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Monday, October 8, 2012

Thanks for the Heads up Josh!
Katie says: "He looks like Cotton on King of the Hill".
You Decide! LOL


  1. He's double-caning it!!

    One's for walkin'... and the other's for beating people. LOL!

    "I could could beat you with this cane, and I wouldn't feel a thing... it' be like goin' to the grocery store!"


  2. You are most welcome....PEACE & LOVE

  3. He looks like Cotton on King of the Hill.

    G'night Jugdish. LOL.

  4. I heard that the second cane is photoshopped, who knows why, and the photo is ditributed per Charlie's request.

  5. Josh said:
    "the photo is ditributed per Charlie's request".

    I think Manson is a guy who likes exposure.
    He probably knows he doesn't have too many years left... and he wants to circulate a few more photos of himself, before it's too late.

  6. It's amazing how Manson can manage to look like a pimp-master, with access to only prison-issue clothes and accessories.

    I mean...
    There's probably 5,000 other guys in prison, with the same exact outfit... but he manages to rock it, with individual style

    Love'em or hate-em... you gotta hand it to him.
    He's probably the most unique person the world has seen in our lifetime.

    He's quite a specimen.

    I gotta wonder how many top-notch psychiatrists have picked Manson's brain over the better part of a half century... and were left completely baffled by the experience.

  7. Well, if it's photoshopped, they did a good job!

  8. Looking at that photo...

    I'm wondering what a conversation between George Spahn and Manson would have been like, if they both met as old men.

    I mean...
    Suppose this older version of Manson met George Spahn at the ranch?

    Well, one thing's for certain...
    If they didn't like each other, they could club each other to death. LOL
    'Course, Spahn being blind, it wouldn't be a fair fight.

    I never used to conjure scenarios like this, years ago.
    I think I've been hangin' around Leary too long! LOL!

  9. Yes you have Lynyrd! ...I can just imagine George and Charlie in a "cane fight"...LMAO...

  10. GS - "I'll teach you, not to sit in MY chair midget"!

    CM - "Who you callin' midget, four-eyes?!"

    GS - "When I met you, you were eatin' from dumpsters".

    CM - "Yeah... well... least I didn't name my kids after horses".

    GS - "Why you, no good sum-bitch..."


  11. Those may not be Charlie's canes. They don't fit him. That may be a sympathy pic.

  12. There are programs on the net that can check whether or not a pic is "photoshopped". They are pretty complicated and I don't know how to do it. However, I'm reasonably sure that someone with sufficient skill could determine if these pix are altered.

    They don't look altered to my eye, but that's not a very good test. The canes appear to be too long for Manson, but I don't think he is very tall, (not sure of his exact height). The prison many only have canes for people 6 foot or taller. (Actually, I'm surprised they have canes at all).

  13. He's rocked one cane for quite a while now. A friend of mine who used to visit him quite a bit said that he's always had one. And yes.....he rocked it like the pimp cane, swagger and all. I'm not sure about these and the necessity level, but from what I've heard, in the past it seems cane(s) were more of a prop, maybe security too......I think the beard is pretty cool.

  14. I've walked with a cane for the past 16 years....bad hip.

    I could take Charlie in a cane fight.
    Sure.....he's 25 years older than me, little guy.

    One thing I learned from Bugliosi is to never underestimate your opponent.
    If the things I've heard about Manson are true he could easily hypnotize me or slip me LSD......once he has gained that control he could convince me I should beat myself to death....or face Healter Skelter.
    He's the most dangerous man alive!

    On guard Mr. Manson......

  15. katie8753 said...
    He looks like Cotton on King of the Hill.

    LMAO i can see that for sure.

  16. wait, is the joke because I was so critical of Claire's writing??
    I am on my heels about that - Matt called me a misanthrope on the other blog. Misanthrope - one who hates or distrusts mankind. I think he was kidding but still a bit of a sting for someone who volunteers 45 hours a week with refugees and disabled.
    Ah well, shake it, shake it Sugaree.

  17. I know, I know, I still gotta do that avatar thing. Now I have to go back and find the thread where someone told me how to do it.

  18. Cotton: "You will never know if you are attractive. It's up to a man to tell you that."

    Charlie = Cotton. HA HA HA.

  19. you should have a writing contest, Lynyrd, where folk have to write dialogue between Charlie and Jerry. They were, after all, Haight comtemporaries. I've never been able to completely understand either's rap. And of course they are linked musically by two degrees of Clem.

  20. Hi Leary...

    Earlier in the thread... when I first started conjuring hypothetical images of an old (present day) Manson and George Spahn chatting, I said:

    "I never used to conjure scenarios like this, years ago.
    I think I've been hangin' around Leary too long! LOL!"

    That's where my subsequent... "Leary you're banned" joke eminated from...

    It had zero to do with your opinion of Watkins' book.
    Heck, I haven't even read Watkins' book.
    I've have no opinion of it, one way or the other.

  21. damn, Lynyrd, sorry, I totally missed that one about conjuring scenerios. my bad.

  22. Don't sweat it Leary.
    It's no biggie...

    It was just a friendly joke.

    If you read the whole topic in context, which spans 5 or 6 posts (including Kimchi's post)... it was actually quite hilarious (in context).
    (Well, I think so anyway).

    It was just my poor attempt at humor.

    Funny thing is...
    You showed-up and conjured yet another, hypothetical situation... ie, Manson and Jerry. LOL!

    It's all good... I'm just kidding ya.

    Thing is...
    My mind never really ran along those lines (the hypothetical), until I started reading your posts.
    I guess, I'm just not that naturally imaginative. LOL!

    'Course, I've hypothetically imagined myself with most of the girls... but, I don't think that counts. LOL!
    That's not so much imagination, as it is lust. : )

  23. yeah, me and my stinkin hypotheticals. It may be an Irish thing, I don't know.
    Can you believe the chutzpah and hubris of Sandusky - not only claiming his innocence but actually posing himself as a victim of a conspiracy. Apparently he truly believes that the Justice Dept, Penn State, the cops, the media and the victims all got together to screw him. I guess this is why there is a term 'pathological'.
    And as usual, I seem to relate everything to Manson. For me one of the top TLB questions is how and WHY Charlie continues to maintain his innocence of the Cieloe and Waverly murders. I mean Manson isn't stupid, he knows he is never getting out, and most believe he doesn't even want to get out. So why continue to deny his role in the TLB murders? Does he honestly believe he is not responsible for what Tex and the girls did? Can his mind truly work that way? Or is it just his way of continueing to fuck with everybody?
    Charlie's denial would seem to fly in the face of his admiration for old Alvin Karpis who readily admitted to any and all of his transgressions. Old Creepy "manned up". You would think Charlie would want the same rep. His whining of innocence if the face of overwhelming testimony would only seem to lessen him in the eyes of his convict peers, wouldn't it?
    I'd like Charlie to come clean on his involvement and motive if only so the Col could get some rest.

  24. Leary, Sandusky is "farting in the wind". It'll blow back in his face.

    You'd think Manson would "man up" to these crimes and make himself even more notorious. He likes that kinda stuff. What else does he have to live for? To save the trees?? Get outta here. LOL.

  25. yeah, I get where you are coming from Katie. I just have always been fascinated by someone who can "maintain" a lie in the face of overwhelming evidence - be it Nixon or OJ or whoever.
    It's been nearly a half century since TLB. Are there ten people alive who think Charlie is innocent of orchastrating the TLB murders? So why maintain the facade? What is the gain, the motive for him?
    I guess Charlie's personal philosophy is the opposite of "the truth shall set you free".

  26. Leary, I would think by now that these Manson fanatics would know Manson is guilty as charged.

    I think it's a game...on his side and theirs....

    "Look at your game girl...." HA HA.

  27. "Manson fanatics". I think "we" all are or we wouldn't be here discussing this....

    "Manson sympathetic" I think would be the "politically" correct term...just my opinion...sigh...

  28. Sympathetic that helter skelter is madness and Ed Sanders is a bit dillusional. :) Nuel Emmons writes his own words while Ed George tames a beast with ghost writers stashed away in deep dark dungeons. LYNYRD.....can we post the essay? ON THE SPOT lol......Kimchi is spot on.....everyone is in it for some Charlie, one way or another :)

  29. I find Manson completely fascinating... so yeah, he's definitely a big draw to this subject for me.
    There's no doubt about that.
    I don't see how anyone could state otherwise.
    I mean... love him or hate him... without Manson, it's likely this entire subject would not exist.
    He's definitely the main character, in this whole bizarre tale.
    He's the big kahuna.

    But, to say Manson is the only interesting variable in this case, is a bit of an understatement.

    Beyond Manson, there are several other interesting variables... such as the 60's counter-culture... Haight-Ashbury... the girls... the music scene... the weirdest trial in history... Hollywood stars... the list goes on.

    The whole story is multi-layered, with several interesting pieces.
    That's why, this story has lasted the test of time.
    There's literally "something for everybody".

    Not all murder sprees, are this interesting.
    In fact, most are not.

    Look at it this way:
    If a dozen folks were randomly gunned down in a movie theater by a lone maniac... the story wouldn't have any staying power, beyond the initial shock.

    You couldn't base an entire blog, around such an event... even if the killer was crazier than Manson.
    There just wouldn't be enough material.

    The TLB story however, has everything... from bikers, to drugs, to sidewalk freaks, to courtroom antics, to movie starlets, to the Beach Boys, to Wavy's hog farm... you name it.

    But yeah...
    At the end of the day, everything starts and ends with Manson.

    The group at Spahn's was a cult by every definition of the word... and Manson was the kingpin.
    That alone, doesn't make Manson a murderer... and it certainly doesn't prove motive... but, no matter how you slice it... it makes Manson the key character, in this wild story.

    My two cents...

  30. Lynyrd, I couldn't have said it better. :)

  31. yeah, I sorta wish you could take this thread and put it on the top somewhere to stay because as Kimchi and Lynyrd and others have said - it all starts and ends with Manson. There could and should be much more discussion of this guy who is, as Lynyrd says, endlessly fascinating.
    by the way, add Lance Armstrong to that list of folk who tell a lie and maintain in the face of overwhelming evidence. I know that guy from Austin and he is a big- time fraud, and jerk.

  32. I agree with leary Lynyrd.....let's bump this up and really dig into some Charlie!!!!!
    How bout it?

  33. Hey guys, I'm not sure Lynyrd has seen your request and I'm not sure how to do it....

    I'll email him....good points by the way!
