Candice Bergen and Angela Lansbury, in the News
The women are starring together these days on Broadway , in an acclaimed revival of Gore Vidal's play "The Best Man," about a deadlocked presidential convention.
Candice Bergen, famed daughter of Edgar Bergen, gifted ventriloquist, and one of the stars of the new Broadway hit “The Best Man”, spoke today on CBS This Morning.
As you know, Candice was living at Cielo Drive with Terry Melcher until December of 1968 before Sharon & Roman moved in around February 1969, and Candice was also an attendee at Sharon & Roman’s wedding in London. She definitely knew them. After the murders, and when it was found that the Manson family killed the people at Cielo Drive, Candice yelled at Terry Melcher “that could have been me!!!” Shortly after, they broke up. (Guess why?) Here's the clip of Sharon & Roman's wedding. It shows Candice Bergen with Michael Caine at around 1:00.
Also, Angela Lansbury let her daughter, Deirdre, travel with Charlie Manson’s family, even giving her daughter a note that it was okay, since Deirdre was underage. Deirdre later introduced her friend Nancy Pitman to Charlie Manson. Gotta wonder if Candice and Angela ever commiserate about what happened in 1969 at Cielo Drive.
Hi, Katie,
Yes, let's go hang out at the stage door and yell manson questions at them after the show.
Nancy Pitman and Didi Lansbury were friends? Really? How do you know?
Hi Starship!
It states on cielodrive.com that Nancy and Didi were friends and Didi introduced Nancy to the family. But that's not where I first read it.
I think it was in The Family or another book I've read. Maybe it was on Bret's site. Can't remember off the top of my head.
Let me do some more sleuthing and I'll let you know.
Starship, I've got a question for you.
If memory serves, after Terry & Candice moved out of Cielo Drive, and before the Polanskis moved in, wasn't Dean Moorehouse living at Cielo Drive, and Tex was there quite a bit too?
I'm thinking that Jacobson got Moorehouse in there because he knew Rudy.
Is this right?
Sharon and JAY'S wedding?! Wow, talk about a Freudian slip!
You got that right! I guess that was wishful thinking. Thanks for catching that.
Lynyrd please correct that when you get a chance. :)
Wow...I even put Sharon & Jay's wedding twice in that paragraph. Trying to change history I guess. LOL.
My bad......
Hi, Katie,
Moorehouse living in the guest house may very well be true, but I don't believe it's ever actually been proven.
The story is he lived there in 1968 while the rest of the gang was at Dennis Wilson's house. Old Dean was creeping some of the girls out so they moved him out of the way.
Thanks Starship!
I think the rent at Cielo Drive was $1200/month. That was a LOT of money back in 1968/1969. I just don't see Dean Moorehouse having that kind of dough. Did he even have a job?
You mean, Sharoon didn't actually marry Jay? LOL
Kimchi (also) writes:
"I'm not one to point out mistakes, but there are two in your Bergen thread...
You have Sharon marrying "Jay" twice...
I know it's wishful thinking, but...."
I guess I'll have to start reading and editing the THREAD SECTION more closely as well!
The video has Roman in the wedding, waddya want from me? hahaha
I'll see you in my office. LOL
I knew I rushed back from vacation to soon...
I just thought I'd mention, a funny fact...
The visitor stats actually increased for the two days, I was closed! LOL
I mean, seriously?
What the f#ck, does that mean???
Go figure?
: )
I'm more popular dead, than alive! LOLOL
Okay, I know...fifty lashes with a wet noodle. HA HA HA.
I seriously have a problem associating Sharon with Roman. It's easier to put Sharon with Jay. I think it's a mental block.
I always have to stop and think....R-O-M-A-N. LOLOL.
I have to stop and think that too, Katie. Had they lived, maybe there would've been a wedding between them. That's another thing we'll never know.
Is it just me... or does Roman look exactly like Austin Powers in that video!!
"Yeah baby... Yeah!
I have to stop and think that too, Katie. Had they lived, maybe there would've been a wedding between them. That's another thing we'll never know.
Lynyrd, are you JUST now noticing that resemblance????? LOLOL
Why are my posts duplicating lately? And, they're separated by a few minutes too. I don't get it.
Lynyrd, he DOES look like Austin Powers!!! He acted like him too.
"The bettah to shag you bay-bee".
Venus, I've had that duplication problem too at times.
After you push "publish", go to the bottom of the page and make sure it didn't publish before you hit it again.
I think it's another Google thing.
I updated the thread.
Check out the bottom!
"Allow myself to... introduce myself"
Thanks Katie!
Oddly enough, I find Austin Powers to be somewhat attractive. Maybe it's the fact that he thinks he's so cool and studly which are traits I don't find attractive in what's 'is name. Go figure!
Lynyrd, you've done it again! You're the best!!! LOL.
"My name is No. 2.
This is my Italian confidential secretary. Her name is Alotta. Alotta Fagina."
You know, all Roman needs is those horn rimmed glasses and he would look exactly like Austin Powers. LOL.
Isn't that dealer in that clip the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld?
Venus I find Austin Powers MUCH more attractive than Roman as well, which is like saying he's the prettiest pig in the trough. LOL.
At least Austin is funny.
Roman....is not.
Maybe that's what it is--the humor. I love a guy who can make me laugh.
LOLOL at the "prettiest pig in the trough" comment" LOLOL
Of course, the character of "Felicity Shagwell" was supposedly based on Sharon.
Robert Wagner's wife, Jill St. John, played Tiffany Case in Diamonds Are Forever, another Bond film, which Austin Powers is based upon.
Anyway, back to the thread, I was just going to comment that I think that Candice Bergen is a wonderful actress. She was very good at dramatic roles, but was even better in comedy. Murphy Brown was one of the funniest sitcoms ever aired, and I would say at least 95% of that was her humor.
She had wonderful comedic timing and delivery. Such a delight!!! :)
>>>Venus said: Of course, the character of "Felicity Shagwell" was supposedly based on Sharon.>>>
I didn't know that Venus. Interesting.
I wonder if the Austin Powers character was based partly on Roman, according to his apparel at his wedding?????
"Trying to change history I guess. LOL" - katie
I wish you could!
"Of course, the character of "Felicity Shagwell" was supposedly based on Sharon." - Venus
Never knew that either, Venus. I was just reading an article in a woman's mag that said Sienna Miller is trying to copy Sharon's look. I guess Sharon had a look that is still being copied after all these years.
I'm more popular dead, than alive! LOLOL" - Lynyrd
No! We were just checking in constantly to see if the site was back up!
>>>Carol said: I was just reading an article in a woman's mag that said Sienna Miller is trying to copy Sharon's look. I guess Sharon had a look that is still being copied after all these years.>>>
Wow, I didn't know that either.
I can't think of any actress today that would come close to Sharon Tate in the looks department. She was just gifted with natural beauty which is hard to emulate.
Deirdre later introduced her friend Nancy Pitman to Charlie Manson. Gotta wonder if Candice and Angela ever commiserate about what happened in 1969 at Cielo Drive.(end quote)
Poirot replies:
I bet they never did chat about Cielo. Angela Landsbury is extremely egotistical and self centered to the point of being like Joan Crawford or Betty Davis as far as being Hollywood pri madonnas consumed with nothing but their professional image and status. She probably looked upom Deidre's connection as an embarrassment to her acting career. I've never read anything, anywhere being written about Angela Landsbury speaking even one word about the murders. I'm sure she was pissed that Deidre dared soil her professional reputation and revealing that she was a absentee, doesn't give a shit about her own daughter, type mother.
You know Mr. P., I think you could be right about that.
I don't know much of anything about Angela Lansbury, but I thought it was odd that she would write a note saying that her underaged daughter could travel with a group of older hippy men. I guess that was easier than trying to manage her.
Course I don't know anything about her daughter either. There could be 2 sides to that story. LOL.
Mr. Poirot said >>>>I'm sure she was pissed that Deidre dared soil her professional reputation and revealing that she was a absentee, doesn't give a shit about her own daughter, type mother.<<<<<
How are you 'sure' of this? Pretty harsh judgment about the woman's character, Mr. Poirot.
Just my opinion, the note could be just another made up story. I wouldn't exactly call anyone that may have had the opportunity to see such a note, if it did exist, credible.
And let's say there really was a note, the girl could have written it herself...wouldn't be the first time a kid forged a note from home, or their mother's signature. LOL
I think it's believable Deirdre and Pittman may have known of each other, maybe even hung around together, they're about the same age, both lived in Malibu etc. but i don't know anything factual about a relationship between Angela Lansbury's daughter and the Manson crew...
I do know Angela Lansbury packed up her kids and moved out of the country when her house in Malibu burned down...around the time of the trial, and later was well thought of for supporting everyone and their brother on her hit television show...she was considered very generous and professional.
And Deirdre is a successful businesswoman now, so she didn't get into the kind of trouble that irrevocably ruins your life.
Hey Bob!
I'm staying completely out of this discussion.
I know NOTHING about Angela Landsbury, except that she starred in "Murder She Wrote".
Moreover, I never watched the show once.
I know she played some type if investigative sleuth, of sorts.
The only thing I know of her daughter Deirdre... I learned on the blogs.
Which means, I know nothing. LOL
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but honest to Gawd...
I seriously thought both Angela and Candice were long deceased.
When Katie submitted this story... I thought it was a hoax. LOL
My exact words to Katie were:
"Candice Bergman and Angela Landsbury on Broadway?????"
"Jeez... I thought they died 15 years ago".
If you don't believe me... ask Katie.
Based on all that...
I defer to EVERYONE on this topic!
: )
'Course, I'm an Austin Powers expert.
Not sure what that says, about my taste in cinematograohy. : )
Bob said:
"hey lynyrd ! welcome back from vacation".
Thanks Brother!
GREAT to see you, as always!
Vacation's are never long enough.
But, I got my sense of humor back, anyway. LOL
I think I'm gonna save that "vacation sign"... and use it, every once in a while. LOL
Ya know... I was thinking today:
I really miss "Frank".
He's a top-notch blogger, and really cool cat!
Where are you hiding Brother?!
I made a lot of typos, up there.
Ignore the typos folks! LOL
bobby said...>>>>>
Mr P. Has made statements about Col Scott being Col. Tates lawyer and being disbared as a result. Provides absolutly no supporting evidence. Now he is making statements about AL without sources that I'm aware of.
Mr. P has some great prespectives but, somethings need back up and sources to be beleived.<<<<<<
Hi Bobby, you're a nice person.
The door at Spahn's Ranch said this:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7...All good children go to heaven.
Groove on it bay-bee.
I didn't make it up...it's real.
Want proof? Just say so.
Okay for now, listen to this.
It's Seinfeld's outtakes.
Listen and learn.
Hey, Katie, when you watched MMMM it was on DVD, correct? Did you watch the special feature with the short film?
Hi Bobby!
The door that had the 123 written on it.
Was it the same door with helter skelter written on it ?>>>
Yes! It also said "Nothingness". Whatever that means. LOL.
>>>Starship said: Hey, Katie, when you watched MMMM it was on DVD, correct? Did you watch the special feature with the short film?>>>
Starship, I rented the DVD and I still have it. I haven't watched the special feature. I'm assuming it's on there. I just went straight to the movie. I can plug that in and watch it later. Does it explain anything??
Bob... please check your email.
Thanks Brother!
Hi, Katie,
No, if you were frustrated by the real film, the short film won't add anything to it. Both films were made fairly close to where I live and very close to where I used to camp before the floods of the last few years washed away our site.
I just find it interesting, because the idea of a 'cult' going on creepy crawls and murder sprees out of their HQ in the woods of upstate NY is the reason I became fascinated with the Manson Murders in the first place. Not that it happened, but I was fearful it would when I was a younger lad.
Oh, and as for the ending of the real movie...again I think it is deliberately up to you to decide if it means anything. Or not.
Ed Sanders wrote about Angela Lansbury writing a permission note for her daughter to hang out with the Manson gang in "The Family." But he wrote it as a "blind item" and I never would have guessed it was Ms. Lansbury. Sanders also wrote a blind about Manson having an affair with an actor who was starring in a popular TV series at the time.
Thanks Starship. I was gonna ask you how you thought the movie ended, but I guess that's just for everyone to decide for themselves. I won't mention how I thought it ended, just in case someone else wants to watch it. At least not now.
Since you know that area very well, I was wondering if you could explain the comment that was made in the movie by Marcy's sister, Lucy.
Lucy made the comment to her husband that Marcy had been living in The Catskills, and her husband went ballistic for a second. Is The Catskills a bad place to live???
I was just confused about that comment.
>>>Carol said: Ed Sanders wrote about Angela Lansbury writing a permission note for her daughter to hang out with the Manson gang in "The Family.">>>
Thanks Carol! I tried looking for that yesterday but gave up. :)
CarolMR said...>>>>>>
Ed Sanders wrote about Angela Lansbury writing a permission note for her daughter to hang out with the Manson gang in "The Family." But he wrote it as a "blind item" and I never would have guessed it was Ms. Lansbury. Sanders also wrote a blind about Manson having an affair with an actor who was starring in a popular TV series at the time.<<<<<<
Hi Carol, I wonder if it was 'blind' because there wasn't evidence to support the claim, or blind to protect against defamation. Maybe both. I don't know.
My issue was about the 'absentee, didn't give a shit about her own daughter type mother'...
Opinions are one thing, but that seemed pretty harsh to me...
No, Katie, the catskills are nice...unless it's cold, windy and snowing...I think he was just expressing surprise that she was so close to them for two years and never contacted them.
Oh, okay thanks Starship. That makes more sense! :)
What did you think of the movie? I know St. Circumstance liked it. I don't think anyone other than the 3 of us has even seen it.
Did you like those slow moving scenes? Did it answer your questions about cult behavior?
There were subtleties in the movie, like Marcy hearing rocks being thrown on the roof, and I'm assuming she felt like their home was going to be invaded from her experience with the cult she was involved with. A lot of the movie was kind of garnering your own opinion about what was happening in her mind, and in reality.
Other than the setting being familiar to you, what was your take on this movie??
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