Kimchi attended "California Dreamin"...
Kimchi Writes:
Katie – I think it was you that asked the question about potential lawsuit and what have you, regarding the play’s plot. This disclaimer was everywhere; this was included in the handout booklet:“This play, California Dreamin’, is a work of fiction. Although it is inspired by real people and actual events, it is not, and is not intended to be, an accurate portrayal of real people, real incidents or historical events as they actually occurred” –
The play begins with Peter Folger giving a eulogy to Abigail at her funeral. He is broken hearted, but vows to move on. To minimize her involvement in the shady drug world and keep the family name clean, he hires a private detective to cover up any connection between Abigail, the drugs, and the murderer. The investigator knows Abigail had drugs in her system but he will do his best to keep her name out of the media. (I’ve read this is actually true).
The next scene takes place at the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic in San Francisco where Mrs. Ines Folger is volunteering. Mrs. Folger meets Sunshine (a patient) and invites her to a cocktail party at her home a few days later (yeah, right). Sunshine asks if she can bring her friends.
The Folgers (already divorced) greet their guests; Mr. Folger is angry when the hippies show up so he splits. Abigail does not show up. Mrs. Folger gets a headache and steps outside for some fresh air and sees someone sitting in the shadow. The person is Charles Manson. Charlie uses his charm and charisma to make her feel at ease. He takes her hand and pinches a spot to relieve the headache pain. Mrs. Folger tells Charlie he should go to Los Angeles and meet her daughter Abigail.
Charlie meets Abigail at a party in a home on Waverly Drive, not Harold True’s house, the Donohue house, the other side of La Bianca’s. Abigail’s boyfriend, Wojciech is getting drugged out of his mind. With Wojciech busy getting high, Charlie puts the make on Abigail. They go through a little flirting and when Manson asks her name, she says her name is McGoo. Charlie plays the guitar and sings “Look at your game girl”. (The actor did a very good job of singing and playing this song)
Sometime later...
After meeting with her psychiatrist and goes home to Cielo, Wojciech is having a pool party with a bunch of young girls in bikinis, but Abigail doesn’t know them. She is hurt and takes off to meet Charlie. He sings her a song called “Gibby McGoo”.
Abigail establishes a relationship with Manson and they get high together.
Later at Spahn’s ranch Charlie tells his followers that killing people is okay since “the soul can’t be destroyed”. Charlie strangles Tex when he questions him about his logic.
The play ends at Cielo Drive, a car coming up the driveway, Tex ordering “Halt” – four gunshots are heard, the lights go out and the play is over.

Thanks Kimchi! You ROCK!!
"Abigail’s boyfriend, Wojciech is getting drugged out of his mind".
That seems to be the one consistent thing that everyone agrees upon lately... in all these texts, plays, movies... even Roman Polanski's lie detector test. LOL
Gibby and Manson...
Katie's gonna have nightmares tonight. LOL
Very interesting....
In his book ULTIMATE EVIL, Maury Terry believes that Gibby knew Manson before the murders. He claims they met in San Francisco (at Esalen?) and she gave him money more than a few times.
Thanks Kimchi!
I'm puzzled by this:
"Charlie strangles Tex when he questions him about his logic.
The play ends at Cielo Drive, a car coming up the driveway, Tex ordering “Halt” – four gunshots are heard, the lights go out and the play is over."
If Charlie strangled Tex, how did Tex order "halt"? Am I missing something here? LOL.
Bobby said:
Kimchi, Did you enjoy the play ?"
I liked the costumes and the music..
My husband liked the play...(I think it was all the pretty girls ;0) even though he hates this Manson stuff...
I had to fib to get him to go, I told him it was about the Mama's and the Papa's...(hee hee)
The guy playing Charlie had him down pat, including the giggle..
The guy playing Wojciech was the best...loved the polish accent and sense of humor...
Katie said:
'If Charlie strangled Tex, how did Tex order "halt"? Am I missing something here? LOL'
I didn't say "strangles him to death"
Guess I should have said "choked him"
Okay thanks Kimchi. I misunderstood what you meant.
Hmmmmm.....too bad Charlie didn't strangle Tex to death in real life. HA HA.
Hi carol.....
According to Terry private investigators researching the Manson crimes for the book were able to establish a Folger/Manson/Shea link.
A dinner in Newport Beach with the three of them in attendance is alleged. Among other things.
Thanks, sbuch113. I had forgotten about that. I read the book so long ago.
Thanks Kimchi!!!
Kimchi does it say why Charlie wanted Abigail dead?
I love a purely fictional story, that has nothing to do with reality.
As this one does. HA HA.
"Kimchi does it say why Charlie wanted Abigail dead?"
It was sorta, kinda, a love story... (Katie goes 'yuck')
But he (Charlie) started telling her about the way his dad treated him and he freaked out...she was turned off by that and told him she was moving back to San Francisco to her live with her family.. he said "F**k you, f**k everyone...(Charlie left the stage)
Then it went to the final scene (the same night) of cutting the telephone wire at Cielo and "Halt" bang bang bang (Tex and the girls)..
So it left it to your imagination or whatnot - you could interpret it to mean she got killed because she was leaving LA or leaving him... I don't know....that's JMO..
"It reminds me of my 85 year old mother getting my 87 year old father to see brokeback mountain by telling him it was a western, lol"
Yeah, same principle!
"Kimchi < i was also wondering about any humor, sounds like they workrd that in with"
They sure did! Wojciech's character was "a character"...when he was messing around with the girls in the bikinis, Gibby called on the phone, she said "who are you talking to?" He said "the girls, uhm I mean the squirrels, you know my English is bad" The girls in the bikinis said "ooh, squirrels like nuts" and they made a gesture to his manhood..
very interesting Kimchi...thanks for the rundown
>>>Kimchi said: It was sorta, kinda, a love story... (Katie goes 'yuck')>>>
Hmmmm... Charlie & Gibby...sittin' in a tree.....NOT!
Thanks Kimchi. I'm glad you went to see it and I glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting us know how it went! :)
Hi Mary!!!! :)
I spent considerable time and effort, over at Liz's today... legitimately trying to prove that the man in the group photo (Dennis Rice thread), was Mark Ross.
I hunted down links to Associated Press photos, mugshots and newspaper articles.
I even made a few jokes with Matt along the way.
Tonight... it's ALL deleted.
Patty has politely suggested (on a few occasions), that I participate over there... but, every time I do, the result is the same.
Patty... now you know why, I don't bother...
Every time I do some research, and take the time to type-up something substantial... it ends-up in the trash.
I didn't insult anyone.
My posts were informational, with my usual tongue-in-cheek humor interspersed.
I won't be going back.
What's the point?
Peace... Lynyrd
LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...
>>>I spent considerable time and effort, over at Liz's today...<<<
Visiting Internet Brothels now? Shame on you Skynyrd. You should know better than that.
That Blog of hers is the equivalent of "The Forbidden Zone" in Planet of the Apes - you just don't go there. It's a mental wasteland and the inhabitants that frequent that lost oasis are HTLB Mutants; deformed cretins whose extinction is long overdue.
>>> Patty has politely suggested (on a few occasions), that I participate over there... but, every time I do, the result is the same.<<<
If Patty gave you a tab of acid, would you take it?
If Patty gave you a pistol and told you to play russian roulette all by yourself, would you do it?
>>> I won't be going back.
What's the point?<<<
There may be hope for you yet.
Makes mental note in Skynyrd's logbook ..... Stay away from places that are owned and operated by "Evil" anything.
You won't find Jesus there that's for sure.
As for "California Dreaming" .... if it's not associated with the Mama's & the Papa's, it's not "California Dreaming".
It's "How can i make some quick money by exploiting someone else's success".
Thanks, but no thanks.
terry has said he got the information about manson/folger/ shea having a meal together from sandra good. i think it is not true, she just made it up.
terry has said he got the information about manson/folger/ shea having a meal together from sandra good. i think it is not true, she just made it up.
Truly sorry and redfaced. Helping to run a blog is like herding cats sometimes. At least you know where Patty stands, eh?
PS Patty has always found her first cousin Nick extremely HOT so she must be one of yours after all.
And Patty does not do acid any more so don't worry Jimmy she will not be slipping any in your morning coffee. Though she does know some people this has actually happened to.
Last trip: Grateful Dead at Shoreline, prolly right before Jerry kicked it in '94 or '95. Patty is an old woman now.
No hard feelings Patty, but I'll be minding my own business going forward.
That seems to be the sensible route, for everyone concerned.
back atcha.
Kimchi, thanks for the synopsis.
Hell has frozen over. I agree with Jim.
Lynyrd-- if you visit that shithole, you get what you deserve.
Eviliz’s latrine has been a misery to everyone. The misery regarding those facebook pictures, raged on their blog for months. That diarrhea spilled over to Colonel’s blog, ruining several threads. It spilled over to here and Thelma’s. They’ve insulted Cats many times. I don’t know what happened to Brian, but Starcity Radio dropped Liz like a hot tamale. They subject misery on everyone. That’s what they do. That’s their job. Got it now?
Let’s do a body count. Ken, Circumstance, Thelma and Louise have all been eliminated by that cancerous sore. Hendrickson barely got out with his ass still attached. If Alisa lingered one more week, her career would be in ruins.
I have no mercy for anyone stupid enough to frequent that toilet. Learn your lesson Lynyrd. Stay away from those idiots. Don’t talk to them. Don’t associate with them. They offer zero in the way of research.
Ken helped them for a year. What did he get? ZERO. No public thank you. No public goodbye. They let him disappear like a fart in the wind.
Smarten up Lynyrd. Dickhead hath spoken.
I'll take your information under advisement.
Your advice is so noted. LOL
I think, it may be time for a new thread tonight!
Katie... you got anything? : )
Is that guy "on" something? LOL
Holy Moly...
OMG Dickhead, I about fell off the chair laughing my ass off...
Not the content mind you...
I think it's your's gone to your head...and not your big head ...LOL
The dude's a f#ckin trip.
>>>Kimchi said: OMG Dickhead, I about fell off the chair laughing my ass off...
Not the content mind you...>>>
I don't know about you Kimchi, but I think the CONTENT is the funniest part. HA HA.
Dickhead rules!!! :)
LA is in the midst of the "mother of all storms" and this guy has me rolling on the floor...
I don't suppose it would help to repeat the following:
"No hard feelings Patty, but I'll be minding my own business going forward".
: )
And moving on...ahemm...
Maybe SB and Carol can give us more info on Terry's book...
I tried to read it, don't remember anything about it..
Did it mention anything about the house on the other side of the Labianca's?
Oh, and One World Jimmy, on this rule too! LOL.
>>>Beauders said: terry has said he got the information about manson/folger/ shea having a meal together from sandra good. i think it is not true, she just made it up.>>>
Beauders, as usual, you are spot on. Sandra loved trying to make the victims look like they had caused their own demise.
Abigail was very polished and extremely accomplished in many areas. I doubt that she would have spent 2 seconds with an ex-con with a chip on his shoulder peddling gobble-dee gook.
Which reminds me of a question. Abigail was an accomplished pianist, but I'm wondering if that baby Grand at Cielo Drive belonged to Rudy and was in the house when Sharon & Roman moved in. I doubt that Abigail would have lugged a piano over there knowing it was temporary digs.
Does anyone know?
"Maybe SB and Carol can give us more info on Terry's book..." - kimchi
I wish I could but I read it when it first came out, years ago. I was never so frightened by a book. Most of it deals with the Son of Sam. The last quarter is about TLB. Terry does not accept the "official" motive for the slayings. He believed it to be drugs and a little bit of Satanism. I don't even have the book any longer. I should see how much it goes for on Amazon.
Terry's Ultimate Evil is probably the most thrilling "true crime" book out there.... even though it's mostly wild, but interesting, speculation - and was a definite cash-in on the 1980s media Satanic Panic. Some of the info is pretty compelling, like Berkowitz taking the rap for a team of killers (including the real sons of Sam Carr). And the section on the unsolved slaughter of Arliss Perry is chilling (a gruesome slaying at midnight in a church, and the bastards defiled her with a large crucifix. Ugh).
Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't Bill Nelson write that Alisa Statman did the West Coast research for Terry on this (i.e. the Manson2/Cotton Club murders part)? Apologies in advance if I'm mistaken.
"Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't Bill Nelson write that Alisa Statman did the West Coast research for Terry on this (i.e. the Manson2/Cotton Club murders part)? Apologies in advance if I'm mistaken." - cease2
Wow, that's interesting. Never heard that before. Since I was still living in NYC at the time of the Son of Sam murders, I was watching the case very carefully and was glad that I didn't have shoulder-length brown hair! I think the book gives very compelling reasons for stating that the Carr brothers committed at least some of the murders. A couple of the victims who survived (and are paralyzed) swear that Berkowitz was not the man who shot them. I know Col. Scott totally dismisses this book, but I think there is some truth in it.
Like I say Carol, I'm problably recalling incorrectly. Is mis-remembering a sign of ageing?
"Is mis-remembering a sign of ageing?" - Cease2
For me, it is!
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