So, you think you know all the players?
Take the Pepsi... I mean... the Lynyrd, Challenge! LOL
Identify all the people in THIS photo!
The more astute among you, will recognize the blonde children from RH's original "Manson" movie. The blonde boy was splashing water in the horse trough... and the blonde girl, was being creepily held, kissed and caressed by Clem.

Happy New Year to Everyone!!
Good luck with the Challenge! LOL
The Partridge Family?
The dog's name is Anton.
Huh? Which dog? DOOHHHH!!
Hey Dilligaf!
I've got a new blogger coming after the New Year.
He contacted me off-blog... and guess what?
He's a defense attorney! LOL
Now, I've got a prosecutor AND a defense attorney!
This should get REALLY interesting!!!!
We should have a "Mock Trial"!
Katie will play Sadie...
Marliese will be Sharon...
Screw it... I'll play Manson...
Any other takers??!!
Venus, there's Marx Brothers marathon on Turner Classic Movies. Grab the Dr. Pepper & popcorn!! LOL.
Katie will play Sadie...
Marliese will be Sharon...
Screw it... I'll play Manson...
Any other takers??!!
I can preside over the proceedings with my cigarette drooping from my mouth. I can see it now: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury we will now take a 10 minute recess because the Honor has a load in his diapers!!"
Stormy, that's a good one! HA HA.
You can have a rattle instead of a gavel.
And when Charlie lunges at you when you're on the bench, you can throw your loaded diaper in his face. LOL.
There are two dogs in the pic and two girls hidden partially on the right. From the look of the direction of faces there is a second photographer out of view to the right side. This is a post murder pic taken after the arrests.
Mr. P., you're right. There are 2 "dogs".
(2) 4-legged dogs. and (3) 2-legged dogs. HA HA.
The guy in the front with the beard looks like Matthew McConaughey.
But I guess that's wishful thinking. LOL.
I think I see TJ Walleman, Country Sue Bartell, Mary Brunner and Dennis Rice. One of the children might be Ivan Pugh. One of the dudes might be Herb Townsend. The rest I don't know.
LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...
Hey Dilligaf!
I've got a new blogger coming after the New Year.
He contacted me off-blog... and guess what?
He's a defense attorney! LOL
That's cool, some of my best friends are Defense Attorney's. Wait, can I say that?
I just never let them know where I live, and never buy them the first round.
Tom I think you're right. Although Mary is ducking her head like she's sick and tired of this crap. HA HA.
I think by that time she decided she should have stayed a librarian.
Oh well...Hmmmmm...mmmmm.
Mr. Dill, just never let it be Jose Baez who calls you "laughing boy".
WOW. What a trial.
Jeff Ashton lost that trial because he had an ego and he thought he would win.
Plus he didn't pick out jurors who would go with his wishes.
There wasn't much to choose from.
What 12-person jury could find Casey Anthony innocent?
I challenge anyone!!!
Only a mentally crippled asphalt fucking jury could find that cunt innocent.
The people on that jury are Neanderthal, knuckle-dragging cretins.
I can't believe anyone picked them for a jury.
While I only watched the closing arguments of the Casey Anthony trial, which were on July 4th, I was 100% sure she would be found guilty.
As in 100% no doubt about it only a jackass can't see this for what it is.
When a friend told me she had been aquitted, I was flabbergasted. That must be some different type of bird in Pinellas County, who don't have the brain power or the moxie to put it all together.
But Casey walks and that is that and these things happen. Justice is just a game of chance.
As far as Mary Brunner goes, I don't think she was sick and tired of it all at this point.
She still had a few bullets in the chamber. The Hawthorne shootout was still to come.
>>>Tom said: That must be some different type of bird in Pinellas County, who don't have the brain power or the moxie to put it all together.>>>
You've got it. These motherfuckers can't add two and two.
these stupid fuckers will die a slow death.
According to God.
Asshole-pike motherfuckers.
Every night they were just fucking each other in the asshole because they're a bunch of leeches.
They weren't even humans. No human being could have seen that photo of Caylee Anthony with the duct tape on her mouth with a "smiley heart star" on her mouth and couldn't have deduced the truth.
And those motherfuckers saw it.
They can all rot in hell. And they will.
They knew the truth. Who puts duct tape on a child's mouth and then puts a smiley face sticker on the tape?
A fucking murderering mama. That's who.
stupid cretins. Asshole motherfuckers.
They can all die a horrible death. It's destined for them.
Little Caylee is waiting. She'll do the countdown.
Happy New Year Tom!
Good to see you, as always.
I see you've got Katie revved-up...
Good luck with it.
Happy New Year to all men and women of good will!
If you are not of good will, come aboard, there is room. We'd love to have you.
Caylee Anthony was murdered by her sick mother.
Make no mistake.
Whether you are a prosecutor or defense attorney.
Casey Anthony is GUILTY.
We all know that.
What we can't figure out is how the stupid ass jury didn't know that.
They let a murderer go free.
They let a girl go free to murder again.
And she will.
Make no mistake about it.
She will.
I hope this fucked-up jury feels bad about the next little girl that Casey kills.
Because she will. No doubt about it.
It's only a matter of time.
And when Casey does kill again, I hope this jury goes to trial for murder.
It's only fair.
Justice???? Justice for Caylee? there was none.
Justice for the next murdered child?
Think about it.
Alright, a happy & prosperous near year to you all!!!
Happy 2012!!!
Okay I deleted all those comments about Casey Anthony.
As much as I hate her, I won't let her ruin my new year.
Have a wonderful new year everyone!!!
Happy New Year to all u Manson lovin' Muthafuckas!!
Happy 2012
Stormsurge... that was EPIC!
I just sprayed coffee all over my computer screen!
Katie, I don't get TCM unfortunately. However, I do get a channel called "THIS" and they showed a whole weekend of films by the Marx Bros., Bob Hope, WC Fields, Mae West, Laurel and Hardy and so on. I LOVED it. I haven't seen the Marx Bros. films in years but I was saying the dialogue right along with them. LOL Of course, the popecorn and Dr. Pepper helped a bit, I'm sure. :-)
Um, I meant popcorn, not popecorn. hee hee
Happy New Year, everyone! Is Squeaky the first girl on the left?
Whoa, what a spew about CA. Talk about a burr under my saddle. HA HA.
Hi Venus & Carol! Venus, glad you were able to watch the Marx Brothers. I did too and loved every minute of them!!! :)
Carol, I really don't know if Squeaky is in this photo. I think Tom was on the right track.
Katie, I totally agree with you about Casey and Caylee. When the verdict was announced, I was on the phone and I shrieked in disbelief and ranted and raved for a lonnnnnng time. Luckly, my friend who I'd been talking too was in total agreement.
Venus, I know that Casey will someday face her judgement.
I guess I get so viral because of that cute little daughter Caylee, who never did anything wrong, who only loved without question.
She trusted her mother explicitly and that was her last mistake.
I think what really bothers me is Casey had a child who was completely normal, no medical problems, no worries, and just shoved her under the rug like yesterday's trash.
If taking care of Caylee was too much trouble for the party animal, she could have let her mother Cindy have custody. Then Caylee would have lived.
I never had a daughter, but if I did, I would hope she would be just like little Caylee.
p.s., Casey and her parents don't talk at all now. Casey has dis-owned her parents and wants nothing to do with them.
She doesn't need them babysit....
That's a sad postscript. Explains it all about Casey Anthony.
You said it! Here's my major gripe about the grandparents. HOW could they have not known who was supposedly babysitting their kid and where she lived? I took care of kids in my home for several years and family members (not just parents, but others who were allowed to pick up the child) knew my name, where I lived, my phone number, etc. I never understood how the grandparents would buy the "Caylee's spending the weekend with the nanny" business. Oh, new Casey footage was released today. She has a new blonde bob haircut and wears glasses. She's also adopted a puppy (poor puppy) Watch HLN later tonight for more info (Jane Velez-Mitchell, etc.)
Venus, I agree that it was very strange that Cindy & George didn't follow up on this "Zanny" crap.
They knew for a fact that Casey was a liar and a thief. You would think that with their most precious commodity "Caylee" they would go to any length to make sure she was safe.
Maybe they never dreamed their daughter would kill her. I don't know.
I saw the You Tube video of Casey with bleached hair. I've seen updates on TV today about that. Cheney states that Casey didn't release that video to You Tube and someone stole it.
Yeah right.
I wonder who is paying her way? Another idiot.
I am just mind boggled by the fact that they say men in their 20's drool over this twit. WHY??
And, yes, how could the grsndparents just buy everything Casey said as the truth? Cindy really needs a wake-up call. She lied on the stand. I can't believe the attorneys didn't catch her goof. She said, "I wasn't looking for chloroform, I was looking for chloroform." Isn't that the same thing? LOL
I can understand wanting to defend your own child, but, hello, even Mary Jo Buttafuoco finclly woke up after several years of defending her husband. I think it's appalling that she defended Casey so much and made excuses for her. What about that poor little granddaughter she claimed to love so much?
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