Hey Folks! Our newest member "Disillusioned", has shared his personal collection of Manson-related tattoos with us!
I'm very excited about this thread, because it's totally unique! Heck... I've been frequenting the blog scene, for the better part of ten years... and, I've never seen anything quite like this! LOL We're all different people, with different personalities and interests. Let's all be open-minded, accepting and polite. If this is not your "cup-of-tea"... please be gracious. The blog is open to all submissions... and personally... I think this is really cool!
Thanks "Disillusioned" for your very kind generosity!

These two bottom photos, are of "Disillusioned" himself!
Thanks D-Man... You ROCK!
"Click" any of the photos, to view full-size.
The resolution, on some of them is incredible!
"Click" any of the photos, to view full-size.
The resolution, on some of them is incredible!
Thanks Disillusioned!
It took me a lot longer to complete the thread, than expected.
My computer has a virus, and completely freezes-up sometimes.
I had to dig the old laptop, out of the closet.
It's WICKED slow... but, at least it works.
Mission Accomplished, at last! LOL
Ouch! That looks painful!
Some of those Manson faces look REAL. The one of Sharon is really pretty.
Dis, may I introduce you to Arieana Mussenden. I think you'll hit it off nicely. LOL.
That second one looks like a photograph. Incredible artistry!!
THANKS LYNYRD!! Really appreciate you putting these up.. Site kicks ass.. Thanks guys! ;)
the sharon tate one is a real work of art.
Wow..some nice work, I agree with Katie and Matt the Sharon one is spectacular.
Thanks for sharing this with us Disillusioned.
Incredible - thanks for sharing Disillusioned!
Hi Missy & Mary. Yes I agree, I'm not into tattooing, but the artwork is just incredible!!!
Oh, and hi Matt!! LOL.
What is the caption above the Mother Mary tatoo? I can't make it out on my screen.
LOL! That says "Dashboard Mary"..
According to a recent survey, 1 in 5 adults now has at least one tatoo.
"Among those with a tattoo, most have never regretted getting a tattoo (86%) and three in ten say it makes them feel more sexy (30%). One-quarter say having a tattoo makes them feel rebellious (25%), 21% say both it makes them feel attractive or strong, 16% say it makes them feel spiritual and fewer say it makes them feel more healthy (9%), intelligent (8%) or athletic (5%)."
I saw this on the news this morning. LOL.
And it's also a great way to say "fuck off society!".. ;)
Yeah...that'll just about do it. HA HA.
Looks like the "Mean" play in Dallas is getting good reviews.
Hi Dis. So, what reactions have you got from people about the Tats? Girls, parents, employers, when you're out & about etc?
And do you think in later years you might wish you never had them? Might be a tough one if you run for President.
Call 1-800-Squeaky!
Hi Cease!
I wonder how much trouble it is to remove them????
"Hi Dis. So, what reactions have you got from people about the Tats? Girls, parents, employers, when you're out & about etc?
And do you think in later years you might wish you never had them? Might be a tough one if you run for President"
Well I'm 44, so def no regrets. They say you are "unemployable" once you get hands, face, neck tattoos..Those pics are older, my neck is done now, but for me I don't work anyhow (too damn lazy)so no prob there.. :)
As far as what people think, I certainly don't care one way or another.. LOL!
So... unemployable from the neck on down huh?
Reminds me of Leggy Mountbatten's father in The Rutles. Who was so snobby he wore swimming trunks in the bath to stop him from looking down on the unemployed. LOL
I don't know what the hell, you just said Cease... but, it was funny as hell!
Why you wanna hire me? I took a shower this week too..I'll work for scratch off's, tokens or cigarettes...
Ha ha. Just the essentials, huh? I likes yer style.
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