the matter of the Life
Parole Consideration
CDC Number B-37999
27, 2006
BRYSON, Presiding Commissioner
CATER, Deputy Commissioner
SEQUEIRA, Deputy District Attorney
KINDEL, Board of Parole Hearings
TATE, Victim's sister
WEISS, Victim Escort
RIGGS, KCRA, Channel 3, Reporter
BREEDLOVE, KCRA Television, Sacramento, Camera man
Donaldson, House of Scribes
from the hearing. Watson did not attend by his own choice.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON. This is the Thirteenth Subsequent Parole Consideration
Hearing for Charles Watson, WATSON, CDC Number B boy, 37999. Today's date is
November 27'", 2006 and the time is 1404. Were located at Mule Creek State
Prison. Inmate Watson was received into the California Department of
Corrections, C.D.C., on November 17, 1971 from Los Angeles County, Case No. A,
Adam, 253156, subsequent to a conviction of seven counts of Penal Code 187,
murder in the first degree, and one count of Penal Code 187 -- correction
182.1/187, conspiracy -- excuse me -- to commit murder. The weapons, at least
one firearm, and several knives, were used in the commission of these crimes.
Mr. Watson was originally sentenced to death with the sentence on the
conspiracy to commit murder charge stayed pending the determination of any
appeal of the other counts. Per the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District,
decision filed March 20'", 1973, the sentence of death was reduced to life
and the sentence on the conspiracy to commit murder charge was imposed, all
charges to be served concurrent. And the life charge is that on life. This
hearing ie being recorded. For the purpose of voice identification, each of us
will state our first and last names, spelling the last name. I will start and
then go to my left. Commissioner Sandra
Bryson, B-R-Y-S-O-N, Board of Parole Hearings.
COMMISSIONER CATER: Kenneth Cater, C-AT-E-R, Deputy Commissioner, Board of
Parole Hearings.
TATE: Deborah Tate, T-A-T-E, victim's sister.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Patrick Sequeira, Deputy District Attorney, County
of Los Angeles. That's spelled S-E-Q-U-E-I-R-A.
WEISS: Jean Weiss, W-E-I-S-S, victim escort, Mill Creek State Prison.
KINDEL: Kit Kindel, K-I-N-D-E-L, Board of Parole Hearings.
RIGGS: Kevin Riggs, R-I-G-G-S, KCRA Television, Sacramento.
CABRERA: John Breedlove, J-O-H-N B-R-EE-D-L-O-V-E, KCRA TV, Sacramento.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you, and I notice for the record that we have a
correctional peace officer in the room who is here for security purposes. I
also note that this inmate has elected to waive his presence here today and
also to waive representation. And he has signed B.P.T. Form 1003, the attorney
waiver. He signed that on August 8th of 2006. He also signed B.P.T. Form
1001(a) waiving his appearance and his right to attend the hearing. He signed
the form in stating: "I understand I am scheduled for the Board of Prison
Terms hearing. I do not wish to attend my Board hearing and do not wish to be
represented at the hearing. The hearing will be held in my absence."
this document was signed on July 27th of 2006. I also note for the record and
in the inmate's behalf that he signed on June 9th of 2006 B.P.T. Form 1073,
indicating that, in fact, he has no disabilities identified and he does not --
did not need any help for his parole hearing, indicating that he understands
plain simple English, and he has no A.D.A. issues. He also has a high school
diploma. And that was subsequently signed in confirmation by Mill Creek staff.
And so we will proceed in absencia. And first, Commissioner Cater, is there
anything confidential in the file, any confidential material, and if so, will
it be used today?
COMMISSIONER CATER: There is confidential information within the C File.
However, it appears to be limited to numerous letters of opposition. I trust
they will be reviewed and considered as appropriate. But they are deemed
confidential, I believe, because they identify not just the sender, but their
address. Beyond that, there's nothing relevant to today's decision making.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. And District Attorney to ensure we're all
proceeding with the same set of documents. And does the District Attorney have
all the documents?
DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Yes. I've received all the documents on the
checklist. Thank you.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. I will then proceed to read the facts of the
crime into the record from the Court of Appeals, State of
Second Appellate District Division 5.
This is People v. Charles Watson, filed March 20th of 1973. Beginning on
page three, as to the facts.
light of the nature of the contentions raised by the defendant, it is not
necessary to discuss all the gruesome details of the wanton and indiscriminate
killings of the seven victims. Five of the murders occurred on the night of
August 8th to the 9th, 1969. The victims of these murders were Abigail Folger.
That's F-O-L-G-E-R, and the second victim, Wojiciech, W-O-J-I-C-I-E-C-H, last
name, F-R-YK-O-W-S-K-I. Third victim, Steven Parent, P-AR-E-N-T. Fourth
victim, Sharon Marie Polanski, P-O-L-A-N-S-K-I. Fifth victim, Thomas Sebring,
S-E-B-R-I-N-G. Throughout the People's briefs, the killing of these individuals
have been referred to as the Tate murders. Footnote 1, the stage name of Sharon
Marie Polanski was Sharon Tate. Returning to text and we will so refer to them.
The other two murders occurred on the following night. That would be Counts 6
and 7. The victims were Leno, L-E-N-0, and Rosemary LaBianca, that's
L-A-B-I-A-N-C-A. To distinguish these killings were necessary from the others,
we will refer to them as the, quotes, LaBianca, end quotes, murders. The Tate
murders occurred when Watson and a number of female followers of Manson were
sent by the latter to murder the occupants of the house in which they were
found. Footnote 2. One of the victims, Steven Parent, had the misfortune to
have been visiting a friend of the estate where the murders occurred. According
to Kasabian's - - that's K-A-S-A-B-I-A-N's testimony -- this victim was in his
car leaving the property when Watson shot him in the head four times. The
coroner testified that five gunshot wounds were inflicted on Mr. Parent, two of
which were fatal. Returning to text, the victims other than Mr. Parent were
stabbed to death. Footnote 3. Ms. Tate received 16 stab wounds, Ms. Folger, 28
stab wounds, Mr. Sebring, seven stab wounds, plus one gunshot wound. Mr.
Frykowski, Returning to text. At the scene of the murders, aside from Mr.
Parent, whose body was found in the seat of his car, Ms. Folger's and Mr. Frykowski's
bodies were found on the lawn. Ms. Tate's and Mr. Sebring's bodies were in the
living room with a rope around their necks. The rope was looped over a beam in
the room. Mr. Sebring's head was covered with a pillowcase or cloth. There was
much blood in the house. The word, quotes, pig, end quotes, was written on the
front door. Telephone wires were cut, the prisoner, the co-defendant, having
climbed a pole to cut them before killing Mr. Parent. The victims' valuables
were not taken, money, jewelry, and watches being found on their persons or in
wallets and purses, as well as in open view in the house. Watson and the
females who accompanied him and participated with him in the killings were
blood covered when the slaughter was done. After the killings, the defendant
and the others drove away, stopping to use a hose to wash the blood off their
bodies. They also changed their clothes. And the defendant told Kasabian to
wipe the fingerprints from the two knives and to throw them away. The LaBianca
murders occurred because Manson said the Tate killings had been too messy.
Manson, as well as the defendant and others of their followers, including
Kasabian, drove around the Los Angeles area, somewhat aimlessly, eventually
ending at the LaBianca residence. The bodies of the LaBiancas were found in
their home. There was a white pillow on Mr. LaBianca's head and his wrists were
tied behind his back. The letters of the word, quotes, war, end quotes, had
been scratched into the flesh of his stomach. A long cord was wrapped around
his neck and a carving knife was in his abdomen. The words, quotes, death to
pigs, end quotes, were written in blood on the walls. Mrs. LaBianca's body bore
puncture wounds. A pillowslip enveloped her head and a portion of her body.
While Mrs. LaBianca's wallet and purse were missing, there were coins, money,
jewelry and other expensive items found untouched in the house, together with a
shotgun and a rifle. The word, rise -- that is in quotes -- was written in
blood on the front door of the house. And the words, quotes, helter skelter,
end quotes, on the refrigerator door. Mr. and Mrs. LaBianca each died from
multiple stab wounds. Footnote 3, in addition to the word carved on his
abdomen, Mr. LaBianca suffered 26 penetration wounds and Mrs. LaBianca, 41, in
addition to three scratches."
as to the prisoner's, and in his absence today, I will read his version as
stated in the current Board Report prepared for this hearing in October of 2006
by D. Thomason. That's T-H-O-M-A-S-0- N, Correctional Counselor 1 at facility
(indiscernible). Beginning on page two, the prisoner's version of the Board
claims that the summary written above that references the Probation Officer's
Report is correct. In reading the summary, he mentioned to me that he did not
remember a rope around the necks of Sharon Polanski or Jay Sebring, nor did he
remember a pillowcase of cloth over Sebring's head. He did recall that they had
a rope, but he doesn't remember it being used. In discussing the matter, Watson
made it very clear that he doesn't challenge the above facts, is not minimizing
his participation in the crime, and accepts full responsibility for his
once again, this allusion is made to the summary of the crime as sourced in the
Los Angeles County Probation Officer's Report and the Second Appellate District
Court of Appeal decision filed March 201h of 1973. And both of those documents
will be taken into consideration by this panel. As to pre-conviction factors,
this inmate has no juvenile record. And I am incorporating by reference the
California Investigation's -- Identification and Investigation, commonly called
the CI&I Report of this inmate's criminal history. He also has a minimal
arrest history with no convictions, with the exception of the instance offense.
As to this inmate's personal factors:
is the youngest of three children born on December 2nd, 1945 in Dallas, Texas.
He was raised primarily in Copeville, C-O-P-E-V-I-L-L-E, Texas. His father
owned a small gas station/grocery store in Copeville. His mother was a
housewife and also helped in the small business. Watson graduated from
Farmersville High School in the top quartile of his class. While in high
school, he participated in athletics as a halfback on the football team. He
attended North Texas State University, majoring in marketing. His grades ranged
from A to F, with an overall average of C. He was a member of the Phi Beta --
Phi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Following the completion of his junior year, he
moved to Los Angeles, quotes, just for the adventure of it, end quotes. He
enrolled in California State University Los Angeles, but dropped out after
attending a few classes. He never served in the military. Watson worked at his
parents' business at an onion packing concern in Farmersville and as a cargo
handler for Braniff Airlines in Dallas, Texas. Before his conviction, his last
stable employment was as a wig salesman. He worked at this job for
approximately eight months and quit because he was not being paid his commission.
It was after this that he joined the Manson family. As to religion, he stated
in the Probation Officer Report, the POR, quotes, "I grew up a Methodist,
but now, more or less, I just believe in the Bible," end quotes. Watson
claim in his Probation Officer's Report that he considered himself a moderate
drinker. He stated that he smoked marijuana one time before his arrival in Los
Angeles. Once in Los Angeles, he started smoking marijuana, quotes, pretty
heavy, end quotes. About a month after his arrival in Los Angeles, he chewed
rosewood seeds (one occasion). This was his introduction to hallucinogens. From
there, he proceeded to use numerous and varied types of narcotics, including
hashish, DNT -- that's David Nora Tom THC and LSD. He also chewed types of
belladonna root, has eaten peyote buttons, dropped, end quotes, mescaline
capsules. He claims to have never injected anything intravenously and has never
used heroin or cocaine. He states that he used drugs from the age of 21 until
just before his 24th birthday."
that, again, is quoting as to pre-conviction factors, person history from the
current Board Report. And also the panel notes that his statement that he used
drugs from the age of 21 until just before his 24th birthday takes him up to
the age of the instance offense, which he was a little over 23 years old. And
now Commissioner Cater, would you please handle the post-conviction factors.
COMMISSIONER CATER: Yes. Thank you. I will be focusing on post-conviction
factors items that occurred -- have occurred since Mr. Watson's last hearing.
His last hearing was held October 10, 2001. On that occasion, parole was denied
for a four-year period of time. The panel made some specific recommendations
which included remain disciplinary free and see self-help and therapy as
available. The C File reflects that Mr. Watson arrived at this institution in
April of 1993. His classification score last reviewed and compiles September
20, 2006 reveals it's 28 points, which is the lowest possible he can achieve.
And the record shows that he achieved remains at that level. His custody
level's reflected as median A. With regards to gang affiliation within the
C.D.C. setting, that is shown as clear per C.D.C. Form 812. Mr. Watson's
current work assignment, an assignment he has had since approximately 1996,
continues to be as a porter doing janitorial work.
most recent supervisor's report is dated January 16, 2006. His supervisor rates
him as satisfactory in those endeavors. As far as academics, the records show
Mr. Watson has a high school diploma, as well as numerous college credits
through North Texas State University, as well as Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Vocational certifications documented are as follows: He has two. January 1990
vocational office machine repair certification. Secondly, vocational data
processing and programming, the latter in 1992. The Board Report as well as the
C File documents considerable self-help programming over the past five-plus
years. When I get to the details of the Board Report, I will be capturing
those. Concerning disciplinary history, at the last hearing, it was noted he
had only one C.D.C. 115 during his commitment. That would remain accurate at
this point in time. To say it another way, his last and only 115 serious
disciplinary action was in 1973 for possession of contraband whereby at that
time, he possessed some food and incense that was disallowed. That's the only
serious disciplinary. He has three of the less serious custodial counts and
chronos, none since his last hearing. The most recent, July of 1983, and that
wrongdoing tied in to some excessive noise from his radio. As a footnote, Mr.
Watson declined his C File review by documentation dated July 25, 2006. We have
two current Board Reports, one from 2005, another from 2006. The 2006 report
prepared for our review and consideration by D. Thomason, T-H-0-M-A-S-0-N,
Correctional Counselor, refers us to the supplemental post-conviction progress
reports. There we find Mr. Watson's participation in various activities of
self-help. Going back to 2001, it confirmed that the inmate attended Christian
12 Step Recovery Program per a chronological entry dated August 1, 2001, and
another dated December 2001. He completed an advanced 12 Step Recovery program
and attended, quote, How to Counsel God's Way, end quote, per a chrono dated
December 2001. In 2002, it's documented that he participated in the following
study programs. Within 12 Step Recovery Program, quote, A Gospel of Peace, end
quote, per a chrono dated April 1, 2002. Also attended, quote, Escape from
Codependency, end quote, per a chrono dated August 1, 2002. And also attended,
quote, How to Stop the Pain, end quote, per a chrono dated November 28, 2002.
In 2003, chronos document Mr. Watson attended, quote, Grace - the Power to
Change, end quote, which is a study group. This is affirmed by a chrono dated
April 1, 2003. He also attended, quote, Taking the Limits Off Life, end quote,
a study group, documented by a chrono dated August 1, 2003. Further, he
attended, quote, Supernatural Ministries, end quote, per a chrono dated
December 3, 2003. More recently, specifically April 1, 2004, he attended,
quote, Breaking the Cycle, end quote, which is a study group. He also attended
that as documented by a chrono dated December 1, 2004. Ongoing participating in
a Christian 12 Step program is affirmed in a chrono dated December 30, 2004.
Group activities in 2005 included Deadly Emotions, a study group, documented in
a chrono dated April 1, 2005. It's also acknowledged that he consistently
attended a Christian 12 Step program during that interval. I'd like to note
that the 2005 Correctional Counselor report was prepared by G. Mayol, M, as
Mary, A-Y-O-L. There's not an updated psychiatric or psychological assessment.
We will be relying upon the same report that the panel relied on in 2001. The
2001 mental health evaluation was actually a revision of the 1998 evaluation.
This 2001 evaluation having been prepared for the Board by Dr. Ronald Roston,
last name, R-O-S-T-O-N, Ph.D. The clinical assessment, which begins on page
seven -- these are numbered at current mental status and treatment needs. He's
described herein by the evaluator as being highly articulate and uses very good
grammar and syntax. He's described as functioning at a high average to superior
level intellectually. He suffers no organic or neurological impairments. At the
time of interview, the evaluator describes Mr. Watson as being alert,
cooperative, candid and expressive.
thinking is described as linear logical and rational, and that he tends to be
quite intellectualized. On page eight of this evaluation, the clinician opines
that Mr. Watson seems to invoke the devil to account for his criminal behavior
while he takes full responsibility at the same time. The doctor notes that the
inmate sees and feels no conflicts in these positions. The psychologist goes on
to describe Mr. Watson as a man without psychiatric or mental disease or
disorder. His drug use appears to be in sustained full remission and no longer
an issue. His adult anti-social behavior, which was too grossly obvious over
two years, is also in full remission and no longer likely to reappear. Thus
according to the doctor, the inmate appears to have resolved many of the
behaviors and attitudes that initially qualified him for an anti-social
personality disorder diagnosis. The diagnostic impressions are reflected at the
top of page nine of the doctor's report. Under Axis 1, we see hallucinogen
abuse in sustained full remission. Axis 2, cannabis abuse in sustained
remission, as well as adult anti-social behavior in full remission. Axis 3
reflects no diagnoses. Axis 4, psychological stressors reflected as being
incarceration. And finally, Axis 5, both the current and past year -again
referencing 2001 -- global assessment functioning score, the GAF, is a rather
elevated 90. Dr. Roston describes, on page 10, a belief that Mr. Watson's level
of remorse and empathy is clear and deep. His insight into life crimes are
couched in terms he understands best as a very devout fundamentalist Christian.
It's the belief of the evaluator that Mr. Watson appears as if a young, naive,
and gullible man got into drugs and bizarre company without appreciating the
deviance of the company he was keeping. Towards the bottom of page 10, we see
an assessment of dangerousness described by Dr. Roston. It indicates that Mr.
Watson has not been a dangerous inmate. He has recovered from his psychological
-- excuse me -- he has recovered his psychological balance. He managed to take
good control of his behavior, has been a model prisoner. Were Mr. Watson
released to the community, his psychologist believes that the inmate would try
to be a model citizen and would probably succeed. The psychologist would
predict unequivocally that he would not resort to violence and notes there are
no significant risk factors. In the closing remarks of Dr. Roston's evaluation,
it reiterates that the inmate functions very well and is free of mental and
emotional disorder and disease. He has no weaknesses that the psychologist
would consider as possible impediments to a good adjustment in the community if
paroled. With regard to a parole release, the psychologist reflects no
reservations. It closes by indicating any decision regarding parole for Mr.
Watson should be decided upon grounds other than psychiatric or psychological
factors. At this time, I would normally have a dialogue with the inmate to
affirm the post-conviction factors reflect what's transpired. Obviously, since
he's not here, I'll just simply return it to the chair.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. As to Mr. Watson's current parole plans, the
panel refers to future plans as stated in the current Board Report referencing
again the October 2006 Board Report prepared by Correctional Counselor
Thomason. Under A, as to residence, Watson states that if paroled, he would
want to parole to Fort Worth, Texas to the residence of James and Cheryl
Schupbach. That's S-CH-U-P-B-A-C-H. And address information is given. And as
to employment, in B, citing International Prison the position would be of an
evangelical speaker and computer consultant. As to secondary employment, that
would be with SX Web Solutions in Fort Worth, Texas, with a position as a
website designer. As to support letters -- well, first I should stop and check.
Was there anything further in the material that you have regarding parole plans
in the document that was provided there? I do have, I believe, the support
letters. I think I have that one in my file.
DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CATER: This is from a firm heading from Spring Valley --
California, Dennis Ortiz?
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: -- was going to that. Yes.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: And then I also believe I have now got the Cheryl
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: -- letter. Okay. I have that.
COMMISSIONER CATER: Those are the only two
COMMISSIONER CATER: -- that appear under future parole plans.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: All right. That was given us immediately prior to this
hearing. So I will cover those. First I have a support letter from Jan and Jan,
attorneys in San Diego, and to -- this is November 16th, 2006. And it was
written by Kendrick Jan, attorney. That's J-A-N. And an excerpt being from this
office represents the referenced prison applicant, Charles Watson, and I,
attorney Kendrick Jan, appeared before the Board at Mr. Watson's last parole
hearing on October 10th of 2001. It is my understanding Mr. Watson has waived
his right to appear personally and/or through counsel at his next scheduled
hearing set for November 27th, 2006. Although neither Mr. Watson nor I will be
appearing at the upcoming hearing, I thought I should send this letter to
address a few points on Mr. Watson's behalf. This individual met the state's
information which we have, in fact, covered as to the post-incarceration
factors in custody, vocational training."
as to post-release plans, it says:
Watson has available to him two separate post-release vocational opportunities.
The option offered to him in California is to serve on staff at a Training
Center, a licensed drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Spring Valley.
Serving with the Training Center, Mr. Watson would be able to utilize his
training and administration in Chapel Industries, as well as experience in substance
abuse therapies. As this facility lies between my home and my office, I would
be most happy to do anything I could to accommodate Mr. Watson, the prospective
employer, or and the Board of Prison Terms in his transition into a productive
life outside the walls of a prison."
also then refers to the Texas positions and concludes (indiscernible) if
there's a person whose long-term good behavior and positive plans are worthy of
a parole date, it is Charles Watson. We also have the aforesaid reference letter
of Cheryl Schupbach. And this letter does not have a date. It did appear in the
current Board packet, however, and references the potential employment as well
as residence. James and Cheryl Schupbach extended a residence invitation to Mr.
Charles Watson in the event he's paroled by the State of California. It
identifies the location of the house and describes it. And then it says James
and Cheryl Schupbach has two adult children who live in Kern County, but no
longer reside with their parents. In addition to residence, Mr. Watson would
web development. His duties would consider -- excuse me -- would consist of
production, DHTML, XHTML, and CSS for large web development projects,
conducting manual tests for web applications, developing fast loading multimedia
websites audio and video, and develop site maps and content distribution plans.
This says that FX Web Solutions have been in business since 1997 providing web
hosting, development maintenance and dialup unit and access. Commissioner
Cater, I noted that as you were going over the vocational certifications for
inmate Watson, you noted that he, in fact, had a certification in data
processing and programming in 1992. Is there any indication that he's updated
those skills in the past 14 years?
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. Then we also have a letter from the Training
Center that was referenced before. And this is written by Dennis Martinez,
pastor of the Training Center. The Prison Life Training Center is located in
Spring Valley, California. The date of this letter appears to be August 2nd of
writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Charles Watson to let you know that Mr.
Watson would be accepted into our program. Not only to work immediately within
our program doing administration counseling and pastoral staff. The Training
Center is a crisis center, drug and alcohol treatment center, which handles all
areas of men's lives from drugs and alcohol, anger management, co-occurring
disorder, job placement and sober living. We are a state licensed facility
located -- and it gives the address in Spring Valley. We understand Mr. Watson
would be a high-profile case, but we would be honored to have him as part of
our staff. We seem to have great success with our clients and staff."
Commissioner Cater, did you have anything further that should be put into the
record concerning parole plans or letters of support?
COMMISSIONER CATER: None of those. I know you're not there yet, but with regard
to the letters of opposition, they make reference in the confidential section.
Are you familiar with those? Do you have copies of those?
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Of the confidential materials?
COMMISSIONER CATER: Perhaps they removed -- retracted -- redacted the names,
nothing like that? PRESIDING COMMISSIONER BRYSON: No. cover them --
COMMISSIONER CATER: -- at the appropriate time.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: All right. And we have sent out 3042 Notices. Those
notices go to agencies having a direct interest in this case. We have a reply
from the Los Angeles Police Department, and this is dated November 8th of 2006.
And it is authored by Kyle, that's K-Y-L-E, B. Johnson, common spelling,
Captain, commanding officer, Robbery and Homicide Division, on behalf of
William J. Bratton, Chief of Police.
you for the opportunity to respond to the life prisoner's Subsequent Parole
Consideration Hearing for Charles Watson. It is the position of the Los Angeles
Police Department that Mr. Watson continue to be incarcerated for the remainder
of his life. Mr. Watson was an active participant in the mutilation and murders
of several people in the Los Angeles area. The crimes committed by Mr. Watson
were such brutality and complete lack of humanity that it's clear he has no
concern for human life. Victims Abigail Folger, Wojiciech Frykowski, Steven
Parent, Sharon Polanski, Jay Sebring, Leno LaBianca and Rosemary LaBianca were
heinously murdered because of Mr. Watson's disregard for their lives. It is the
opinion of the Los Angeles Police Department that the release of Mr. Watson
will create considerable risk to the community, and that his freedom is
unequivocally contrary to the interests of society."
have a representative of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office
present, who will have an opportunity to make a statement regarding parole
suitability prior to the conclusion of this hearing. Commissioner Cater, do you
have anything further that you would like to read into the record?
COMMISSIONER CATER: With regard to letters of opposition?
COMMISSIONER CATER: There are numerous letters of opposition that are current,
most of them dated or received by the institution October and/or November 2006.
The overwhelming theme of each and every letter is opposing the release of
Charles Watson on parole. I did not get a precise count of these confidential
letters, but I would estimate that there are roughly 14 of them. Again, I'm not
going to detail the source or the identities. Just to acknowledge that those
are in the C Files. Thank you. I would like to invite the District Attorney to
make a closing statement.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Thank you. I would ask the panel find inmate
Charles Tex Watson unsuitable for parole for the following reasons: First and
foremost, the crimes that Mr. Watson committed, the seven murders, were
extremely heinous, brutal, cold-blooded and callous. This two-day spree of
murders was, in and of itself, extremely horrifying. I think the facts that
were read from the record clearly indicate that. There were seven victims that
were killed in this case. Approximately 169 stab wounds, of which 90% of those
stab wounds were personally inflicted by Charles Watson himself. But the horror
of Mr. Watson's crimes, the seven murders over the two-day period at the Tate
and LaBianca residences, merely a portion of an even larger horror that Mr.
Watson and the other members of the Manson Family were involved in. The Manson
Family has been called by the media and various sources a cult. They've been
called sort of a group of drug-crazed hippies. But when you really look at the
bottom line and what the Manson Family set out to accomplish, and which Charles
Watson was an integral part, there are significant indications that these
people operated as domestic terrorists. Prior to the included, as well as the
females, were involved in planning and preparation that included what they
called "creepy crawly missions." They would dress in dark clothing.
They would go into unsuspecting victims' residences in the middle of the night.
Sometimes they would take something; sometimes they wouldn't. Part of the plan
was to just move around some furniture. Maybe make the people wake up the next
morning and wonder, "Who's been in here? Why did they do this?" This
was all planning and preparation for the concept of helter skelter and the
concept of race war. These crimes, along with the other activities of Watson
and the Manson Family, were designed to strike terror into the citizens of Los
Angeles County. And in the grand scheme of things, as proposed by Charles
Manson and his whole concept of helter skelter was that when these crimes were
committed -- and when I say "these crimes," I'm not talking just
about the Tate-LaBianca murders, because they started with the Gary Hinman
murder approximately a month before. In that case, Mr. Hinman was tortured and
murdered over a two-day period of time. Mr. Watson was not directly involved in
this crime. But the signature aspect of that crime was after the killing, they
wrote in blood at Mr. Hinman's house, the word, "political piggy,"
and they also put a paw print to signify the Black Panther symbol. And the idea
of doing this was to blame the crime on blacks or members of the Black
Panthers. The same thing happened a month later at the Tate residence. Sharon
Tate's blood was written -- well, there was written in Sharon Tate's blood
words to the same effect regarding piggies and at the residence of the Tate
house for the sole purpose, again, of making it look as if there were blacks
involved in the crime. The following night at the LaBianca residence, the same
thing. In Leno LaBianca's chest, the word "war" was carved. And
again, writings in blood also signifying or trying to identify the killers as
being blacks who were involved. And in fact, in the LaBianca murders, this is
another interesting point. Even though Charles Tex Watson was personally
involved in the horrible murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, he was only
part of a killing group that night because he and Leslie Van Houten and
Patricia Krenwinkel were dropped off at the LaBianca residence and they were
told to hitchhike home. The other people that were in the car, Charles Manson,
Steve Grogan and Linda Kasabian were then -proceeded to try to find some other
victims to kill. Originally all six of them were in the same car and they were
looking to kill people. They drove around for our hours looking to kill people.
They decided on the LaBianca residence because it was next door to an
Watts riots had occurred in 1968. There was the assassination of Martin Luther
King. This was a time of turmoil, and so it wasn't quite as far fetched that
racial tensions could be sparked and that riots could result. And that many,
many more people than just the seven victims in this case would be injured or
killed. And of course, the whole concept that Manson had was that after the
race war concluded, the blacks would window, but because the blacks would be
unable to govern themselves, they would turn to the Family. And he would rise
up and be the leader, and basically be king of the world. And as part of the
planning with this, not only were the Family housed at the Spahn Ranch in Los
Angeles County, but they were also had a desert highway where they were going
to go, in which they, in fact, they did go after the Tate-LaBianca murders to
hide out in the desert near Death Valley, waiting for helter skelter to begin
and to end. And then they would come back and rule the world. They would come
back from the bottomless pit, as inspired by the Beatles White Album. All this
is very significant because Charles Watson was not only an integral part of
this ongoing crime family -- and I call it a "crime family" because
they were involved not only in these murders, but they were involved in other
murders as well. There's the Hinman murder. And then after the Tate-LaBianca
murders, Charles Tex Watson was never charged. But he had been identified also
as being one of the killers of Shorty Shea, who was a ranch hand at the Spahn
Ranch, who they believed was going to be a police informant. And he was killed,
brutally killed, and buried in the desert. His body wasn't discovered until
seven years later when one of the co-defendants in the case, Steve Grogan,
finally led the police to the body. Bruce Davis and Charles Manson and Steve
Grogan were charged and convicted in that case. Tex Watson was not, by the
accounts from Steve Grogan and from Bruce Davis, and they have all identified
as Tex Watson being involved in that murder as well. And that was the murder to
cover up the Tate-LaBianca and the Hinman murders. Furthermore, I mean the
crime family extends beyond that. There are witnesses who testified they were
almost killed. There was a tremendous amount of planning and premeditation. And
the reason I'm pointing out the planning and premeditation, not only in these
murders, but also in preplanning the creepy crawly missions, is that Watson has
used this excuse at his trial that he was on drugs. And of course, now I think
he knows that he wasn't on drugs at the time of the murders. And I think that
this sort of drug use or not drug use has really led to what I believe is a
very confused psychological evaluation. And I really have – really take issue
with the current psychological evaluation because it really misses the point,
and it doesn't really get to the heart of the issue as to what caused a high
school star athlete, student body president, by all accounts, a middle class,
intelligent individual to go and become, you know, this brutal mass murderer.
And I don't think that's addressed. And that really - - it isn't reflective. In
fact, it seems to be ignored because when the psychologist says:
of course, a psychologist cannot offer experiences between the versions found
in Mr. Watson's records and his recollection of the crime itself, such recollections
were not requested of him. Further, the psychologist doubts that the
differences that one might find setting Mr. Watson's past review of his life
crime are not great."
does that mean? I mean isn't it important to find out exactly how he sees
himself and how he sees what acts that he did in this case important to this
assessment of future dangerousness? I would think so. But it points out that he
describes him as this naive and gullible man. The psychiatrist talks about the
media term of the Manson Family. The media says this. Most of the news articles
were probably accurate. It's unlikely -- it's likely that there were many
inaccuracies. I mean you read through the psychiatric report, and it's absurd.
Even when he gets to the interview with Watson himself, Watson is reading from
his own notes during the psychological interview. In fact, he says here on page
-- I'm not sure what page it is on the psychological evaluation. He was
discouraged from using his notes. And instead of asking the inmate about the
different crimes and what he did to these victims, all he asked was Watson
described put himself in the shoes of one of the victim. But yet, even then he
had to use notes. I note that in I think one of the earlier statements, I think
it was read by Deputy Commissioner Cater, it talks about Watson saying he
doesn't really like to think about the crimes because it would be harmful to
him psychologically. Well, I find that to be a very cold-blooded statement.
Who's more important, himself or coming to grips with the horror of this crime?
In fact, it says:
now expresses that he is reluctant to concentrate on the crime because of the
emotional and psychological damage that it would do to him. He believes that he
has been forgiven by God for his crime, that he concentrates on his new
Christian life rather than on the negative side of his past life." When
you look at Charles Tex Watson's involvement with the Manson Family, it really
isn't much different from what he has done since he's come to prison. Yes, he's
been disciplinary free. Yes, he hasn't committed crimes, but his whole theme of
sort of rehabilitation revolves around his Christian beliefs. Well, you have to
understand that the Manson Family was a quasi-religious group. I mean Charles
Manson referred to himself as God. He referred to himself as Satan. He referred
to himself as the devil. And his followers and the people that followed his
beliefs were following a religion. So to now say that Charles Tex Watson has
found religion, that he has a ministry in prison, isn't much different than
what he was doing on the outside when he was involved with the Manson Family.
And, in fact, I think if you look through his C File, you'll also notice that
when he was at the California Men's Colony, San Luis Obispo, he ran a prison
ministry there with who else? With one other inmate by the name of Bruce Davis,
another Manson Family member. And, in fact, I believe there's some indications
that there were some abuses of prison ministry at CMC, where Tex Watson and
Bruce Davis were basically using this ministry to retaliate against other
inmates and for 115s or 128s they might have received. I think it should be
somewhere in the file. Nevertheless, has Mr. Watson rehabilitated himself to
the point where he's no longer a danger to society? I discussed how I think
that the recent psychological evaluation is flawed. If you look through the
past psychological evaluations, you'll see that there's been many mental
process. I mean he was put in a cast at (indiscernible) State Hospital after --
I think right after the trial or before the trial. He was declared insane and
brought back. The early psychological evaluations that are detailed showed
numerous schizophrenia and psychological problems regarding anti-social
personality disorder, which I believe still exists today, although the current
psychiatrist doesn't, but the previous one did. Additionally with respect to
his parole plans, I see a job offer in Texas. But as I understand it, and I
don't know this to be a fact, but I don't see any mention of living with his
wife. And I'm led to believe that now he's divorced from his wife and there's
some marital instability. I don't know if it's reflected in the file. This is
just something that I had heard. But I don't see any mention in the current
Board report about any plans to live with his wife or his children. So I'm
assuming that there's some split in the actual marital relationship, which may
be why he chooses not to appear at the hearing, because his parole plans really
aren't in order. I also note, I think the Commissioner noted, that there hasn't
really been any upgrading in terms of his vocational training since 1990 or
1992, which could obviously affect his ability to handle the job offer, which
is extended in the city of -- or in Texas. But all in all, you have an individual
who has committed seven brutal murders and is connected with other murders and
was part of a plot to cause even more mayhem and murder. And who knows how many
countless people might have been hurt or killed as a result of his activities
as a domestic terrorist and as a member of the ongoing criminal enterprise in
the Manson Family. So the gravity and the circumstances of the offense are
extremely serious, not only the fact that there's multiple victims, the
planning and premeditation involved, the subsequent unstable social
relationships that he had prior to the crime also I think played a big part in
all of this. His lack of parole plans and a lack of what I would call really
solid job offers and a place of residence all make him an extremely unsuitable candidate
for parole. And it is the People's position, Los Angeles County District
Attorney's office position that he still remains an extreme danger to society.
And we would ask that parole be denied. And it's unlikely that he would be
suitable for parole in the near future. We would ask that it be a five-year
denial. Thank you.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. We have next of kin present. And according to
Penal Code Section 3042(b), you have the right to adequately and responsibly
express your views concerning the crime and the person responsible, and the
impact that it has had upon you. And I believe both the District Attorney and
(indiscernible) will be speaking. And so whoever speaks first, please
reidentify for the transcriptionist.
TATE: My name is Deborah Tate. I'm the sister of Sharon, the slain actress,
Sharon Tate. And I am here to reflect my views on Charles Tex Watson as a human
being, and discuss with you what I believe his fate here today should be. Each
and every one of us is a sum total of our past experiences. Although each and
every one of these Manson killers do reflect benefits of the programming that
they have received while incarcerated, I have to personally reflect to what
they were prior to their incarceration. I am not convinced that any of these
people should be suitable for parole ever because of the heinousness of the
acts and the number of individual acts of murder that they perpetrated on
others. Numerous nights, numerous days, numerous times, numerous victims. For
me and my family, I'm the last survivor of my family. The stress of all of this
has a great deal to play in health issues and the ultimate demise of my other
family members. I would like the Board to consider that it's very much like a
pebble being thrown into a still pond. The effects are outreaching beyond the initial
acts that Mr. Watson chose to take place in the sixties, much further than the
loss of my sister and my friends. In that household, each and every person in
that house, with the exception of Gary Hinson outside the house, were people
that I spent a lot of time with. They were my world, my support, my life, my
love. And I mean that in the purest sense. They were my everything. And I can't
imagine what my life would be -- had if they were still here. That has been
taken from me by Mr. Watson and his friends. My daughter and my sister's
children have also been affected, and I suspect that it will -- the outreach
will be even further than that. Although I'm very grateful to have the
opportunity to speak, the effects that these people have had on many lives is
very, very obvious to me. It's more than the black and white paper that you
have in front of you. I base this on what's in my heart and my knowledge of
these people. I would like to ask you for a five-year denial. There are people
in this world that I believe are redeemable. However, these -- none of these
people are among them in my opinion. Thank you.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. All right. Mr. Sequeira.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Thank you. There is another family member. I see
two other family members that wanted to appear today, but because of their --
they're stuck at -- because of airport traffic delays over the holidays, they
were unable to make it. So they've asked me to read a letter that was faxed to
me just this afternoon for the hearing. And to point out this is from Anthony
DiMaria. And he says:
of all, we deeply regret that we will not be able to attend the hearing because
we are stuck in the airport due to flight delays."
on his behalf, I will read the letter.
COMMISSIONER CATER: Would you spell the last name, please?
DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Sure. The last name is spelled D-I, capital M,
A-R-I-A. And the letter begins:
name is Anthony DiMaria, nephew of
J. Kummer, also known as Jay Sebring."
I have two letters from the victims' next of kin. I would like to submit these
to the Board. One is from Lou Smaldino, the nephew of Leno and Rosemary
LaBianca. And the other one is from my uncle, Fred Kummer, the younger brother
of Jay Sebring. May I pass that to you? Thank you. And the panel has copies of
these letters.
murder of Jay Sebring at the hands of the so-called Manson Family ripped our
family apart and devastated beyond description. Tragically, the long list of
Manson victims is many and yet to be determined. Dozens of our families across
this nation know firsthand the hell and suffering resulting from the Manson
murder spree. Charles Tex Watson was the essential instrument of the Manson
murder organization. It carried out is despicable racist, terrorist ideologies
in ways most lethal and inhumane as he plotted and conspired, tortured and
killed and desecrated eight human beings. We ask that you deny parole to Mr.
Watson for reasons too many to list, so I'll mention a few. Number one, the
cruel and heinous nature of these killings alone is enough to deny parole. The
murders that occurred on the nights of August 8th and 10th -- the 8th and 10th
of 1969 included seven gunshots, 170 stabbings, and 13 times an object was used
to bludgeon. Charles Watson fired all seven shots, crushed the skull. He
bludgeoned 13 times, stabbed over 100 times with a bayonet, a butcher knife and
carving fork. The man you consider for parole butchered a pregnant woman in
full term and her unborn baby, even as she cried out for the life of her child.
Mr. Watson mutilated and disfigured his victims' bodies as they laid dead,"
in capital letters. "These crimes are despicable and disgusting. It is a
sick travesty that parole would ever be mentioned for a mass murderer, let
alone Mr. Watson's crimes, most horrible and inhumane. Subsequently, it is only
fair that the severest crimes receive the severest punishment. Number two,
there is no way to describe the pain and loss our families have incurred. The
grief and suffering strikes at random and has become part of who we are. It
will strike during these holidays as it has year after nearly four
is an excerpt from Mr. Smaldino's letter.
writing this the day before Thanksgiving and remembering the wonderful holidays
we shared with all of our family in this house. At the same time, I will never
forget the carving fork used for our family turkey was the same instrument
stuck in the chest of Leno. The pain lives on. We have lost two beautiful and
caring people because of this murder. Thank you for hearing the pain and loss
of our family. Lou Smaldino."
of quote. Number three:
crime, justice and social implications, my uncle, Fred Kummer, wrote, 'Society
must set a standard in cases of such monumental crimes that recognizes mere passage
of time does not reduce the need for justice continuing to be served.' The
justice system has, as its primary responsibility, the preservation of civil
order by fear and reasonable methods. With certain crimes, there is no
equivocation and no reason for sending a contradictory message to the general
public and to other people contemplating crimes. In being spared the death
sentence, all those convicted in these crimes have already received mercy.
Society has a right and an obligation to require punishment appropriate to the
crime. If the justice system rewards any convicted mass murderer and
insurrectionist with time off for good behavior, it does so at civilization's
peril.'" End of quote. "It is imperative to recognize Charles Watson
-- that Charles Watson's crimes and the Manson legacies become a poisonous
social cancer with disruptive and fatal consequences even today. I sadly call
to your attention a Pennsylvania teenager, Jason Sweeney, who was murdered by
four teenagers, ages ranging from 15 to 17. During the trial, the killers
admitted to listening to helter skelter for several hours, over and over,
before murdering the 16-year old with a hammer, brick and hatchet. To these
young minds, the Manson murders were an inspiration. What message is sent to
these impressionable minds if Mr. Watson is paroled for his crimes, most
callous and inhumane? Of important note last year, three of Jason Sweeney's
murderers, ages 17 to 18, were sentenced to life without parole. Our hearts and
prayers go out to Jason and the Sweeney family. So I don't understand how my
uncle's murder and mass murderer of such heinous magnitude could possibly lead
to a parole hearing. I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak on behalf of a
man whose profound source of love cried for all of his family. I'm proud of his
talents and many accomplishments. But most of all, I'm proud of who Jason
really was, his character, what he stood for. The last thing he did was to
attempt to defend himself from those stood to him at gunpoint. In the face of
death, he stood up against an unacceptable evil and fought for what is right
and precious. He was a beautiful and extraordinary individual whose loss is
immeasurable. I would like to thank Patrick Sequeira for his hard work here and
for providing us a legal voice. I must mention also our heartfelt gratitude to
Steven Kaye, who for nearly 40 years, fought tirelessly and selflessly for
justice in the memory of our loved ones. He has been a true champion of
justice. Respectfully, I beg the Board to consider parole for Charles Watson
only when his victims can be paroled from their graves. So I ask you that you
please deny Mr. Watson parole for no less than four years."
might also mention that at the time I spoke to Mr. DiMaria, he thought that the
maximum denial period was four years, so he asked that that sentence actually
be changed to deny parole for no less than five years. Lastly, he says:
must thank you members of the Board for your service and consideration.
Sincerely, Anthony DiMaria."
it's also signed Margaret DiMaria, sister of Jay Sebring. Thank you.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you, Mr. Sequeira. We appreciate your comments. We
will now recess for deliberations. The time is now (indiscernible).
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: And the time is 1625. We have reconvened in the matter of
Charles Watson, C.D.C. number B, boy, 37999. And all parties who were
previously present have returned to the room. The panel reviewed all information
received from the public and relied on the following circumstances in
concluding that the prisoner is not suitable for parole and would pose an
unreasonable risk of danger to society or a threat to public safety if released
from prison. This offense was the offense was carried out in an especially
cruel and callous manner. Multiple victims were attacked, injured and killed in
separate instances. The offense was carried out in a dispassionate and
calculated manner. And this panel submits that these were execution-style
murders. The inmate and his crime partners drove around Los Angeles over four
hours seeking targets. These victims were abused and mutilated during the
offenses. These offenses were carried out in a manner demonstrating
exceptionally callous disregard for human suffering in that Counts 1 through 5
refer to the murders that occurred on August of 1969 at the Polanski residence,
10050 Cielo Drive, Los Angeles. Specifically as to Count 1, the victim, Abigail
Ann Folger, died from multiple stab wounds to the body. The victim in Count 2,
that's W-O-J-I-C-I-E-C-K Frykowski, F-R-Y-K-O-W-SK-I, died from gunshot wounds
to the left back and multiple blunt force trauma to the head. He also suffered
stab wounds. The victim in Count 3, Steven Earl Parent, P-A-R-E-N-T, died from
multiple gunshot wounds. The victim in Count 4, Sharon Marie Polanski,
P-O-L-A-N-S-K-I, died from multiple stab wounds to the body. The victim in
Count 5, Jay Sebring, S-E-B-R-IN-G, died from multiple wounds. Counts 6 and 7
referred to murders which occurred on August 10th of 1969 at the LaBianca
residence, 3301 Waverly Drive, Los Angeles, California. The victim in Count 6,
Leno A. LaBianca, that's L-A capital B-I-A-N-C-A, died from multiple stab
wounds to the neck and abdomen. The victim in Count 7, Rosemary LaBianca, died
from multiple stab wounds to the neck and trunk. Count 8, conspiracy to commit
murder, refers to Watson and his co-defendants conspiring to kill the victims
in the first seven counts. As to priors, first of all, this inmate appears to
have a normal -- have had a normal, positive childhood and upbringing. And, in
fact, he has a minimal arrest history and no prior convictions either as a
juvenile and as an adult. The instance offense represents his only convictions.
This inmate started after he moved to California, a period of started, by his
own account, with marijuana and progressed to LSD and other hallucinogenics,
and escalated to methamphetamine use. As to this inmate's institutional
behavior, he has up to the present been working -- from 1996 to the present,
he's been working as a porter in janitorial, and in 2006, as was read into the
record, he received a satisfactory work report. This inmate has a high school
diploma. He came to the prison system with a high school diploma. He has taken
courses at Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo. He has not upgraded his education in
many years. As to this inmate's vocations, he has two vocational
certifications, one achieved in 1990 in office machine repair, and one in 1992
in data processing and programming. He has not upgraded vocationally since that
time. As to self-help and therapy, when first admitted into the C.D.C.R.
system, inmate Watson partook of many courses such as A.A., N.A. He also had
one-on-one therapy, as well as group counseling. In recent years, specifically
since approximately 2001, this inmate has taken a number of classes in groups,
but they have been -- and they have been largely Christian based self-help
programming, including the Christian 12 Step programming which he began in 2001
and continues to the present. As to misconduct in prison, this inmate has a
good record of only one 115 or serious disciplinary back in June 8 of 1973 for
contraband food. So this inmate has displayed positive behavior as regards
disciplinaries in prison. As to the psychological report, the most recent
report available to this panel, dated May 3rd, 2001 by Dr. Ronald Roston,
R-O-S-T-O-N, psychologist. Dr. Ronald Roston's report is generally favorable to
parole for Mr. Watson. However, the report itself has brought serious conflict
to this panel. And, first of all, a reference in the report, page eight,
starting at the first full paragraph, and I quote:
Mr. Watson's perspective, the offense was the outgrowth of his unfortunate
association with Charles Manson, whom he describes as a cult leader. His
presentation discusses his life crime in terminology most frequently used by
fundamentalist Christians. There are frequent references to such notions as the
devil and sorcery and, quotes, evil and supernatural powers over people, end
quotes. Though Mr. Watson takes several times in these notes full
responsibility for the 'deaths, agony and grief I have caused, no excuse, no
blame, no minimizing, no denial of guilt. It was my selfishness, rebellion,
angry and total disregard for life,' end quotes. At the same time, he also,
referring to strong leaders, suggests the charismatic leader slowly charms with
lies and twisted demonic philosophy, filling the need of the follower, until
there is a deadly hold, end quotes. To read the document, one gets the
impression that Mr. Watson believes the devil, through Charles Manson, forced
him to commit the crimes.' And now I'm going to quote from the third full paragraph
on this same page eight, beginning halfway in
the paragraph.
"In this psychologist's opinion,
Mr. Watson's religiosity is external. And the basic principles of religion are
not as well generalized in behavior."
And then the last sentence in the
"Thus Mr. Watson seems to invoke
the devil to account for his criminal behavior while he takes full
responsibility at the same time. He sees and feels no conflict in these
positions." And I will say that the panel does see conflict in these positions.
then continuing, the psychologist says:
psychologist regards Mr. Watson as a man without psychiatric or mental disease
or disorder. His drug use appears to be in sustainable remission and no longer
an issue. His adult anti-social behavior, which was too grossly obvious over
two days, is also in full remission and no longer likely to reappear. Thus he
appears to have resolved many of the behaviors and attitudes that initially
qualified him for anti-social personality disorder diagnosis."
then I go to page 10 and quote:
Watson's level of remorse -- this is the second full paragraph -- Mr. Watson's
level of remorse and empathy is very deep. His insight into his life crimes are
couched in terms he understands best as very devout fundamentalist Christian.
His jotted words, quotes, 'I was declared a pardon by the court of heaven,' end
quotes, might explain how his managed to recover preserved his mental health
following his crimes. It also illustrates the concept of his thinking."
moving away from the doctor's report and his clinical observations, this panel
feels that there is some question that, in fact, substituting one dogma for
another is, in fact, representative of this inmate's adjustment or possible
success in society in the future. This panel also would like to put on record
this same clinician's report of Mr. Watson's marital history in 2001 at the
time of this report, May 3rd, 2001. As to marital history, Mr. Watson told the
clinician he married Kristen Svege, S-V-E-G-E, in 1979.
states they continue to be a happily married couple and have four children, all
of whom are growing up without major difficulties. Son, Joshua, is 19 yes old
and a college junior. He is currently looking for a college to attend in
California. Benjamin is a 17-year old junior in high school. His father says he
is doing, quotes, very well, end quotes. Mary is 12 years old and going into
the seventh grade. He states she is, quotes, doing good, end quotes. Andrew,
six years old in June, will be attending kindergarten. Mr. Watson stated
concern about providing much information about his children and wife. He is
aware of being well known, if not a notorious person, and does not want to
provide any information that might lead to their being intruded upon. His
reluctance was respected and no further inquiries were made."
I would like to have input from Commissioner Cater as to what occurred in terms
of the last hearing in this regard.
COMMISSIONER CATER: I did find it noteworthy that reference to his wife,
Kristen, that we heard so much about in 2001 is absent today. That was my
memory. And then when I went to page 48 of the transcript, it spoke to her,
Kristen, his wife at that time. And I don't mean to say she's not his wife, but
it spoke to Kristen being devoted -- that was the term used -- to him, and
that's unexplained today. So I found that to be a curious omission.
COMMISSIONER BRYSON: Thank you. As to parole plans, this panel finds inmate
Watson's parole plans inadequate. He has provided this panel, knowing that we
have only the authority to order him paroled within the State of California, he
has provided this panel minimal plans in the State of California. In fact, they
are comprised of this letter that we did receive as of August 2nd from the
Training Center, which has already been read into the record. The pastor of the
Training Center offers to accept Mr. Watson into their program, which is a
crisis center, drug and alcohol treatment center, offering -handling all areas
of men's lives from drugs and alcohol, anger management, co-occurring disorder,
job placement, and sober living. They are a state-licensed facility in Spring
Valley, which is the of the documented parole plans presented by Mr. Watson,
and basically since his last hearing, now five years ago. As to his marketable
skills, this panel finds that he has unrealistic marketable skills. Skills of
the type -- especially the type that he is claiming are certainly perishable.
And they have not been updated for some time. Specifically the office machine
repair certification he received in 1990, which was 16 years ago, and the data
processing and programming certification he received in 1992, which is 14 years
ago. And basically the technology has taken off since then and it would be
imperative that he upgrade those skills in a major way to be able to claim to
be marketable in the skills. As to Penal Code 3042 responses, the responses
indicate opposition to a finding of parole suitability, specifically by the
District Attorney of Los Angeles County and Los Angeles Police Department. In a
separate decision, the hearing panel finds it is not reasonable to expect that
parole would be granted at a hearing during the following five years. Specific
reasons for this finding are as follows: This offense was the offense was
carried out in an especially cruel and callous manner. Multiple victims were
attacked, injured and killed in separate incidents. This offense was carried
out in a dispassionate and calculated manner. And this panel represents that,
in fact, these were execution-style murders. This inmate and his crime partners
drove around Los Angeles for over four hours seeking targets. These victims
were abused, mutilated during these offenses. And these offenses were carried
out in a manner demonstrating exceptionally callous disregard for human
suffering, for public safety. And, in fact, this inmate and his crime partners
had clear opportunities to cease, but this inmate continued. Moreover, the
motive for this crime was, this panel represents, deliberate acts of domestic
terrorism. This panel's decision is based on the extreme gravity of these
offenses, and the larger and still relevant factors of these deliberate acts of
domestic terrorism, as well as deficient parole plans. In denying this inmate
parole for five years, we're placing the prisoner on the 2011 calendar for his
next subsequent hearing. The Board recommends that this inmate get self-help,
that he stay disciplinary free, that he upgrade his vocational skills, that he
get therapy as available. And this panel is ordering a new psychological
evaluation per BPT Form 1000(a), which we're attaching for the staff at CDCR.
Do you have anything further, Commissioner Cater?
Please note: I received this in it's current format - I have not personnally seen an original....I cannot attest for it's validity.....I did however, highlight a comment (above) I found interesting!
Thanks Kimchi. I tried to fix the part that you highlighted because you can't read it. I couldn't fix it. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteThis is a lot to read, but it's well worth reading!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this, Kimchi.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that Debra was the only family member at the hearing. What about the relatives of the other victims?
ReplyDeleteThis quote by Fred Kummer, as told by Anthony DiMaria, to me, sums it all up :
ReplyDelete"Regarding crime, justice and social implications, my uncle, Fred Kummer, wrote, 'Society must set a standard in cases of such monumental crimes that recognizes mere passage of time does not reduce the need for justice continuing to be served.' The justice system has, as its primary responsibility, the preservation of civil order by fear and reasonable methods. With certain crimes, there is no equivocation and no reason for sending a contradictory message to the general public and to other people contemplating crimes. In being spared the death sentence, all those convicted in these crimes have already received mercy. Society has a right and an obligation to require punishment appropriate to the crime. If the justice system rewards any convicted mass murderer and insurrectionist with time off for good behavior, it does so at civilization's peril."
Carol it says they were all stuck at the airport because of flight delays.
ReplyDeleteQuite true. Anthony represents his family, sometimes others appear too, but he's the main spokesman for them. As for the other families, I have no idea. I hope that there's some sort of response by them tho!
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Mr. Kummer wrote because that really is the basis for denying these creatures parole each time.
ReplyDeleteIf Tex Watson had shot and killed a guy in a holdup and expressed regret, I would say that 40+ years was long enough. But he didn't.
He got in the car with the others, drove for miles to Cielo Drive, climbed over the fence, snuck in the house and brutally and systematically killed complete strangers. If that isn't premeditated murder, I don't know what is.
And it's not just the victims who suffered, but their families are STILL suffering. There is no parole for them. And there never will be.
That's why these monsters should just stay locked up until they die a natural death in prison.
ReplyDeleteAnd Charles Manson is not innocent. I don't know where people are getting their info, but it's wrong.
ReplyDeleteHe ordered the murders at Cielo Drive, he decided that the murders at Cielo Drive were "too messy" so he lead the murders at Waverly Drive. He tied up Leno LaBianca, and possibly Rosemary Labianca. He ordered Tex, Leslie & Pat to finish them off.
He ordered Shorty's murder.
I don't know what planet people are from that say he's innocent, but he's not.
He got a fair trial, he asked to represent himself, the judge said okay, then he asked for idiotic things (and if you don't know what they are, you aren't studying this case), the judge revoked it because it was stupid, then he whined that he didn't get a fair trial.
Charlie is where he should be...behind bars. For the rest of his life. He is the reason for these murders (except for Gary's, that was Bobby's doings).
But I think he took a signal from Bobby for the rest of the murders. That's where he got the idea about the other murders. It wasn't "copy cat" as much as it was "go along with". And he WAS responsible. No doubt about it.
It doesn't matter if you like Bugliosi or not, the fact remains that Charlie is guilty!
He got a fair trial.
Oh, I've got it!
ReplyDeleteCharlie saw what Bobby did at Gary's house when he wrote political piggy on the wall in blood.
He saw this as an opportunity to do a "copy cat" murder, and he told Tex to have the girls write something "witchy" on the walls, but he knew Susan was at Gary's house and she would know what to write.
Charlie wanted a "copy cat" murder, not just to get Bobby out of jail, but to insure that he wouldn't get blamed. He didn't care about Bobby, but he was afraid of being involved in Gary's murder. This would take care of that if it worked.
It all makes perfect sense now!
It's too bad that he wasn't smart enough to know that the Hinman murder and the TLB murders were completely different. Writing on the walls was insequential.
I love your posts!!