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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sunset77 Writes:

Ever heard of the movie "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls"

It was supposed to be a sequel to the movie "Valley of the Dolls" co-starring Sharon Tate.  The screenplay was changed to a "parody" and written by Russ Meyer and ROGER EBERT.

Supposedly, at the end of the film there is a gruesome murder scene inspired by the Manson family killings.  After watching the film, the similarities are pretty obvious to me.  Here's where the story gets kind of spooky...

Turns out that one of the actresses in the film and involved in the movie murder scene is Erica Gavin.  She says on her website: “I grew up with the LaBianca kids. They lived in Silver Lake, and I went to school with their daughter, Susan.”.

Gavin says the Manson trial started on June 15, 1970, two days before Beyond the Valley of the Dolls opened in Hollywood.  She went to court one day with a friend, Elliott Mintz, she met a Manson family attorney, Paul J. Fitzgerald, and began dating him almost immediately.  Apparently, she moved in with him and had an affair a few weeks later. 

She says “Going through the whole trial was a bizarre experience.  I would get letters from Susan Atkins and drawings that sort of showed mirror images of me and her." 

Gavin looks a bit like Atkins in her role as "Roxanne" in the film.  She says about Manson's "corner girls": "We’d visit them on the street corner and give them money.  I got to know them well.  One night, they just crashed on the floor of our home."

Erica Gavin's website (and the full story) can be found here:

The entire film, "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" can be found here:

Note: You may have to "refresh" the link or "continue as a free user", these links sometimes "expire".

About Erica Gavin
Erica Gavin is an American film actress best known for playing the title role in Russ Meyer's 1968 film Vixen! Following Vixen, Erica Gavin appeared in one more Russ Meyer film - Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. She also appeared in Roger Corman's women-in-prison film Caged Heat. Erica Gavin currently resides in Beverly Hills, California.


  1. The first link is cool.
    It takes you to all the good stuff...

  2. It's seems strange that she knew Sharon & Jay, but was giving money to the Manson girls on the street????

  3. Jump cut to 2006 when Michael Frost—a young, innovative director—is casting his first film, 3Stories About Evil, an experimental animated short composed of ‘single shots’. That is, while it’s a moving picture, it captures moments in time, freezing the characters in a novel and engaging way. Since it was released in 2008, 3Stories About Evil has played in numerous international film festivals and garnered four awards. Erica plays the vicious Mother in one of the 3 Stories–“The Story of Johnny” along with Billy Drago, Suzette Belouin, and Barry Brisco.

  4. “I wanted to cast her against type. I wanted to see her as anti-sex, completely against it,” Michael Frost mentions while reminiscing about the reasons he chose Erica as the Mother of All Mother Fuckers. He continues, “working with her was a bit of a revelation. I could see there was something inside Erica that was dying to perform again. She was absolutely professional and incredibly enthusiastic.”

    Michael can’t help but gush about the connection between Erica and Billy Drago. “She loved Billy; they got along very well. He gave her words of encouragement” that helped to foster that creative spark apparent in the film. When asked about how he was able to direct Erica to play an icy mother so diametrically opposed to her past characters, Michael offers, “I think her performance captured the cold-heartedness of the character. I told her to act like a black widow spider and look like a mosquito.”

    “Keep on eye out on Erica!” Michael adds with a knowing wink. It seems that there’s something new on the horizon. “We’ve been working on producing a short film.” When questioned as to what we can expect, Michael waves his finger. “Expect to see Erica like you’ve never seen her

  5. I just did a bunch of research on this girl and saw many pics- she was a vixen alright..

    But I never heard of her and this was very interesting. Thanks!!

  6. "Vixen" was Rated "X". LOL!

    She was a wild one! : )

  7. I knew about her a long time ago. There were lots of connections here. Another actress in the film, Lynn Carey, also claimed to know Jay. Hollywood was a very small town in many ways. When i googled Erica quite a while ago,a link to a very sexy scene popped up. It made me blush, haha

    Thanks for positng this, Sunset. I tend to read things and never tink about posting them. I've never seen this film, mainly because I don't want to watch the murder scene.

    i think one of the actresses in the film is supposed to wear one of Sharon's dresses from the original "Dolls" film, not sure if that's true though.

  8. The strangest connection to Jay of all to me is Bobby's. I watch over and over Mondo hollywood.It is amazing to me that both of them wound up doing cameos in the same shitty low budget film...

  9. I agree. I'm sure they weren't filmed on the same day. I think the whole film was just a mishmash of different things going on in Hollywood, but it's definitely very weird that they ended up in the same film.

  10. Yep- like you say- in some ways it must be a very small town...

    You know after the last time you were here- I went and asked my wife if she could tell me where that song came from " Loves you but I aint gonna be your fool"

    she couldn't lol I utubed the video and you can actually watch all the old Ann Margrock songs :)

    "The first little lamb" - remember she sings Pebbles to sleep?

    Flintstones was right up there with All in the Family in my book.

    American Classics lol

  11. Hi Venus!

    >>>Venus said: i think one of the actresses in the film is supposed to wear one of Sharon's dresses from the original "Dolls" film, not sure if that's true though.>>>

    That's creepy if it's true.

  12. Thanx for the post, I just found out it was here.

    I watched the entire film, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls last night. I would describe it as a "hollywood freakshow". It was semi interesting, at least enough to watch it all the way through. The murder scene at the end was pretty gruesome, and it did remind me of the Manson murders. Perhaps, people were trying to make money from the murders, before the killers identities were even known.

    I also read Erica Gavin starred in "Vixen", the first movie to ever receive an X rating from the MPAA. She also starred in "Caged Heat", an old womens prison movie with lots of shower scenes. I had that movie on VHS years ago.

    Thanx for all the comments, I read each one.

  13. ST, yes, I remember the Ann-Margrock episode VERY well. I think that inspired my love for red hair. And, yes, the Flintstones were incredible! I wish they'd show it on TV again.

  14. Here's info about the Sharon outfit also worn in this film. "Kelly" borrows an outfit from her "Aunt Susan" to wear to the party at the film's beginning. This is the same outfit that Sharon wore in the scene where Tony tells her that the studio has dropped his option. Sharon also wore it (minus the metal belt) on the soundtrack LP's cover.

    The 3 female leads in "Beyond" also posed for publicity pix on a bed wearing the clothes worn by Sharon, Barbara Parkins and Patty Duke.

  15. I was gonna watch that movie but it's asking me for a credit card. No way Jose.

  16. Katie, maybe your local library can order it for you. Mine can do that.

  17. Thanks Venus. Or maybe I can see it on Netflix??? I'll check.

  18. Netflix ia also a good idea. I don't use it so I dind't think of it.

  19. Well Netflix has it. You can't watch instantly, but you can add it to your queue. It's got 4 stars. LOL.



  22. If anyone wants to watch Beyond the Valley of the Dolls and is having trouble with the Putlocker link I posted, it's also on Gorillavid. All of these links are free, DO NOT give anyone any credit card number.

    I also just found it at this link:

    It's uploaded in 7 parts, at the bottom of the page "Google Server" has all 7 parts that worked for me.

    If you've never used free movie sites, they can be a bit tricky and sometimes you have to mess with them to get them to work. Also, I use a windows PC, it's different if you have a MAC.

  23. Thanks for the link Sunset. I'm able to get on and watch it there. I'll watch it when I get a chance.

  24. I just watched part of Russ Meyer's film "Vixen", it can be found here:

    It's another free movie site that you may have to mess with, and keep in mind the movie was rated "X" so there is nudity and sex.

    The more I see of Erica Gavin, the more she reminds me of Susan Atkins. She looks, sounds, and acts a bit like Atkins. Apparently, they both danced in a topless bar, I'm guessing around the same time.

    I'm sure when Atkins was sending her letters during the trial, after she had portrayed the murder scene in "Beyond", it was "trippy".

    I read in a YouTube vid description last night at one point Gavin "abruptly left Hollywood" for 30 years. She is just now trying to get back involved a little bit.

    Erica Gavin must have been a pretty busy girl. Dancing topless, starring in an X rated movie, had the Manson girls sleeping on the floor of her house, life in the fast lane I guess.

  25. OK, Katie. When the first part ends, just click the little "2" beside where it says "Google Server" for the second part, then part "3" etc.

    It's not a very good movie and I wouldn't have watched it, except for the Manson connection. It does kind of bring back memories for me, just seeing the old cars, clothes, music, etc.

  26. Thanks Sunset. I just started watching part 2. I have to say, there are so many characters in this movie I haven't figured out who Erica is yet. That guy with the dark hair looks like a vampire.

    Well, I don't know if this movie is rated "X" or not, but it should be. Lots of T&A & horizontal mambo. LOL.

  27. Katie, Erica Gavin plays the role of "Roxanne" in Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Yes, there are many characters in that movie, too many, that's one of the problems with it.

    Gavin is involved in the "gruesome murder scene" slightly at the end of the movie. I don't want to "spoil" it by telling you what happens in case you are interested in the movie. There are actually some people that really liked that movie and it's music.

  28. I just ran across what I thought was a very interesting interview with Erica Gavin on YouTube. The vid was uploaded in March 2012. Keep in mind this is a woman that claims to have known Jay Sebring and the LaBianca kids on her website. At one point she says her house was raided by the FBI, she says "we had pounds of hashish in the shed".

    The interview can be seen here.

  29. Well this was an interesting movie. Not sure what the plot was. And the characters weren't developed enough to care about them.

    But I loved it when that guy got cured when he fell out of his wheelchair at the end. LOL.

    At least we were forewarned by the narrator at the end of the movie what can happen if we, in any way, resemble any of these people.

    Yeah Sunset, it was kinda fun to go back in time and remember how we all looked and sounded back then. Can you dig it??

  30. Sunset, I finally figured out who Erica was. She does resemble Susan Atkins somewhat.

    Was that "Z-man" supposed to be a girl??? Didn't get that part.

  31. Thanks Sunset. I watched that interview with Erica. Do you know what year she's talking about?

  32. Speaking of Movies lol Off this great topic for one second...

    This was a very interesting post and not going to go off too long on a tangent.

    It also has not much to do with Manson- BUT :)

    I saw the new movie The Master this afternoon. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix are getting Oscar buzz for this movie..

    the reviews say it is not an exact replication of Scientology but only loosely based.not an expose. That is true to an extent

    But they dont know as much about Scientology as me.

    Becuase this is going to be a major movie with much buz, and famous actors- some of you may see this movie....

    if anyone is interested- after you have all seen it- I would be happy to point out the tons of subtle references made to Scientology throughout the entire movie- and there are many many of them there. the average person or Roger Ebert wouldn't get a-lot of them- but I did...

    Someone who was involved with this movie did there homework...

  33. Katie, I'm not sure what year the interview was talking about, nor do I know what "Z-man" was supposed to be. That movie was just some type of Hollywood exploitation film that was supposed to appeal to prurient interests. Back in those days, most of the movies in the drive-ins and theaters around here were rated "G", like "Old Yeller".

    Erica Gavin said on her website she has some type of activity planned for Halloween of this year I think. I haven't read it to see what it's about. I tried to message her to get some more info, she hasn't replied, and I doubt she does.

    St. Circumstance mentioned Scientology. I've talked with, (and argued with) a few Scientologists online. I'm not a big fan of that "religion". It seems I read online that L. Ron Hubbard created that religion simply as a means to make money for himself. It operates similar to a pyramid scheme. You have to keep spending more money to purchase more advanced "religious materials".

  34. Sunset- this is a great post!! I have been looking at pics of Erica and reading about this movie and her for two days...

    I plan to watch this weekend

  35. Mr. Sunset, may I present Mr. Circumstance. LOL.

    Thanks Sunset for your insight. I know nothing about Scientology. But St. Circumstance knows a LOT.

    I hope you guys can put your heads together and "thrill us". And I know you can.

    Now where'd I hide that jelly-filled doughnut from myself??? Hmmmmmm.....It's around here somewhere. LOL


  36. Boy that Erica has aged. She's pretty rough.

    I wonder why she has a website. She seems to be a "B" porno actress. She wants to be in a Tarantino movie?

    I wonder if her account about Jay is even true. It's easy to make things up after someone's dead. Real easy.

    Venus, is there any authentication about her story about knowing Jay???

  37. Okay, let's go back in time. LOL.

    This song was my fav in 1965. Wow!!

    Groove on it. LOL.

  38. How about the Eliot Mintz connection. Mintz was later the publicist and assistant for John Lennon.
