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Thursday, March 26, 2015

California Prison Dreaming: A Commentary

Everybody has a lobby, a group who advocates on their behalf.  Even in the bizarro Manson Murders Universe we have the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office lobbying to keep their hard won convictions of the saddest examples of humanity in prison for life,
some 40 years after the fact and despite any and every extenuating circumstance you can think of:  amputation, terminal illness, conversion to Christianity, even, dare I say it, rehabilitation.

Victims and Families of the Victims have their advocates, too, and Doris Tate and then Patti Tate are obvious examples of Manson related ones.  Today we have Debra Tate (shall we pause so we can hear the collective groans.  Ok, got it out of your system?  No?  Oh well, I shall carry on anyway) and even Alisa Statman and Brie Ford-Tate or whomever are advocates as well, at least in this particular case with the publication of their book Restless Souls.

But there really is no such thing as a Prisoners Lobby.  And it's pretty easy to understand why, I guess, at least from a political standpoint.  

But maybe there should be.  Especially in California.  


  1. Thanks Starship.

    Surely you jest!

  2. We have the ACLU, and several liberal state legislators. How many more do inmates need?

  3. The ACLU is not the power it once was due to a major donor going broke during this stagant Mogambo economy.

    The Doris Tate Victims Rights Foundation has a lot of power.

    The only thing going for the inmates is the constitution/ Bill of Rights which this country has all but abandoned. After all, we can't have citizens being endowed with inalienable rights by their creator. It is the state not our creator that must be in control. Otherwise freedom could once again break out in this country.


    Amanda is a free person.
    This case originally was an example of how silly the Italian media can be. There was only one American journalist who covered the Knox trial in remote Perugia Italy so much of the Euro reports were extremely anti Knox. Knox had massive media bias against her and most of the stories about her were wholly wrong or partially wrong. Italians seem to love sexy murder defendants and throw out all seriousness when they can rope one in to play with. Combine this with an immature, dingy Knox who was exhibiting stupid, dingy behavior at the murder investigation and you have a recipe for a false murder charge. For instance she never did a cartwheel in the police station. What she actually did was a split after she was nuzzling up to Raphaelle Saucilito which was pretty stupid and definitely not proper behavior in a police headquarters lobby. Never-the-less she did a split and the Italian media reported this and the English media translated it to a cartwheel and this started the whole damn thing.(never do a split in a police station)

    There is a scary part to this saga concerning the DNA the prosecutor used. It was the inclusion of TOUCH DNA collected 45 days after the murder. A serious red flag for me was when the police claimed they found the murder knife in Saucelito's kitchen with Knox's TOUCH DNA on it. I knew immediately no killer would keep a 99cent knife and carry it away from a murder scene. Not even a dingy Knox would do something that stupid.
    The prosecution continually and shamelessly invented scenarios out of thin air to corral Knox and Saucelito. Their crowning BS scenario was the invention of a 4 person orgy/murder in a small room where only the victim's and killer Rudy Guede's prints were found amongst a blood soaked crime scene. From that unbelievable plot they were able to able to include Saucelito with a guilt by association charge. The charging of Saucelito was a whopper forgery by the DA. Worse even than the charging of Knox for at least Knox lived with the victim.

  5. She's a liar, and she's guilty. But she got away with it, as usual.

    Too bad.

    As you said Mr. P., the court doesn't want to find young pretty girls guilty of murder.

    So I guess they just all get away with it.

  6. In reading Knox's book and watching Knox's interviews where she discusses the murder victim Merideth Kerchner you can see that Knox was so unfamiliar with Merideth that she was having trouble even coming up with something to say good or bad about her. Knox hardly knew Merideth and would look up, pause and remain there looking up trying to remember something, anything to say about Merideth but she couldn't come up with anything. Merideth Kerchner was a room mate Knox had had very little real contact with at all. These two girls were still virtually strangers at the time Merideth was murdered.
    The police even bullied Knox into fingering another innocent victim which led him to be incarcerated two weeks and destroying his business. Oops.
    The police did catch the murderer of Merideth Kerchner but unfortunately they falsely arrested half the town of Perugio in the aftermath.

  7. Has anyone ever had a roommate? Raise hands.

  8. Casey Anthony got away with murdering her daughter because a jury of 12 people were pussy.

    And now this cunt gets away with murder because she's "pretty".

    I hope Meredith Kercher doesn't mind that she was murdered by this cunt.

    And I hope that this cunt doesn't murder other people. Because when you get away with it once, you'll do it again.

    And she will.

  9. This case is the only case I've seen so far where TOUCH DNA was used to frame an innocent person.
    For instance, the murder knife supposedly found in Sallecito's house contained TOUCH DNA from Raffe and Amanda. That means nothing. Without DNA from the murder scene this has no meaning.
    TOUCH DNA was deliberately misused in this case.
    Prosecutors were so affected by Knox's dingy personality that they knowingly sought to make up evidence to fit a fabricated scenario. The DA even changed scenarios when one got shot down on appeal.
    This case though was historic because in this bizarre miscarriage of justice and abuse of power the prosecution deliberately bastardized the logic behind the entire scientific field of DNA forensic evidence in order to back up a scenario derived out of pure supposition and lies. The TOUCH DNA in this case was not relevant to Kerschner's murder in any way. The TOUCH DNA meant NOTHING. The TOUCH DNA in this case was not related to a murder at all yet it was falsely passed off as legitimate scientific proof of guilt. DNA evidence is not infallible and by itself isn't proof of anything.
    TOUCH DNA should now be called CONTAMINATION DNA after this aggregious misuse of it as evidence when in fact it did nothing but prove Knox and Sallecito had used a kitchen utensil in a house 6 blocks away from the murder. It was in no way proof that that knife was ever at Kerchner's home which it was not.

  10. Mr. P, you're giving me the business.

    Night y'all.

  11. I think Amanda brought a lot of her suffering on herself by her continual attention-drawing behavior that she no doubt has practiced her whole life. She had a case of what I call "the cutesies" another words she hammed it up by playing the cute little chick all the time in order to be the center of attention. This set off every alarm bell in every cop at the station.

    She also was not brought up in the church which I think hurt her because she had no clue how to act when she got to the police station. If she had grown up going to church she would have had training in how to act in more somber, serious surroundings. Something she clearly did not know about. Certain types of locations require serious, somber respectful behavior which she obviously had never been taught. Her attention drawing yoga stunts in the police station were asinine and a good example of the deficiencies in her moral training which are typical of the unfortunate children of atheists.

    Poor Raffe though. This guy meets a hot looking dingy chick and ends up with a murder rap 8 days later. Dingy atheists chicks are more trouble than they are worth.
    There is evidence Amanda learned religion from her previous BF to the guy she is engaged to now. I doubt she is now a Christian though because that guy was Islamic(white guy too). She is still dingy you have to remember. Being a fucked-in-the-head Islamic is something that would naturally appeal to a dingy chick.


    Watch the statement by Knox when asked about Merideth. She has nothing to draw on. She draws a blank just as an innocent person should. Even after 7 years she still draws a blank when asked about Merideth. Though extremely sad the murder of Merideth Kerchner had nothing to do with Knox at all. She can't care about a woman she had little to do with. Her murder had nothing to do with Knox.

  13. Knox had originally accused bartender Patrick Lumumba of being involved in the slaying. He spent several weeks in jail after Knox accused him and he won a defamation suit for which she was ordered to pay about $54,000 in damages, Nadeau said.

    Knox hasn't paid the money, Nadeau said....

    Well isn't that shocking that she would lie about that?? I'll bet her pants are truly on fire.

    Time for Missy Lying Pants to get a job.

  14. Rudie Guede murdered Kercher by himself.
    Police forced Knox to falsely implicate Lamumba after they falsely implicated Knox.
    The liar here is the cops not Knox. She was fighting for her life against a crime she knew nothing about. Police knowingly used strong arm interrogation techniques and should have known that any statement made by someone under duress was highly unreliable.
    I wouldn't pay Lamumba the $54K either. Police could just as easily have forced Lamumba to implicate Knox. Which, by the way, he did. Perhaps she should sue him.


    Here's another interesting murder dubbed "Bridezilla" by the press. She shot dead her cousin on her wedding night. Though not mentioned in the story here she was convicted of 3rd degree accidental homicide which was not true. They were arguing. it was a bitter argument among drunks. This chick was a mean drunk.

  16. Mr. P said: She also was not brought up in the church which I think hurt her because she had no clue how to act when she got to the police station. not going to church = doing cartwheels in a police station when you're being questioned for the murder of your roommate?

    I would think she learned how to act somber and serious in school. Unless she's just insane.

  17. katie you are saying the word cunt so much freudian slip you need a gf lmao jk love u!

  18. Mr P, I used to date a woman that was a mean drunk. She attacked me with weapons more than once. I dumped that crazy bitch. She stalked me for about a year while I lived on the Central Coast of California. Too bad she was so mean and crazy. Nice rack.....

  19. Doc there is an old saying, "if you can't drink you will eventually find out". That chick in PA just found out. She looks like a witch. That whole crowd she was with was covered with tattoos. Her hubby had neck tattoos. The shooting victim had bear paws tattoo'd on her breast and slogans on her. One slogan tattoo was "life goes on".
    I think that whole crowd were heavy boozers. Too much booze will show up in a major way. it shows up in forms like violence and tattoos.

  20. Mr P, unfortunately I've always been the happy drunk that the mean drunks want to beat up. That's one reason why I don't drink.....

  21. Doc if you got drunk and shot somebody at a bar do you think you would get off with 3rd deg accidental death charge that isn't even a felony? She had a good atty I'd say.

  22. A good attorney can make all the difference in the world...You know you have the best when the crown claims they don't see how they can get a conviction and refuses to prosecute.

  23. Uh, oh, this was a post that I never finished writing.....

  24. Oops, sorry Starship. I thought it was ready to go. (:

  25. I'm trying to think of what the point was I was going to make, but it looks to me like it doesn't matter anymore...

  26. Starship...I loved your "especially in California" point. Why? Justice just seems a bit more "iffy" in LaLa land.
    I suppose the only point to a "prisoners lobby" would be to argue for more effective and unbiased standards of rehabilitation and not just leave it to the whims of three folk on the parole board.
    It does have to boggle the mind when one realizes "American justice" is dependent on the whims of 12 random folk. Think OJ and as Katie points out - Casey Anthony.
    Will we still have the same system of justice fifty or a hundred years from now? How do we reduce or eliminate 'political pressures' from the parole process? Is there any way to take "notoriety" out of the parole process?
    Silly, but I've long fantasized about a form of parole that would allow a convict freedom in another country, just not the USA. When you look at the costs of housing a prisoner and the overcrowding then why not offer a willing country a flat rate to take a conditional parolee?
    I wonder, for example, if Iceland would take Leslie and Pat for a flat fee? Just a weird daydream.

  27. It's not only that "American justice" is dependent on the whims of 12 random folk. Having the money to pay for a decent lawyer seems to have not a little to do with it too. Remember William Zantzinger?

  28. America is leveling the playing field. Everybody is being made poor so nobody can afford a good lawyer. Another problem solved by Mogambonomics.

  29. They ought to make prisoners work on chain gangs, building railroads and making license plates.

    That'll teach 'em.

    They won't have time to worry about getting PHD's for free, while hard working American citizens have to spend thousands of dollars for college.

    Who would hire a felon with a PHD anyway?

  30. Oh Starship, just add what you want to the thread and click "update". Then we'll know what else you were going to say...
