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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Charles Manson Unplugged Volume 1 
Organizing my discs the other night, I came across this and I thought maybe some of you might not have heard it before.  It's a Disc from the September 11,1967 Sessions.  
It has a very clean sound, compared to other copies I've heard over the years... and it's very hard to find these Days.  It currently goes for over a Hundred Dollars on Amazon.  
It went out of print very quickly after its release, which is probably why it goes for so much online.  I think I got this copy in a trade with Adam Gorightly years ago.
I have the other Two Volumes, but I'd have to work on them a bit before posting them, because the sound is not up to the same quality as Volume 1.
Styx has posted most (if not all of these tracks) on YouTube... but this is the complete album in one big file.  The record company wasn't very generous.  The entire CD, is only about a half hour long.
From an online review: 
This cd is worth having simply for its candid historical value, particularly in light of the fact that these recordings have been unavailable (in fact, not really known to have existed) until just recently.  Recorded two years before his twisted family did its ultimate acts, it has a remarkably clean production. It does not sound like some old Sabbath bootleg from '71, but rather like it was recorded yesterday. I understand that this is quite a step up from the various bootlegs of Manson that have been floating around for years as well.


  1. Thanks Matt.

    I've always believed that track #9 on this album... (the song "Close To Me")... is Manson's best musical performance.

    In my estimation, "Close To Me" is hands-down his best song.
    THAT song, could have been a single.

    I actually made an entire thread, based around "Close To Me" when the blog first opened.
    I think it was my third thread.

  2. I have "the Family Jams" 2 disc set I can upload sometime if anyones interested.
    Its actually Quite good.

  3. matt prokes said...

    I have "the Family Jams" 2 disc set I can upload sometime if anyones interested.
    Its actually Quite good.
    Please do Matt.

  4. There's a disc out called "the summer of hate" which is the "complete" session, the longest version that I know of at least. There is a pretty extensive collection of his recordings from over the years, if one can consolidate it all. There used to be a Manson music blog, but I don't think they update anymore.

  5. I've got "Family Jams" and "Summer of Hate".

    "Family Jams" is actually a really good album.
    I love that song "Ra-Hide Away"!

    Other great tracks:
    "Get on Home"
    "The Young Will Overcome"
    "Scratchin' Peace Symbols on Your Tombstone"
    "Give Your Love (To Be Free)"
    "I'll Never Say Never to Always"
    "Look at Your Love"

    It's definitely the girls voices, that make the album enjoyable.
    They sound freakin' GREAT.

  6. The sound on My copy of 'Summer of Hate' leaves a lot to be desired.
    Also many of the links on the Manson music blog were megaupload which no longer exists and I don't think they ever changed them to mediafire or rapidshare.

  7. i like the girls voices as well, on family jams. if you know their voices you can distinguish whose who on the cd. gypsy is the most recognizable.

  8. yes, they let the music blog go.
    As far as quality, all of them have issues. I have two "Summer of Hate" cds. One is the version that used to be on that blog and another had an extra title, it's called the "terry melcher sessions" I think. I'll have to dig and find it again. It has full versions of songs that were chopped on the other releases. Quality isn't so good either. The CD in the post is the best version, mix-wise, of these songs, I beleive.
    Doesn't Kaufman own all of Charlie's music from when he was out?
    Way of the Wolf is another good one, though it was recorded in custody.

  9. I have two other discs from the same session with different songs 'All the way alive' and 'Pyschedelic soul' that have decent sound but the levels are way too low.
    With audacity and some other programs I can boost the levels and clean up some other issues but I haven't got around to it yet.
    I have 'Way of the Wolf' and 'Commemoration'which have some o.k. stuff like 'A piece in Your Heart' but theres a playful vibe to the 67 sessions that understandably is missing from the prison recordings.


    First Manson and his band of killers had to thrown out of desolate Inyo County and now 40 years later the President has brought in his weird ecotheology. Can Inyo County servive this latest attack?

  11. Thanx for the upload. I have several Manson albums I downloaded from the net. Apparently, there is an entire group of people that follow Manson's music only. I was on a blog once that specialized in that.

    I think Wikipedia lists like 27 albums by Manson, but I think most of them are "prison recordings" where he only talks.

    I've read reports that some of Manson's music was buried in the ground, and still remains there.

    There are 2 versions of "Always is Always Forever" I've heard. One is on Family Jams, so it would have been made in 1970 I assume. In the earlier version, I've often wondered who the girls voices are, that version would have been made before the TLB murders and arrests. I've wondered if any of the voices were Atkins, Krenwinkel or Van Houten.

    Finally, thanx for this post, the quality of the audio is very good. Considering this was probably not recorded under ideal conditions. Does anyone know if Manson is talking to Terry Melcher in the background of some of the songs? Or who is in the studio with him?

  12. I planned on refraining from posting anymore but I agree with Beauders, some of the girls voice's are very recognizable. So is Nancy Pitmans. On the song "Get on Home" at 1:36, there is this one girls voice that almost sounds like a child. AT 2:44 whoever's voice that is sounds so scratchy and horrible. I pray its not Ruth's voice.

  13. Lauren Webster said...

    "AT 2:44 whoever's voice that is sounds so scratchy and horrible."

    I've often thought the voice at 2:44 may be "Kitty" Lutesinger, she had somewhat deep husky voice. Her "accent" sounds a bit similar to my ear as well.

    Lutesinger can be heard talking to the press at around 1:17 in a vid HERE.

    Of course that's just a guess and I may be totally incorrect.

  14. She might have meant she wasn't going to post on any blogs.
    No reason to jump to conclusions guys.

  15. Mr. Poirot:

    A couple threads back, you posted:

    "Bruce Davis not IRA member or associate."

    What "IRA" are we speaking of? Is that IRA, as in, Irish Republican Army? Or some other IRA?

    In the meantime, if America thinks that ole Chucky & Co. were all that, then America is sadly mistaken:

  16. I'm sorry that everyone had to endure this "I planned on refraining from posting anymore" crap but it is what it is.

    I don't know why anyone would say that.

    If you don't want to post anymore then don't.

    If you want to post then don't say that.

    It can't be any easier....

  17. Katie, I didn't mean not post on THIS blog anymore. I don't have an issue with this blog at all. I meant as in Im extremely busy with work. There is no need to get worked up.

  18. Thank you Matt for understanding what I meant. Clearly I enjoy this blog Katie if I posted back. I have no personal issue with anyone

  19. I know you're defensive of this blog because there's a lot of animosity Katie but there's seriously no need to go crazy. I'm in finals week, bombarded with 3 papers and 2 tests. Clearly you can see where my attention should be. I shouldn't be posting On ANY blog, there I rephrased myself. But I couldn't help myself because I enjoy this blog. But if Im no longer welcome here by you then Ill leave.

  20. I seriously did not think my comment would offend anyone lol but I can see where people mistook what I said.

  21. Lauren - I have not been around lately but while catching up, have enjoyed your comments on ALL the blogs. I hope you don't leave this blog because of Katie. She is really harmless and just gets irritated sometimes. But you ALWAYS know where you stand with her. When she gets upset, just ignore...chances are she will be fine the next day.

    Love you Katie.

  22. Hi Lauren, for what it's worth I like your posts.

  23. Lauren come back when you get the time.
    Good luck with your finals.

  24. Lauren sorry for the misunderstanding. Your comments are ALWAYS welcome here. Good luck with finals.

    Mary, you're a doll! :)

    Funny thing is I wasn't going to comment on this thread because I don't care for Charlie's music, but I know others like it and want to discuss it.

    Oh well. It is what it is.

  25. >>>Sunset said: I've often thought the voice at 2:44 may be "Kitty" Lutesinger, she had somewhat deep husky voice. Her "accent" sounds a bit similar to my ear as well.

    Lutesinger can be heard talking to the press at around 1:17 in a vid HERE.>>>

    I didn't hear a girl's voice at 2:44 Sunset. Are you sure that's the right time, or am I just missing something? LOL.

    Thanks for the link to Kitty talking about Manson on the sidewalk. I thought Kitty was afraid of Manson. But she's on the sidewalk parroting the fact that "he'll get out"? And not mentioning Bobby?

    I really think that those girls thought Manson was magic and he was gonna somehow go "poof" and reappear in their midst.

  26. How much would it SUCK that you were sitting on the sidewalk for months with a shaved head and cut up forehead, thinking that Manson would just "think" himself out of prison, and it didn't even happen in 42 years!

    "What was I thinking?" HA HA HA!!!


  27. In all seriousness, nobody's commenting.

    Oh well. Let's try some humor:

    "A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum"

    "Let's change the subject. Politics, politics, politics.."

    "He "slimed" me."

    HA HA.

  28. Okay enough with the "canned laughter". LOL

    G'night Jugdish! :)

  29. First time I listen to this one. It's more of an amusing bit to listen to than as something musical.

  30. Katie, the 2:44 reference was to the scratchy sounding girls voice heard on the "Get on Home" vid on YouTube in response to "Laurens" comment.

    2:44 here: Get On Home

    I thought that voice may sound similar to Lutesinger's voice and I added the vid of her talking for comparison. It's the only vid of Lutesinger talking I know of, I also know of only a few brief words spoken by "Cappy" in a Hendrickson film.

  31. I think a lot of people forget that these are demo tapes. They listen to them and don't understand what Manson's musical appeal was. He had a good voice, and a good sense of rhythm, and he wrote his own songs.
    ALSO isn't it true (and sad) that selling records has a lot to do with an image? And what an image The Family had, even before killing people.

    For fun go on youtube and try and find the demo version of your favorite song.
    Here's one to start
    Money by Pink Floyd

  32. katie8753 said...

    Okay enough with the "canned laughter". LOL

    G'night Jugdish! :)
    How can you say goodnight to Jugdish while George is having to hold it in?

  33. revatron said...
    I think a lot of people forget that these are demo tapes. They listen to them and don't understand what Manson's musical appeal was. He had a good voice, and a good sense of rhythm, and he wrote his own songs.

    Agreed Rev. These are perfectly fine as songwriters' demos, for establishing copyright and presenting a new artist's voice & material in a studio setting.

    Especially 'Close To Me', 'She Done Turned Me In' and 'Twilight Blues'.

    Speaking of Manson music, a recent cover I hadn't heard til this week is "I'll Never Say Never to Always" by The LaBiancas. (Apologies is this has previously been posted here or elsewhere.)

  34. Thanks Sunset. I can't tell whose voice that is.

    Cease thanks for posting that link. I never heard of that group. Weird stuff!

    >>>Doc said: How can you say goodnight to Jugdish while George is having to hold it in?>>>

    I got Schnapp'd. HA HA.

  35. Cease2 said...

    "Speaking of Manson music, a recent cover I hadn't heard til this week is "I'll Never Say Never to Always" by The LaBiancas."

    I ran across that vid by accident about 2 months ago when it was uploaded on Oct. 2.

    I just checked their page and seen they uploaded a vid about 1 week ago. The description says "In the first of a series of video testimonials we briefly describe why we believe that Charles Manson is Jesus Christ."

    That vid can be seen HERE.

    I must say that so far, I'm not 100% convinced that Charles Manson is Jesus Christ. They claim "we should always be in touch with our inner Charlie", maybe that's my problem.


  37. Katie, I love your posts. Make sure that you and your family have a happy Festivus......

  38. A Festivus For The Rest Of Us!

    It's time for the "Feats of Strength". HA HA. Thanks Doc!! :)


    The Lenin Sisters sing at the courthouse corner,
    Anda one, anda two

  40. speaking of lennon.
    32 years ago tonight.
