Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Anthony DiMaria

While watching the second episode of THE LEFTOVERS on HBO, during the end credits it caught my eye that Anthony DiMaria was credited as portraying Tactical Agent Kryczeck.  I've watched the episode twice and it seems to me he must be the guy who gets shot through the throat in the first couple of minutes of the episode, but cannot be sure.  They never speak anyone's name in the scene and I've watched the episode twice now.  Not sure why they would have given this character a name instead of TACTICAL AGENT NUMBER 1 or some such thing.

Anyway, it looks like Jay Sebring's nephew has a pretty busy career going, judging from is IMDb page linked above.


LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Thanks Starship.

katie8753 said...

Thanks Starship. Anthony is a good looking man. I wonder if he still attends parole hearings.

Venus said...

Anthony seems to be a pretty cool guy.

katie8753 said...

It must be hard to be an actor. You have to sit around and wait for the phone to ring, yet your bills need to be paid on time.

It would suck to be killed in the first few minutes of a show. You don't really get to show your acting skills. Unless you know how to "die good". LOL.

CarolMR said...

Thanks, Starship. Anthony is handsome like his uncle. I hope he continues to do well in his acting career.

sunset77 said...

I know almost nothing about the various victims family members. I ran across a transcript on the CieloDrive.com blog that lists 3 of the people attending a "Tex" Watson parole hearing as:


Apparently, Margaret DiMaria is "Jay Sebring's" sister.

CarolMR said...

I don't know how old Anthony is. Did he ever meet Sharon?

katie8753 said...

Carol I don't know how old Anthony is either. I doubt that he knew Sharon but I really don't know for sure. According to his bio, he was born in Las Vegas, so I don't know if he lived in CA back then. It doesn't say what year he was born.

Venus said...

Anthony was born in 1966. He's mentioned knowing and remembering his uncle, but has never talked about Sharon, as far as I know. His mom met her and liked her. She said that Sharon bought her a lovely baby blanket and had Jay give it to her.

CarolMR said...

Thanks, Katie and Venus. Nice story about Sharon buying Jay's sister a baby gift. Was there anyone sweeter than Sharon?

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing is that Anthony DiMaria was the son of Las Vegas' biggest stylist of the late 60's, 70's, 80's. He had a shop called DiMaria's. The family came from Detroit- as did Jay. I was just a freshman in high school when Anthony (Tony) was a Junior. He was so handsome and nice. Everyone loved him dearly and of course we had no idea of the connection. He was very popular and lie I said, very nice. As a Victim Advocate for the last 17 years I admire the courage and commitment to attend parole hearings by the victims' left behind. They are not easy and will always be a reminder of the horrible grief- but so important to the justice system. No victim should ever be forgotten and the justice system will forget. That is why their attendance is vital. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing is that Anthony DiMaria was the son of Las Vegas' biggest stylist of the late 60's, 70's, 80's. He had a shop called DiMaria's. The family came from Detroit- as did Jay. I was just a freshman in high school when Anthony (Tony) was a Junior. He was so handsome and nice. Everyone loved him dearly and of course we had no idea of the connection. He was very popular and lie I said, very nice. As a Victim Advocate for the last 17 years I admire the courage and commitment to attend parole hearings by the victims' left behind. They are not easy and will always be a reminder of the horrible grief- but so important to the justice system. No victim should ever be forgotten and the justice system will forget. That is why their attendance is vital. God Bless.