However, I will ask the question.
I'm realistic about human beings. Not being wonderful in no way devalues us as people. It doesn't mean we don't matter and it in no way implies, speaking specifically about Jay Sebring, that he was awful. Because if someone had said that about him, I would have posed exactly the same questions.
As a keen reader of biographies and watcher of documentaries that often have a biographical slant, I've been struck for decades how often one sided pictures of a person emerge, either how great they were or what devious snakes they were or how passive they were or aggressive or mean or whatever. But the best ones always give a balanced perspective.
I remember when my Dad died and I was called to say something at his funeral. Now, for much of my 38 years at the time, my Dad and I didn't get on and quite a few of our friends and relatives had been aware of this for years. But we'd buried the hatchet {not in each other !} for the last 12 years. I didn't want to get up and tell everyone how fantastic he was because he wasn't. Neither did I want to get up and lambast him as a nasty piece of work because he wasn't. At different times, he could be either. I didn't want to paint him as something in total {be it great or horrible} that he wasn't. The package that he was meant a heck of a lot to me so I was just honest about it and told the crowd words to the effect that he had beautiful sides to him and sides that I wouldn't wish anyone to have experienced but that despite some of the aspects of him that we could have all done without, there has never been another bloke on earth that I would have wished to be my Dad. And I meant it. It's the reality of what a person is in total that makes them what they are and partly accounts for our feelings towards them.
You know, I'd have no qualms if someone said "to me, he's wonderful." Can't argue with that, because it's that person's opinion and one can then ask the person to back up their assertion if they so desire. A flat statement that can't be questioned strikes me as a somewhat worrying thing.
I expected flak for posing such questions.
Grim, if a young woman wants to pay tribute to Jay Sebring, for whatever reason, she has the absolute right to do so. And she isn't obligated in ANY way to give you ANY reason why.
ReplyDeleteIt's her right to do so. If you don't agree, you have the right to say why you don't agree. But you don't have the right to ask her to explain her feelings to you and explain why she feels that way.
Hello, really thank you for put the information here about my Instagram account in honor of Jay LynyrdSkynyrdBand :) Grim I respect you views but I consider this: Jay made wonderful in career and his life, people shared with him in life , have an opinion extraordinary, about him ; considered as gentleman, good person, sweet, and until his last time fight and died by sweet Sharon the truth love of him , He was a really Hero . there are people have cult and tribute to people that in it life were cruel and that not left any type of legacy , so forgive me I consider Jay WONDERFUL !!! and I love share photos, videos on Jay for the people of all the world to keep his legacy alive, like me , there are many people that it love and admired Jay life
ReplyDeleteBut again tell Grim I respect you opinion
Hey Barbara do you like Jay's house? I do!
ReplyDeleteHi Barbara!
ReplyDeleteThank You for visiting the blog!
barbara gonzalez said...
ReplyDeletethank you for put the information here about my Instagram account in honor of Jay
I think that's a good thing too. Lynyrd's good that way, he encourages a wide range of views, which is encouraging in itself.
Grim I respect you views
I respect your views too Barbara and I respect your freedom to have the views that you hold. If I disagree with or question someone's view, it doesn't mean I'm attacking the person. Sometimes a question may be asked because the person asking wants to see what other people think of the subject. That's the beauty of discussion and debate.
but I consider this: Jay made wonderful in career and his life, people shared with him in life, have an opinion extraordinary, about him ; considered as gentleman, good person, sweet, and until his last time fight and died by sweet Sharon the truth love of him , He was a really Hero
I don't disagree with any of that. In fact, if what some of the Cielo murderers have said is true {and unlike many contributors over the years, I do place importance in what they've said even though some of the stories have evolved}, his final actions on this earth were that of trying to protect his close friend.
However, that's not the entire picture of his life. There is a body of research that points in that direction. I wasn't trying to dirty his name, but for me, part of admiring a person means accepting them in their whole state ~ especially when they're dead.
I remember back in 2012, a close friend of mine died and when I would get together with mutual friends, we remembered him as he was, warts and all. We didn't change the things we would say while he was alive just because he was dead. But neither did we use the fact that he was dead as a reason to pour out stories about some of his dark side. I noticed quite a few websites in honour of my mate and I felt they were unbalanced and incomplete because they made my friend seem flawless when I knew otherwise.
there are people have cult and tribute to people that in it life were cruel and that not left any type of legacy
But if those people {who may or may not have led cults} whose lives were cruel have inspired cults or tributes, then obviously someone
has seen something in those people that most of us don't see. Some vile, murderous dictators were nonetheless loved by many. Similarly, some heroes had serious flaws that often get airbrushed out of tellings of their stories.
Hey, in part I agree with you, sometimes I have to wonder at some of the people that are given honour and praise. And with the internet being the way it is and people being what we are, it seems that what a "legacy" means really is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I conclude that a legacy is neither exclusively positive or negative. It can be either.
so forgive me I consider Jay WONDERFUL !!!
And so you should. I don't think a person should be embarrassed or ashamed if they think someone is wonderful and others don't. Quite the opposite actually. I just think that there just may be others that see a different side and what they see may be equally valid.
and I love share photos, videos on Jay for the people of all the world to keep his legacy alive, like me, there are many people that it love and admired Jay life
You go, girl ! More power to you.
katie8753 said...
ReplyDeleteif a young woman wants to pay tribute to Jay Sebring, for whatever reason, she has the absolute right to do so
She does and she has. I don't recall questioning that.
And she isn't obligated in ANY way to give you ANY reason why
I agree with that. Obligation seems such a heavy word.
It's her right to do so
I agree.
If you don't agree, you have the right to say why you don't agree
Well, I agree with that too. So far, so good. Our dance steps are pretty much in sync.
But you don't have the right to ask her to explain her feelings to you and explain why she feels that way
Well, I guess we see public forums very differently then. I don't have the "right" to insult someone, call people names or impune their intelligence just because they hold different views to mine.
But I think I do have the right, just by the nature of being on a public forum, to ask someone why they hold the view[s] they do and how they arrived at that view[s]. The person being asked is under no obligation to answer, I agree, and sometimes, people who are asked questions don't answer. But surely anyone has the freedom to ask a question about a view that someone has put forth. Otherwise I can't see the point in taking part in a blog/forum that is open to the public. I would have thought that one of the things that helps to keep a blog alive and vibrant is the exchange of thoughts, questions and views and the wide ranging discussions that these exchanges give rise to.
Diligaf questioned my initial questions. I expected a measure of resistance and thought long and hard before posing the questions. However, for all we know, Dil may be opening the door to some illuminating debate by putting things the way he did and I'm up for that. There are pretty much always deeper foundations beneath the the points that get raised and I sometimes enjoy exploring them.
There again, maybe no one is interested in whether someone deemed to be wonderful actually was or not and it will end here.
If you like someone, are you afraid that shining a light into their life is somehow going to reflect on you and your choice of whom you like ?
If you like someone, are you afraid that shining a light into their life is somehow going to reflect on you and your choice of whom you like ?
ReplyDeleteGrim, vay' Heghpu' nuv rur SoH DaSov'a'?
My Klingon is a little rusty. Do you speak Bo'chi ? ☺
ReplyDeleteBarbara, thanks for sharing your site with us. It's amazing! Keep up the good work! :)
ReplyDeleteYou´re welcome katie8753 :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing collection!
ReplyDeleteHas to be every photo ever taken of Jay.