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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

              Heres what the Creators of ATWA left behind
at Barker Ranch. 
I could write a few Paragraphs about ATWA,
but I think this Video says it all.


  1. Thanks Matt.

    Yeah they pretty much trashed the place. ATWA should stand for "And The Waste Abides".

    Hey Lynyrd, I thought you were gonna add that song we discussed. LOL.

  2. Yeah MattP...

    I thought Charles Manson's song "Garbage Dump", would have been the perfect backing track for this video. LOL!

    I just never got around to telling you that...

  3. "... and that sums it up, in one big lump"! LOL!

  4. What happened was I took these clips from 'Charles Manson Superstar'there was a 20 second silent clip then a Manson interview clip then about 40 seconds of footage with 'Garbage Dump'on top of it.
    I took out the Manson clip and joined the two Footage clips together, i considered editing a version of 'garbage Dump'that would fit the 1 minute clip but for some reason I never did it.
    oh well....
    At least the Video makes the point anyway.

  5. A more professional musical backing could be Fresh Garbage (1968) by Spirit of Cease2's fave beat combo's.

    Look beneath your lid some morning,
    See those things you didn't quite consume
    The world's a can for
    Your fresh garbage...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Not saying that some of that trash isn't from the family, but there are WAY more people goin in and out of that desert than a roving group from the sixties. I've been to Barker and there is trash EVERYWHERE in the desert from all manner of people: tourists, miners, campers, off roaders. There's also bullet holes in EVERYTHING. Shit, there's a whole mine a couple miles from Barker that was just abandoned. Tractors, trucks, books, jackets, they just up and left all their stuff there. So, though "the family" wasn't as environmentally conscience as some may think, a lot of that trash probably came from others. Especially considering the group was only there for a couple of months. Spahn is polluted too, but a lot of that comes from when the ranch burned in the early seventies and the powers that be decided to just bulldoze the trash off into the creek.

    And here comes the shit storm....



  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Josh, I'm sure others have been there to trash it out, but the whole point made was that ATWA didn't even exist then for the Manson family.

    They had oily junk everywhere. That was the last thing on Charlie's mind. He was only concerned with killing for money (Gary) or revenge (TLB/Shorty).

    He only invented ATWA at a later date to look "nicer". LOL.

  10. Sorry had to delete first comment. Typo. LOL.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Josh Bratt said...
    Not saying that some of that trash isn't from the family, but there are WAY more people goin in and out of that desert than a roving group from the sixties(end quote)

    Poirot replies:

    The film showed a yellow jeep. That was Charlie's jeep. The gas tanks were Manson Family. That film zeroed in on Manson Family junk. It didn;t just find random garbage and film it.

  13. The garbage dump at Barker is comprised of trash from everyone who has stayed there over the years. They do not have trash service out in the desert, so every cabin or semi-permanent encampment has a garbage dump. Even the trash at Barker is not totally "family". I'm not saying that they didn't leave trash there, I'm saying that a trash pile from a cabin that has been there for 50+ years is probably not just from the family. They were there for months. I've been to Barker and the surrounding areas. They're beautiful, natural settings, scarred by humanity. The Lotus mine, down the hill is abandoned, tractors and all, and the Newman mine has quite a pile of trash too. The dump at Barker is also from the Myers place, I believe. Myers still has semi-permanent residents, which kinda blew my mind considering how far out they're living, amazingly long grocery runs!!!
    My initial comment was only because the label on the video gave the impression that the entirety of garbage at Barker Ranch and the surrounding area was exclusively family. I felt the need to clarify. :)

  14. Also, as far as gas tanks......there are gas tanks EVERYWHERE out there, and they're all rusted and full of bullet holes. EVERYTHING out there is full of bullet holes...

  15. Josh, Charlie is the one who wrote the song Garbage Dump.

    Nuff said.

    This guy couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

    He can't play a tune or sing worth a crap.

    That sums it up in one big lump!!!

  16. opinions are like......


    why don't I see you on any other blogs

  17. Seriously...

    Josh and Katie... you're both being ridiculous.

    Clearly... some shit was left behind by "the Family"... and some shit was left behind, by the thousands of visitors who have visited the ranch, over the last four decades.
    Any fool can figure that out.
    Must we state the obvious?

    -It's a fact, that "the Family" had gasoline hidden in the desert, in various locations.
    -It's a fact, that "the Family" tinkered with cars, and left portions of said vehicles behind... dismantled, rusting... and likely leaking oil.
    -It's a fact, that "the Family" deliberately burned a large piece of heavy equipment (Michigan front loader) in an act of vandalism.
    The rubber tires on that type of machinery weigh hundreds of pounds.
    Have you ever seen the pollution caused by 2,000 pounds of burning rubber?
    It's not a pretty sight.
    That's not to mention, the paint, upholstery, plastic, oil and anti-freeze that also (likely) burned along with the tires.
    -It's also well known, that the "Family" owned guns... and, I'm sure they fired them on occasion.
    Need I continue?

    It's also common sense, that (some of) the thousands of visitors who have visited the ranch over the past four decades, left additional trash and bullet holes.

    As I said... must we state the obvious?

    It's time to chill-out folks.
    I'm serious.
    I don't have time to play referee amongst friends.
    We're all on the same team here.

    This is just a hobby.
    None of us were there... and even the folks who WERE there, don't agree on what happened.

  18. In the words of the late-great Rodney King:

    Can't we all just shut the f#ck up... I mean... get along?! LOLOL!

  19. hey maybe the Manson would have cleaned it up if not for the fact that he got arrested one day in 1969....
