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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Apparently, these were taken September 2012 at a concert
given at Oregon State Penitentiary...


  1. DAMN KIMCHI!!!!


    YOU ROCK!!!!

  2. What is ironic is that Eric Monfort, son of Nancy Pitman has been incarcerated at the Oregon State Penitentiary since May.

    You have to wonder if he was in attendance and if he has introduced himself to Bobby B...

  3. I have to say, there was certainly no music rooms like that in any of the prisons I was in. The black guys I was locked up with could have manufactured enough weapons with that stuff to kill every guard in the place in 5 minutes.

  4. Many of the former Manson Family try to hide their connection to the 20th Centuries most infamous murders in order to isolate their kids from their horrendous youthful life of violent crime. Nancy apparently never thought of anything but her subversive, selfish impulses therefore condemning her offspring to prison. Here I am talking about a beautiful girl raised in Malibu but chose to live the same life as hillbilly Charles Manson who came from backwoods reformatories in Appalachia..

  5. Thanks Kimchi!! Good find!

    Caption for first picture: "Who farted? Okay, yeah it was me. HA HA".

  6. I do hope that when Bobby is strumming his git-tar, he thinks of Gary.

    And rightly so.....

  7. Tom, wouldn't that be a trip? LOL.

    Sunset, I agree. This must be the "mild bunch". LOL.

  8. Geez Tom, I didn't know that about cousin was a guard there for 35 years but he retired a while back....he had some stories to tell...mainly about Gary Gilmore or whatever his name was...he said that guy was one bad ass dude....criminally insane was not the word for it....

  9. I typed in "Eric Monfort Oregon State Penitentiary" Might be this guy, "Eric Ian Monfort" kinda looks like Nancy Pittman, look HERE.

    Wikipedia says the Oregon State pen is large cell blocks. Beausoliel and Monfort could be in there for years and never see each other. On the other hand, they could be in the same block and shout to one another or pass notes.

  10. Follow up comment, found this:

    "BEND, OR -- Two men wanted for a reported Bend motel burglary Tuesday have been arrested.

    Investigators were originally called to SE 3rd St. last week, after three men, Eric Ian Monfort, 32, Keith August Jones, 25, and third suspect, entered a room and robbed the victims inside. With help from Portland Police, Monfort was arrested Wednesday without incident. On Friday, Bend police learned that Jones was in a Redmond apartment. Officers confirmed Jones’ location and tried to get him to come out. Police believed Jones was armed and dangerous, so neighboring units were evacuated.

    After several hours of trying to get Jones to come out, police used chemical agents to flush him out. Early Saturday morning Jones exited, was evaluated at the scene by a doctor and then taken to Deschutes County jail.

    The third suspect in Tuesday’s robbery is still unidentified."

    If Eric Ian Monfort is Pittman's son, she must be so proud, just like a chip off the old block.

  11. Hi Sunset, yes, that is her son...

    Just glad to hear he got some time for that little jaunt...

    One thing for sure, I wouldn't mess with those daddy, like son... LOL... and like mom...

    Wonder if Eric has the AB tatooed on his chest? Wouldn't be surprised one bit... maybe he is in the same block as Bobby...

  12. Always kinda wondered how it is that Bobby was alloed to have his guitars, play in bands, even professionally record his music in his cell......yet Charlie can't even have his guitar?

    I know they're in different prisons, but that always struck me as a little odd.

  13. Kimchi said...
    Hi Sunset, yes, that is her son...

    Just glad to hear he got some time for that little jaunt...

    One thing for sure, I wouldn't mess with those daddy, like son... LOL... and like mom...

    Wonder if Eric has the AB tatooed on his chest? Wouldn't be surprised one bit... maybe he is in the same block as Bobby.(end quote)

    Poiror replies:

    Nancy's boy robbed two people who knew him. LOL!
    That's as stupid as Beausoleil trying to rob money from Hinman who didn't have any money.

    I'll have to give the nod for stupid to Nancy's boy though.
    Every cop in Oregon could recognize Eric Monfort by his obvious and distinctive neck tattoo.

    Nancy was no genius either. She did 3 yrs for complicity to murder after being arrested in a house with the murder victim's body buried in the basement.

    Here's 3 easy rules that could have helped Beausoleil, Nancy and Eric.
    1 Try to rob people with money.
    2 Don't hide murder victims under the house you pay rent on every month.
    3 Don't rob people who know your address and phone number.

  14. >>>Mr. P said: Don't hide murder victims under the house you pay rent on every month.>>>

    Good advice Mr. P!!! Although I doubt they were paying rent. LOL.

    Sunset, what was the date on that burglary you mentioned? Was that recent? This boy seems to be in trouble a LOT. That's a shame....

  15. Lurch, I don't know for sure, but it might be because Charlie violates the prison rules from time to time because no rules apply to him.

    Bobby has probably been a good boy and is allowed certain privileges. Just guessing on that one.

  16. Let 'em free!!!!! Cool Post Kimchi....I enjoy these pictures.....LOVE LOVE LOVE

  17. Great Shots!!

    I would like to hear what they sound like??

    I have listened to some oh his stuff and it is sort of spacy- but these guys look more like they are gearing up to play some old fashioned rock and roll...

  18. Katie, I'm pretty sure Monfort was arrested Jan 18, 2012. I vaguely remember when it happened, I remember hearing something about Pittman's son being arrested.

  19. Awesome photos....easy to see that many years have passed since Bobby Beausoleil stood on the stairs of 1198 Fulton in San Francisco.

    Looking at these photos, i remembered the video, first saw it on KTS, i don't know if it's still around somewhere, of Bobby, handcuffed, coat draped loose over his shoulders, boarding the bus to prison. And now, a lifetime later, there he is...all of his own doing.

    I think it's time to let Bobby go...

  20. I can understand letting inmates play guitar, it can be an effective tool in controlling behavior. And it is certainly better than letting them play the flute.....


    Nancy Pitman don't scare me. Bleep her.

    Er, don't tell her I said that.

    A matter of fact, I never posted this.

  22. Dilligaf...

    That was freakin' funny.

    I hear the flute, trom-boner and bagpipes are quite popular in prison.

  23. Thanks Sunset. I guess this boy is bound for trouble. That's too bad. You'd think he'd learn. If you touch the hot stove enough, you learn not to touch it.

  24. Sometimes a sperm hits an egg the wrong kind of way and mutates into chromosomes none of us on these blogs really can understand.

    And you get a criminal with no conscious, morals or empathy.

    My fascination, and our focus, should be healthy genetic people, with their souls intact, who do incredibly deviate thangs.

    How fun would it be to interview those kinds of people?

  25. Marliese, I'm surprised that Bobby even joined up with Manson. He should have stood on his own. He didn't need Manson for anything. Manson just got him into trouble.

    Bobby could have pursued a musical career sans Manson. Manson didn't do him ANY favors regarding a musical career. Manson couldn't even get his own career going, much less anyone else's.

    Look at Grogan. He was much more successful sans Manson.

    The problem with all these people is they never take any personal responsibility. They always blame someone or something else for their mistakes.

    Has Bobby ever said that he stabbed Gary Hinman because he wanted to? He always says it's because he thought Manson wanted him to. But the truth is, he did it on his own.

    They should all be like Susan...get out in a body bag.

  26. Tom, I've said many times, these people were full of shit talking about how important children were to them.. They didn't give 2 shits for these kids. And neither did Charlie with all his pontificating.

    Proof is in the pudding:

    Susan didn't raise her child.
    Mary didn't raise her child.
    Gypsy didn't raise her child.
    Sandy didn't raise her child.
    Charlie hasn't acknowledged any children at all. After all his posturing that kids were the most important members of the family. What a crock of shit. Just one of his many crocks of shit.

    Those kids were lucky. Someone sane raised them. Brenda's kids weren't so lucky.

    And these children need to give a big "whew" for these facts. Mary, Gypsy & Sandy could have raised their children, but they chose to let others do it.

    Why? Because they didn't care about them. Period.

    Knock, knock....who's there? Psycho-mama. Psycho-mama who?

    HA HA.

  27. Gypsy raised a good kid. And besides, kids are crazy. No one knows how they might turn out.

  28. Tom, Gypsy didn't raise her son. She pawned him off on other folks.

  29. I don't know and it isn't any of my business but I don't think so.

    She got out of the CIW in 1975. I'm certain she would want her son back.

  30. Replies
    1. Maybe DCFS wouldn't allow it....2 sides to every story....

      Just sayin'....

      And what about the daddy? Oops, I guess daddy was in jail too...

      Like tom says, none of my business...

  31. Gypsy pawned him off on her parents. Look it up.

  32. Whoops, she didn't have parents. They killed themselves. Much to Charlie's chagrin.

    She passed him off to some adoptive folks.

    Ask him about it. Yeah

    I'm sure he loved it better than being in her clutches. HA HA.

  33. Well it's too bad that people can't get things straight.

    That's the whole point of this blog.

    Everybody keeps trying to be the big dog.

    Fuck yall you never will..

    Night jugdish.

  34. katie is right gypsy did not raise her son. she had him prison so he was put in the foster care system. when she got out of prison she started stealing again and ran off to canada. as far as i know she did not take him with her. after a while she turned herself in and spent more time in prison. he may have lived with her in his latter teens but according to an interview he did as one of "manson's children," he claimed that he grew up in foster care and christian care homes. this interview was in may of 1993 on kcbs a los angeles. i wish gypsy's book would be released. she's smart and i would like to why she thinks she joined up with manson and the family and why with her roots (french and jewish) she would join an anti-semitic group like the family and then the aryan brotherhood.

  35. Gypsy is a classic case of not taking responsibility for her actions. She is trying to put on a front, showing how she has grown past her actions, but until she can truly come clean, and admit to her actions, she is nothing more than a 69 year old skank trying to lie to herself...

  36. jugdish? thats one i've never heard before.
    heres the interview with gypsys starts about 3:50 into the video.

  37. It'd be cool if we could get audio from this, we need more Bobby music!!!! FREE BB!!

    1. Josh-ask Barbara for it---I'd like to hear it too!!! Lol

      Wonder why the parole board dislikes him so much....I'd love to read the last five 5 parole transcripts...

  38. Thanks for the link Matt. I'd seen that interview before. Interesting stuff. Those kids were much better off being raised by someone else.

    Dill, you're exactly right. For some reason they just can't come clean about everything they did. I'm guessing they hope people will just forget about it.

    The Manson family got away with a lot of things, and child abuse is one of them. Those kids were sexually and physically abused.

    In some of the pictures you see of them, those kids look sunburned and dehydrated. There's a picture of Susan's kid with big postules on his face. I don't know why the state didn't just take those kids away before the raid on Spahn's Ranch.

  39. Josh that would be great if we had audio on this concert. I wonder if it was recorded.

  40. Beausoleil has been recording and selling his music for a long time. On the "listen and buy" section of his Facebook page, you can hear free samples of his music from 8 albums. I guess you could buy the entire albums in MP3 format if you choose.

    The samples can be heard HERE.

  41. While I can't find audio of the most recent prison concert, an old one from 1978 can be heard HERE.

    The title of the vid is "Bobby Beausoleil & Steve Grogan - Tracy Prison Song 3", so I assume Beausoliel and Grogan can be heard.

  42. Thanks Sunset! You and Matt are amazing!! :)

  43. Wasn't Gypsy in church with a son of hers when Bill Nelson found her in Dallas years ago?

    Nancy's boy, Eric, is apparently into using or selling Heroin because his Oregon prison record lists 3 reasons for being there now. He has a firearm conviction with a robbery involving heroin.

  44. Mr. P., I don't know if Gypsy has other children. I think she's married now but I don't know that much about her. Beauders would know.

    If you've listened to the Brooks Poston interview, he says that Charlie beat Gypsy and Mary up really badly. She said this in an interview years ago and I believe it to be the truth. I'll see if I can find it. Maybe Sunset or Matt knows where it is. I think Gypsy was an accomplished musician. I can't imagine why she would stay with Charlie at all, or risk her life and freedom to try and get him out of prison.

    I think Nancy's boy has been in a lot of trouble with the law. Doesn't she have 2 sons??

  45. Here's a clip of that interview with Gypsy.

    She talks about her beating and also gives her opinion on why the family was told to kill.

  46. Is this the Brooks Posten interview you're talking about?

    I havent listened to it yet myself so i'm not sure if this is the right one.

  47. Yes Matt, that's it. Thanks! I've listened to about 3/4 of it. Need to finish it. It's very interesting....

  48. Matt if you listen to it, let me know what you think.

    I get the impression that Brooks is reading from something. It's the inflection in his voice. Let me know what you think.

  49. First off credit to Cielodrivedotcom for unearthing this clip.
    The first sentence sounds scripted i'm not sure about the rest.
    Part of the reason might be that the questions are edited out so it sounds like hes reading a statement instead of being interviewed but he doesnt seem natural and theres not much hesitation like you would have in a normal conversation.
    Maybe Cielodrive could shed some light on this tape.

    1. Poston's interview - along with Paul Crockett's, made the same day - are a bit different then all the others I have, because the interviewer pauses the tape each time he asks a question. Although it sounds odd at times, I just think it's because of Brooks' rambling. When I get around to posting Crockett's interview, I think you'll find it a bit more natural sounding.

  50. Thanks Matt.

    And yes, thanks for that recording Cielo Drive!! Much appreciated! :)

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Dilligaf...

    That was freakin' funny.

    I hear the flute, trom-boner and bagpipes are quite popular in prison.
    ----------------------------------------Would that be a Pan flute or a skin flute?

  53. music related, Lynyrd Skynrd Tour Manager -Ron Eckerman- was interviewed on The Tom Gulley Show.
    good stuff.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I Bet Bobby had a captive audience for this concerto.......

  56. i can see Charlie getting out of the hole and saying,
    'i am getting the band back together...'

  57. Thanks cielodrive, thanks Matt....

    Skin flute....priceless....

  58. damn, it didn't. still trying to get an avatar up so I can get out of Lynyrd's doghouse. Thought I had it.

  59. wait, there he is, my alter ego, Foghorn Leghorn.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. it probably is a definative statement that I relate to cartoon characters more than people. Oh well...

  62. Kimchi said...

    Thanks cielodrive, thanks Matt....

    Skin flute....priceless....
    How 'bout 'meat whistle'?

  63. I f#ckin' LOVE Foghorn Leghorn!

    "I say, I say son... you're about as sharp as a bowlin' ball".


  64. now if I could only write some dialogue between Charlie and Foghorn...that would be an accomplishment.

  65. leary7 said...
    now if I could only write some dialogue between Charlie and Foghorn...that would be an accomplishment.
    How about Charlie dragging a knocked out Foghorn and saying "I may be a little nut but I sure caught me a big chicken"........

  66. Doc said

    "How about meat whistle"

    Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Lol

    Never mind!!!!

  67. Everyone needs to give up whatever music they're holdin onto out there. There are quite a few lost interviews too. There snippets out there every once in a while. More, more, everyone is having a pleasant evening

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I do hope the direction of that one was not aimed where it seemed to be targeted. :) Who's hero is Charlie? Hardly lofty to aspire to be a convict in a california state prison. :) I see a lot of opinion sold as fact and some pick n choose truths quite possibly........either way.....good times!!!!......more music!!!! more interviews......less venom... :)

  70. and.....the REASON Steve Parent was shot, as it seems from evidence and conjecture stirred into a massive pot and left to sit for forty years, is because he was pulling out of the driveway as Crazy Texan Skinny Killer Guy was walking up the driveway. Crack is Wack..... :)

  71. how many of you have had a buddy show up at your house at midnight or so to sell you a clock radio....? maybe I've been missing out

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. You should have left that other thread up.
    It was good.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I'm sure things will look better in the morning.
    Time for me to crash...hard.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. I didn't make your comment marker go away. Maybe you can blame it on someone else.

    Maybe on the REAL person.

    Stop blaming me instead of the real perp. for all your fuckups.

    Fuck you.

    Have a nice life.

  81. Maybe somebody closer to me fucked you over. Did you ever think of that?

    Fuck you!!! Don't ever call me again.

    I told you that I watch that radio show on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm and you called me over and over. Fuck you. Stop calling me on Sundays between 7pm and 8pm.

    Handle it!!! Fuck!!!

  82. Stop being a fucking baby. Handle your own shit between 7pm and 8pm. Fuck your shit. I can deal with it 23 hours a day, but that one day I reserve. Stop calling me that one hour each week!!!! Fucker!!!!

  83. Shut the fuck up between 7pm and 8pm on Sundays.

    Jesus!! If Google fucks up, deal with it for an hour. Can you fucking handle it?

  84. Thanks for fucking everything up. I'm up half the night with this crap. I'm not going to be worth a dip shit tomorrow.

    All I wanted to do is listen to the radio show, eat a little and go to bed.

    Now it's 3:30am and I'm still up. Thanks a lot fucker.

    You are worth a pile of shit.

    Fuck you. If you only had the courage to answer your phone I'd give you an earful but you are a pussy.

    Fuck you.

    You can post all the pussy threads you want, but you won't post mine.

    If you don't post mine tomorrow I'll give it away.

    Fuck you.

  85. Oh well I thought it was good. You didn't do anything about it. Everything I do is crap.

  86. I was going to listen to Star City Radio, Brian and LC, eat something and go to bed. But you fucked all that up. You accused me of fucking up your visitor dial. I don't even know how to do that. Then you call and say Google did it.

    You fucked everything up tonight. Thanks a lot fucker. Kiss Google for me.

    You didn't accuse anyone else of that. Interesting......

    Fuck you.

  87. You say everything is my fault. I'm not the one who called and accused you of fucking up the visitor dial.

    Jesus Christ. what the fuck is wrong with you? I didn't touch that fucking thing. Why would you accuse me of that????

  88. I'm really tired of this blog crap. You get blamed for shit you didn't even do.

    It's like work.

    Bye people I like.

  89. Well I'm going to have a nice Halloween. Kids coming to the door in their little costumes. they're sweet.

    And I don't have to deal with this blog anymore.

    And Josh. I was told not to piss you off.

    but here goes:

    >>>Josh says: Who's hero is Charlie?>>>


    >>>I do hope the direction of that one. Hardly lofty to aspire to be a convict in a california state prison. :) I see a lot of opinion sold as fact and some pick n choose truths quite possibly........either way.....good times!!!!......more music!!!! more interviews......less venom... :)

    Okay that makes no sense. LOL

    >>>and.....the REASON Steve Parent was shot, as it seems from evidence and conjecture stirred into a massive pot and left to sit for forty years, is because he was pulling out of the driveway as Crazy Texan Skinny Killer Guy was walking up the driveway. Crack is Wack..... :)>>>

    Crack is Wack. You would know.

    >>>>how many of you have had a buddy show up at your house at midnight or so to sell you a clock radio....? maybe I've been missing out>>>

    Well go back in time motherfucker. Sometimes we had to do things in real time. Not on the internet. Oh....we didn't HAVE the internet fucker.

    You wouldn't have survived........Is Flatline a word in your world???? Fucker. Nothing funny about that.

    Maybe Charlie will make some popcorn and serve vanilla Coke. And discourage folks from killing. HA HA HA.

    Oh, by the way, have a pleasant evening and a real nice life. Wish you were there.


  90. There's nothing funny about Steve Parent trying to drive out of the compound and he's gunned down like a common criminal. He just graduated high school. He was working 2 jobs to try to pay for his college education. He had already enrolled in college and had a dream for his future.

    Anyone who thinks it's funny that he was gunned down by Tex Watson is a fucked-up shit head and will deal with me. I'm as serious as a heart attack. You want to keep with me.

  91. Okay the second film is that newscast from August 11, 1969. It's so erroneous. It says that they wrote Death To Pigs on the refrigerator door and also that Leno had WAR carved in his chest and they were covered with hoods. These are erroneous facts that we were told in 1969. This is what I was trying to tell you all. The media was trying to make it look like it was a satanic drug thing.

    Anyway, I hope you all can understand what I'm saying.

    It's 4:57am and I'm really tired. I didn't plan on this happening. I was going to listen to Star City Radio and go to bed by 9pm. But I got accesed of stealing the stats or something. I don't even know how to do that. Nor would I.

    I'm going to bed. I don't have a choice.

    I'm going to copy my stuff if it's deleted

    Night Jugdish. Check it out.

  92. It's 5:06 am here. My whole day is fucked up.

    Fuck you Lynyrd for doing this to me. Why did you accuse me of stealing from you? I will never forgive you.

    Fuck you!!!! HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME OF THAT????? Fucker!!!

  93. Why did you only call me and accuse me of that? Why didn't you accuse anyone else of that? We all do drafts.

  94. I didn't do that and I don't appreciate being accused of that.

  95. Fuck you. I lost a night's sleep over you, and I probably lost a day's pay.

    You can scurry around and delete comments but you can't cover up what you did fucker.

    You blamed me for something I didn't do.

  96. WOW!!! first.....YOU can't piss me off. I've watched you rant and rave and accuse and be nasty and mean. I could care less who you choose to be Katie. You are unable to control yourself and it's kinda sad to watch. You can't make me mad, I do know that crack is wack too. My children's mother abandoned them and I raise them on my own cause she decided she loves her crack more. Maybe that reflects on me, but, yes, I'm aware that crack is wack. I've watched and seen you operate Katie, so coming into this I knew all about you. Don't worry sweety, you can't raise my blood pressure at all. Before pointing at everyone else, maybe you should look back and read through what you write so you can see who you're putting yourself out therew ass. it doesn't make sense to you, I could care less. I don't write anything wih you in mind excluding this little bit. :) SO, I'm glad your're tired, I know you're psycho and a drunk, but I don't care. I think what I think and I don't care who agrees. I LOVE reading what everyone has to write, I DO NOT love reading vile venom from the likes of Katie, but, I've come to learn throughout the years that people like Katie follow this kinda thing. Maybe try being nice and your life won't be so sad. I'm still smilin sweetie and still screamin to free the old man. Have a GREAT exhausted and sad day KAtie. Fuck YOu TOO :) PEACE


  98. They NEED to realease the rest of the music and the interviews. A lot of good music was made by all involved. I'm glad Bobby gets to play too. I hope they record that stuff. Does anyone know if he gets to record in prison? Thank God Tex doesn't play music.....

  99. Matt said:
    "You should have left that other thread up. It was good".

    Which thread are you referring to?

  100. The MANSON thread!!!!!

  101. Josh said:

    I was asleep by 11:40pm last night.
    My days of staying awake half the night, arguing with crazy people, ended a long, long time ago.

  102. Hi Josh...

    I'll rotate the Manson thread back to the top, in a couple days.

    I really like these photos of Bobby.

  103. Matt is talking about a thread I did. I deleted it. It was a good thread. Too bad.

    I see the counter is back to normal. All that accusing me of ruining it was for naught.

    I'm staying off the blog and not answering the phone. I'm going to have a good day. I told my son I'd take him to do some things this afternoon and I'm going to keep my promise to him.

    Have a "blessed day" all.

  104. I too enjoy these photos.......have a splendid day good sir!!!
    I wish we could hear this concert.....I've been spoiled in these days of readily available music


    Notice in the second pic here a Halloween face of Mary Kelly who was Jack the Ripper's final victim. Mary Kelly' and Abogail Folger's wounds are identical.
    Was Tex mimicing Jack the Ripper when he murdered Folger? The facial slash is done by Tex purely to inflict fear into the victim.

  106. hi all I havent been here in a while whats up with katie and josh did I miss something?

  107. L/S said
    Which thread are you referring to?

    It was a statement by Janet Parent that was read at one of the parole hearings.
    Its always good to remember that the victims were normal people with brothers,sisters,parents etc.
    I read it, went and checked my email, decided to comment, came back and it was gone!

  108. Mr. P - I interpreted the facial slash to mimic Gary hinmans wound - Sharon's face was cut also wasn't it? I can't remember....this is just my opinion however.

    Hi candy - I can't comment cause I don't know...

    Matt- I didn't see it, when was it posted?

  109. Kimchi said...
    Mr. P - I interpreted the facial slash to mimic Gary hinmans wound - Sharon's face was cut also wasn't it? I can't remember....this is just my opinion however.(end quote)

    Poirot replies;

    The facial cuts may be what keeps the killers in prison even 40 years later. Facial cuts are overkill. Slashers like Jack the Ripper and Tex seemed to relish terrorizing their victims more than killing them. Manson liked carrying around a bayonette just to scare people. Manson would walk down the boardwalk at Spahn's practicing slinging and slashing.
    slashers must be very, very angry people.

  110. Hi MattP,

    Katie posted that thread last night (unbeknownst to me)... and then deleted it, before I saw it.
    These are the games, that she's playing now.

    Katie thinks that by adding comments and threads to our blog, and then deleting them, she's punishing me.

    Personally, I could care less at this point.
    I don't even read her comments any more.

    But, the problem is this:
    When she screws with this blog, she does an injustice to a whole host of people beyond me.
    This is a prime example.
    There are many contributors on this blog (beyong Katie and I), who have invested much time and effort into creating threads, and informational comments.
    A LOT of folks have invested considerable time and effort here.
    This behavior, is not acceptable for a blog author.

    She's been removed as a blog author, and will remain so, until she issues an apology to everyone.
    Her unprofessional behavior, will not be tolerated.

    I'm available to Katie fairly regularly off-blog.
    Not 24/7, but fairly regularly.
    There's no reason, that her personal issues, should ever effect the operations of this blog, to this extent.

  111. Well that was a bottle ago. Head'em up and move'em out.
    Rollin' rollin' rollin'

  112. Got to give Bobby credit. He didn't let one terrible decision define his whole life, regardless of his circumstance. I think if Bruce gets out, it might shake some things up. Would've been cool to watch this go down....

  113. Well I'm gonna hit the hay. I'm watching Halloween, my fav scary movie. Although I'm going to have to cut it short and hit the sack.

    My apologies to anyone I offended by my actions on this blog. No intention there. Just had a burr under my saddle and had to run it out. It's my only excuse.

    Josh sorry you caught a stray bullet. Nothing intended there. You're an upstanding young man.

    I did a draft thread on Saturday, worked long and hard on it, to thank each and every one of you. I have it saved as a word doc. I'll post at some point.

    I hope everyone had a great day. I know I did.

    G'night Jugdish. LOL. SWAK.

  114. Actually, the one bad decision that BB made, lasted several days, equating more than one bad decision, and has appropriately defined him. His skills at intoducing terror and torture into Gary Hinman's life, would make Al Qaeda proud. His killing of a non-threatening human being defines him as what we think of as a cold-blooded killer. That he has some musical talent, and that he has chosen to use that talent as an attempt to convince himself that he has a redeeming value is of little comfort to Gary Hinman, Gary Hinman's family & friends, or anyone who can recognize hime for whagt he is. Sometimes it only takes one defining moment in a person's life to become what they are, and in BB's case, it is not music, it is death...

  115. The Family tried three times to commit murder and aim the blame at the Black Panthers. Yet the cops not only never suspected the Black Panthers but never suspected that the three murder scenes were connected. What does one have to do to make the cops think the Black Panthers committed murder. Perhaps they should have tried to blame it on the Pink Panther.

  116. why is he wearing sunglasses? i guess his image of himself is still really important to him.

  117. Redemption is KEY!!! Go with Carlin's idea.....fence off Kansas and pay every upstanding citizen to leave and send all the prisoners there.... :)

  118. no jumpsuit shoes and jeans with a t-shirt. Is he low level security now? He gets his own clothes?

  119. Damn, Lynyrd, you gotta make Dilligaf the Professor Emiritus of this blog. His last comment on Bobby is so freakin dead on it should be bronzed.

  120. I kinda stopped coming here posting here because this Katie had nervous breakdown cus I said something to her once about not knowing about Nuness she made a huge goodbye plea mainly for sympathy saying noone supported her against me-I just came back and am reading this Katie swearing up a storm sitting here 24/7 I mean there is always interesting things on this blog, but I cant handle all this psychotic comments-too bad it ruins a cool blog

  121. Leary said:
    "Damn, Lynyrd, you gotta make Dilligaf the Professor Emiritus of this blog. His last comment on Bobby is so freakin dead on it should be bronzed"/

    I agree.
    Dilligaf is a HUGE asset to this blog.
    Everyone should read his posts closely... and reread them, as needed. LOL
    I kinda think of Dilligaf's words, as prescriptions.
    "Take two of these, and call me in the morning". LOL

    But all kidding aside, pound for pound, Dilligaf is the sharpest guy that I've ever encountered on the blog circuit.

    Runners-up would be Frank and Starship... but unfortunately, I haven't seen Frank in a dog's age.

    I'd hate to be a defendant, and see Dilligaf enter the courtroom as prosecutor.
    (And I mean that, in the most complimentary way).
    It'd be a long day in court, to say the least! LOL

    I'd probably just respond "yes" and "no" to everything! LOL
    As my dad used to say:
    "Keep it brief". LOL!
    (A skill that I clearly never mastered) : )

  122. That's a good point about his clothes Josh. None of the security level prisons I was in higher than minimum (medium, max, super max) allowed allowed outside clothes, and they certainly didn't allow a music room like that.

    However, I did 1 year in a minimum security camp. I was allowed to wear outside clothes, blue jeans and T-shirts were what almost everyone wore.

    I'm guessing that after 40 years with no (or few) security violations Beausoliel is in some type of minimum security situation. They often have all 4 different security level housing units inside the same prison.

  123. I feel I should add these folks, to the conversation:

    MattP has an abundant wisdom and sensibility that transcends his all lower-case print.
    He knows when to speak, and when to keep his mouth shut... and when he speaks, he makes it count.
    He's a very responsible, reliable, and trustworthy person.
    He's a man of substance and character.
    Those are HUGE qualities in my book.
    He's probably one of the most under-rated bloggers online.
    We're lucky to have him.

    Cease2 can say more in 4 sentences, than most folks can say, on an entire page.
    That's a skill few people possess.
    He can use words very efficiently, and effectively.
    Another sharp dude.

    There are others...

  124. Beauders... yet another "font" (LOL) of information....

  125. Actually, looking back on this thread, it seems MattP has abandoned his patented lower-case technique.
    Sometimes, I miss these types of details. LOL

    Sorry Matt.

    The rest of my description, was accurate. : )

  126. A man of substance and character?
    You must have me confused with someone else.
    But thanks for the kind words Lord knows I can use them these days!
    As for the upper/lower case thing,its a matter of laziness more than anything else.I do the one finger hunt and peck so its easier for me to power through stuff without capitalizing things. I've always thought as long as I don't screw up the spelling too much and my thoughts come across that its all good.
    But now I've decided to come in from the cold and join the UPPERCASE club.
    How long it lasts remains to be seen.

  127. Best cure for stress is a pack of marlboros. Relaxes me every time. That and a cool jar of gerbers.

  128. Beauders, good question about the sunglasses. I was going to comment on that but I forgot.

    There's only 2 reasons to wear sunglasses indoors. (1) You think you're too cool or (2) your eyes look like road maps.

    Dill, very good point. I agree with you completely. Bobby likes to play music now and be "all that", but in 1969 he tortured an innocent man for days and finally took his life. His musical ability, what there is, is completely outweighed by his crime.

    I wonder sometimes how any of these killers even live with themselves. If I had taken an innocent life, even by accident, I'd never forgive myself. There's something inside these folks that think they should be forgiven and they should just move on and get out. It doesn't work that way.

  129. Hi Katie, I can't speak for Bobby but as someone who's made more than my share of mistakes I can say you can only say you're sorry for so long and then you have to move on. I don't know him personally but if he has a conscience it probably eats at him all the time but he does have to live.

  130. Hi Doc. I understand about making mistakes. The good Lord knows I've made my share.

    And you have to live with the consequences of your actions and learn "not to burn".

    But taking an innocent life is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

    You can only say "I'm sorry" so many times until it becomes stale. But at least you know that you tried. If the offense is so big, then the punishment must stand.

    I really can't figure out why Bobby would kill Gary. It's a mystery to me. Gary helped him out many times. But he did kill him.

    I guess he lives with it every day. If I had taken a life, I would never forget it.

  131. Hey if you want to hear some good music, check this out.

    Markie Knopfler. That guy makes love to his guitar....Sigh. LOL.

  132. As for sunglasses..........he wears them to look cool. I think this reveals his narcissism is alive and well today as it was in 69 and so too is his belief in satanism. The guy is covered with stanic tattoos. I don't see Beausoleil as having changed his ways at all since 69. He is psychologically frozen in time exactly like Manson is frozem psychologically.

    Charlie and Bobby have changed not one bit since the 60s.
    I see great change in Van Houton and Bruce Davis and even Krenwinkle. Unfortunantly Krenwinkle has too many murders to repent for. but at least she made changes in her ways.
    Charlie and Bobby exist in a time capsule.

  133. Listen to the whole's fantastic. I think you'll love it. I love it at the end when Mark strums on the neck of his guitar, and does the counter clockwise swirl last chord. LOL Sweet!!!

  134. Mr. P., you're making good sense.

    Well the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 10. I've got lots of work to do tomorrow.

    Night all! :)

  135. I am just starting studying the TLB world so I may not know as much about the subject as those of you whom I have been reading your posts/comments for the last year, but what I'm wondering is. Correct me if I am wrong but Isn't BB incarcerated in California? Then why is he allowed to travel to Oregon to another prison just to play music?!!!! If he can play gigs anywhere why should he be paroled? or want to be. In prison he has a recording studio, three square meals a day, health care, a place to live that he pays no rent for. no car payments, mortgage, and can travel to other gigs all paid for by the taxpayers of California. Which BTW according to the news media is Broke. Or did I miss his transfer to Oregon's correctional system for some crime that I also missed?

  136. I believe Beausoleil is serving his sentence in the Oregon State Pen.
    I don't know when or why he was moved there but i'm pretty sure that thats where he is.

  137. I may be wrong, but I think I read that the Manson family was sent to different prisons because Doris Tate complained they were all in the same prison. Beausoliel is in Oregon, there is some agreement where CA prisons can be housed OR. Watson is in Mule Creek, Manson is in Corcoran.

  138. J.J. said...
    I am just starting studying the TLB world so I may not know as much about the subject as those of you whom I have been reading your posts/comments for the last year, but what I'm wondering is. Correct me if I am wrong but Isn't BB incarcerated in California? Then why is he allowed to travel to Oregon to another prison just to play music?!!!! If he can play gigs anywhere why should he be paroled? or want to be. In prison he has a recording studio, three square meals a day, health care, a place to live that he pays no rent for. no car payments, mortgage, and can travel to other gigs all paid for by the taxpayers of California. Which BTW according to the news media is Broke. Or did I miss his transfer to Oregon's correctional system for some crime that I also missed?

    Poirot replies:

    JJ you don't have to be on the level of Lynyrd's knowledge of the case to comment in here. All you need is an interest in the case. BTW you'll never learn it all anyhow, even if you live a hundred years.

  139. katie8753 said...

    Listen to the whole's fantastic. I think you'll love it. I love it at the end when Mark strums on the neck of his guitar, and does the counter clockwise swirl last chord. LOL Sweet!!!
    I thought ending with the counter clockwise swirl was Jerry's move.......

  140. Doc, HA HA HA. That IS Jerry's move. And if he found out Mark was using it, he'd be mad....LOL.

  141. Jerry need not worry. That move became very unpopular after George took it upon his own to use the knuckle.....

  142. Yeah, George with his crib notes. I think someone also tried the pinch at the end. Just as long as no one "stops short". LOL.

  143. Hmmmn... I really did not realize that some of Californias inmates were housed in different states. (Not counting those in Private Prisons) I need to study the Calif. Correctional guidelines.

  144. Some states have programs to deal with the separation of gangs and prison overcrowding. California is one of them. Nevada and Utah have a similar exchange program.

  145. beausoleil is not in the main oregon pen. in salem, i believe he is in eastern oregon.

  146. Hi JJ and Doc...

    I've only been following this conversation loosely.

    Here's an article which discusses a similar topic.
    It's about California "outsourcing" inmates.

  147. Thx LSB Fascinating article. Learn something new every day. BTW Off the subject: Did you see that Gary Rossington was inducted into the GA. Music Hall Of Fame the other day? There was a great pic on FB of Gary, Dale, Rickey, and Charlie Daniels at the ceremony.
