Cats will be interviewing William Garretson tonight.
Time: Sunday, Oct.16 at 8pm EST.
There's a "live chat" option on the site, for folks to communicate during the program.
Feel free to comment on the program here as well... before, during, and after!
I'm sure Cat's and Brian will ask some great questions! Visit Cat's at:
I listened to the radio show this evening, and here's my synopsis:
Cat's and Brian did a fabulous job, but unfortunately, it seems Bill Garretson is a bit incoherent. Beyond being difficult to understand (audibly), he speaks in long "yarns", and seems a tad, shall we say, delusional. Most of the folks in the "chat room" agreed... Bill's account is implausible, if not outright ridiculous at times. Here's a few of the main points:
1) Bill first explains (essentially), that he went to California to avoid being drafted. He then back-pedals, and says "he wanted to see the country he'd be defending... and would have gone to Canada if he was dodging the draft".
2) No Sex with Parent... a "radio sales pitch" ONLY.
3) The phone lines were ALREADY cut when Garretson arrived home!
4) Bill claims no phone calls were placed from his residence that night. (De-bunked by Cats on the spot, by a letter written by Jerry Friedman, who received a call from Steve Parent that night).
5) Bill HEARD "popping noises"... and was angry at Parent... convinced Parent was "throwing firecrackers" OR "making his car backfire". How do you make a car backfire??
6) He was 'writing letters" and HEARD SCREAMS.
7) He put down what he'd been writing, and "peeked out" and SAW "a man straddled over another".
8) He SAW two women running from the main hoouse.
9) Bill HEARD a woman say "stop, I'm already dead".
10) He "peeked" a second time, and HEARD "heavy breathing" and 'whispering" coming towards his front door.
11) He went "back to writing letters".
12) At one point he says he was "up all night"... at another point, he says "he finished his letters and went to sleep".

That about sums it up. Although Cats and Brian did a fabulous job, and it was all quite entertaining, no real information could be taken from this interview. It seems Bill has been victimized by the event, and he's not quite coherent. Substance abuse? Who knows...
I will be listening. This should be interesting. Why hold back now?
Hi Tom! I'll be there too. I'm curious as to what he'll say.
I wonder when that picture was taken.
I promise to be respectful, even though I believe this fellow is less than honest in what he knows.
Fear makes cowards of us all- Vince Lombardi.
Well that was a waste of time. Nothing bad to Cats, but Bill Garretson is a nutjob.
I don't know if anyone listened to this nonsense but it was putrid.
He should have just stayed underground. There are reasons why people don't talk to other people, and some of them are good ones.
This jerk-off Garretson claims that a 3-eyed baby was brought to his little "castle". HA HA HA HA.
What a stupid shit sumbitch.
HA HA HA. I'm gonna have a lotta fun with this cretin.
I'm actually sorry I listened to this interview because I thought it was somebody putting us on, either that or this guy went batshit nuts.
There are lots of players from back then who probably have something interesting to say....
Why hold back now? None of us are getting any younger....
Who has a 3-eyed baby? What does that even mean???
Tom I'm sorry I listened to it too. It was 40 minutes late, and then we heard this nonsense from a fogged-out old guy.
It wasn't just fogged-out. It was new stuff that he was trying to introduce.
The phone lines were down when he got back to Cielo Drive?
He wrote down the license plates of the cars there?
Some guy named "Frank" brought him a 3-eyed baby from Sharon?
Is this guy on Quaaludes? Smack? Crack? Whiskey?
This guy is incomprehensible. Not watchable.
Not entertainable.
Not interesting anymore.
Nor was he ever. He was always a sad sack in every aspect.
Before the murders nobody even knew who he was.
Now....nobody cares.
Wasn't Garretson in a terrible motorcycle accident a few years back and lost a leg?
I don't know where they found this fellow, but they need to take him back to wherever they found him, and place him down gently.
And we all walk away. Shhhhhh.
This interview is unwatchable.
Sorry, but it's true.
I thought we would get more information, but all we've gotten it nonsense.
Nothing against Cats. She did the best she could.
It was the interviewee that was at fault.
I'm really tired now. It's after my bed time.
I'll go into detail tomorrow.
Carol I don't know anything about an accident wherein he lost his leg. He didn't mention it so far.
Garretson is employed driving an eighteen wheeler.
As Brian said... that's a scary thought.
Thanks, katie.
garretson was in a very bad motorcycle accident several years ago and lost both his legs and suffered brain damage. i don't know how he can have a job. if he claimed this in the interview, i would think he was suffering from dementia.
This interview was just extremely disappointing. I was hoping, as well as the rest of us I'm sure, that some questions we've always had might be answered by this guy.
I'd like to mention that I admire the way Cats conducted this interview. She just let him ramble on, knowing a lot of it wasn't true. My hat is off to her.
If I had been interviewing him, it probably would have turned into a big argument, followed by him hanging up on me. LOL.
Also, didn't Garretson say the "baby" that was brought to him was a twin that survived?
Lynyrd, I like the 3-eyed baby picture. HA HA.
I'm wondering if Garretson has advanced senility, or maybe he never was quite "all there". If you read his polygraph transcript, he's unclear even back in 1969 as to exactly what happened, rambling on and on about stuff, running events into each other.
Long, rambling yarns...incoherent....made-up, improbable stories....outright lies....Maybe Garretson's really Charlie's son!!
Hi Lurch!
>>>Long, rambling yarns...incoherent....made-up, improbable stories....outright lies....Maybe Garretson's really Charlie's son!!>>
Maybe so!!! The apple didn't fall fall from the tree. HA HA.
Why does everyone think Steve Parent was gay? According to Garretson's polygraph, Steve was asking about the women in the main house, and he thought they were "hot".
Beauders said:
>>>>"garretson was in a very bad motorcycle accident several years ago and lost both his legs and suffered brain damage".<<<<
Hi Beauders.
Well... if this is true, it explains a lot.
The man sounded very old beyond his age, and he talked in circles.
I have to wonder if Cats and Brian were aware of this accident, and his resulting condition, at the time of the interview.
Generally, Cats doesn't miss anything... so, I'm assuming she was aware of this...
Beauders... do you know of an article, or newspaper clipping which proves this motorcycle accident (and the resulting injuries), took place?
If so, please e-mail it to me.
Hey, everybody,
Don't let this motorcycle accident get in the way, even if it's true. Please understand that WG has basically been incoherent and inconsistent ever since he was arrested at Cielo Drive. Whether he ever was better than this, only the good people of pre-1969 Ohio might know.
His IQ must be terribly low, perhaps even bordering on retardation. He, of course, has had quite a shock...whether this is what brought this on or not is a mystery to me. But living with the aftermath WG has been a quite sad case.
What I believe in this account is his story from when SP left to when the men in black show up. The walk-in closet story is much more believable than the I didn't hear anything story...especially with the dogs being present.
"Why does everyone think Steve Parent was gay?" - katie
Well, for one thing, COL SCOTT from the Official TLB Murders Blog keeps saying so.
Hi Starship. I agree with you...Garretson seemed off back in 1969. Not quite all there.
I'm wondering where this "men in black" stuff came about. Has he ever mentioned any of this in the past? It's totally off the wall.
Hi Carol.
I know that the Col keeps saying that Altobelli & Parent were gay. I'm not sure where he's getting his information. I don't know if he ever explained why he thinks that. :)
The only things I've read about Parent is that he was from El Monte and he graduated HS that summer and was working 2 jobs to save money for college (good for him!).
The day of his death, he asked his mother to lay out his good clothes so when he was thru with his first job, he could change and go to his second job, working at an electronics store.
After work he went to see Garretson to sell a clock radio. And we all know "the rest of the story". LOL.
don't know about parent and garretson but i had a friend in the early 80s who went to cali to collect a 'debt' from someone.
he ended up at 10050 cielo and was hit on by altobelli on the same trip!
he knew nothing about the manson murders and did'nt know where he was til someone told him later.
katie, I always thought Parent went to Garretson's on the pretense of selling a clock radio because he wanted to try to catch a glimpse of the movie stars Garretson worked for, not because he was romantically involved with Garretson. Parent had a girlfriend. I don't know where the COL came up with this theory, either. Probably because selling a clock radio at that time of night seems ridiculous; but it doesn't mean you're gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Carol, it's funny, I was just thinking...why would a guy get off work late at night and speed over to some guy's house that he only met once with the only pretext being to sell a clock radio.
I agree, there's got to be more to it than that. You can sell a clock radio anywhere. He could have just sat out on his sidewalk one day to sell a clock radio.
So, it could very well be just to see "movie stars". I think that when he dropped Garretson off the first time, he asked who lived there, and Garretson said "movie stars". And maybe he just felt like having a couple of beers with someone, and brought the clock radio in in hopes that he might sell it.
I know when he left Garretson's he said he was going to another guy's house to try to sell the clock radio, but that doesn't make him gay.
>>>Matt said: i had a friend in the early 80s who went to cali to collect a 'debt' from someone.
he ended up at 10050 cielo and was hit on by altobelli on the same trip!>>>
Wow, your friend went to Cielo Drive to collect a debt??? That's interesting. Who owed him? Rudy? Who was living at Cielo Drive in the 80's?
Boy, Conrad Murray scratches his face and head a lot. I wonder if he has fleas. HA HA.
someone(call him steve) owed him money for a LARGE amount of weed.
steve knew altobelli somehow and told my friend(call him billy) to meet him there thinking that it would freak billy out
you had to know steve to know that he had a sick sense of humor and was'nt trying to intimidate bill at all.
anyway billy shows up at the address he was given knocks at the door hes let in by a creepy looking older guy who shows him into the living room and says steve will be here soon.
of course steve doesnt show up for an hour and billy has to fend off the creepy older guys advances.
after awhile steve shows up with bills money and they leave to go out for dinner before billy gets on a plane to come home.
at dinner steve asks billy if he had a good time with rudi billy says no i did'nt thank you very much!
then billy says man that was a creepy guy and a creepy house.
steve says you don't know where you just were do you?
that was the room sharon tate was murdered in!
can't remember if steve said altobelli owned the place,lived there or was just hanging out but thats the name of guy that was hitting on billy.
this would have happened in the summer of 81 or 82.
Thanks Matt. I know Altobelli lived in the house after the murders. I don't know how long he lived there. creepy unto itself.
He said it never bothered him that people were murdered there.
Anyway, I know nothing about Rudy's sexual persuasion, but if your friend is right, it's a pretty good bet that he likes men.
when billy got back to town he came to my apartment got out my paperback of helter skelter and turned to the photo of the living room.
'i was there,i was right there!'
a funny sidenote was that steves sister was in a zz top video i think it was legs...i believe she was wearing a red dress in the vid.
as for rudi maybe he swung both ways but going by what billy said i doubt it!
Wow, awesome job guys. You solved the case.
I should have known that it was a 3-eyed space alien that murdered those people.
Fucking-A !
Great Job Cats and Davis.
If you two sickofans run into Linda Kasabian, ask her why nobody shot her with a ray gun.
Who needs Opie and Anthony when you have Cats and Davis?
Waste of bandwidth ..... That sums it up in a nutshell.
William Garretson was also involved with Rosie Tate Polanski.
Rosie as you all know is Roman and Sharons unborne daughter.
Somewhere on the net there is a pitcure of them together; it nearly looks like they having some sort of romance.
Jimmy, it wasn't a 3-eyed alien, it was a 3-eyed baby. And Cats & Brian didn't say that...Garretson did.
V717, Rosie Tate Polanski isn't Sharon's daughter. Sharon's baby didn't survive.
The coroner's report revealed that a fully developed male baby was still inside her. The baby boy was buried with his mother.
I'm sure Garretson is just now making this story up to give this girl some credence.
Well look who we have here..straight outta the Denver Underground..not
Sorry about the lack of DOOM bro but I'm almost positive your buddies over at godlikeproductions have a million insiders talking about the NEXT BIG EVENT that will obliterate us all if that makes you feel any better...
If anyone was going to have a slight bit of sympathy and possibly even understand where poor William was comming from I thought it would be you Hippie Scholar...come on your among friends you must have some in pressed suits sneaking around in the dark..this is right up your alley right???
Hi Missy!
I'll just leave you and Jimmy alone. Y'all probably need some alone time. I'm headin' to the house.
I don't think I'd categorize Bill as "poor William", but...whatever. HA HA.
Miss Spiritual Tramp 1979 said...
>>>Well look who we have here..straight outta the Denver Underground..not<<<
They don't have those up in Canada do they?
>>>>Sorry about the lack of DOOM bro but I'm almost positive your buddies over at godlikeproductions have a million insiders talking about the NEXT BIG EVENT that will obliterate us all if that makes you feel any better...<<<<
There came into Egypt a Pharaoh who did not know ......
It reminds me of the opening of the old "Kung-Fu" series where Master Po tells his pupil, "As quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand" ..... (The pupil attempts to take the pebble but fails in his attempt)
The master replies, "When you can take the pebble from my hand, then it will be time for you to leave".
Think about that.
Oh, and uh, try not to think so hard, it could strain your brain and you might end up like poor willie.
Have a nice day, one and all.
On this site there is a picture of Garretson, all dressed up and ready to do the town together with Rosie.
V717, Rosie needs a new hairdo. And where's her "third eye"? LOL.
Well, you know Katie. The third eye only glows in the dark.
>>>V717 said: Well, you know Katie. The third eye only glows in the dark.>>>
So Garretson's just a dirty old man...lusting after his own 19 years younger "goddaughter". LOL.
Seriously speaking this guy Garretson puzzle me a bit. As the only survivor he seems to be incapable to come up with any reliable explanation of why he didn´t hear or saw anything to bother about on the night of the murders. That dosen´t make sense to me.
Maybe he was to afraid or in a state of schock to remember, maybe. But why on earth did he involve himself with that Rosie "bogus" Tate Polanski? Where did she come from and what become of her?
There is also the question why Garretson wasn´t killed? There could be some truth in that Patricia Krenwinkel knew Garretson since before. If so, she spared his life. But why did she do that? Because she had nothing against Garretson. I have always said that the perpetrators and the victims knew each other. These murders were drug related, and it was also about money. Where there is drugs- there is money. If it´s true that Linda Kasabian had been burnt on a drug deal on Cielo Drive we have a motive. This was pay back time. If some of the perpetrators had been to Cielo Drive before the murders took place they couldn´t have missed the fancy cars and the luxurious lifestle there. Surely there also would be a lot of money.
Hippie Scholar said:
They don't have those up in Canada do they?
yeah in Canada we may not have underground bases or gems like Compton.....but we do have UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE and a publicly funded broadcaster in the form of the CBC-The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation...two fundamental components which make this country GREAT and differentiates us from you our wonderful neighbours who we love to hate but mostly love.
>>>V717 said: Seriously speaking this guy Garretson puzzle me a bit.>>>
He puzzles me a LOT.
>>>As the only survivor he seems to be incapable to come up with any reliable explanation of why he didn´t hear or saw anything to bother about on the night of the murders.>>>
I don't know.
>>>Maybe he was to afraid or in a state of schock to remember, maybe. But why on earth did he involve himself with that Rosie "bogus" Tate Polanski? Where did she come from and what become of her?>>>
I think he was afraid. I think he was scared out of his wits. Why become involved with this "fake offspring"? Mental illness.
>>>There is also the question why Garretson wasn´t killed? There could be some truth in that Patricia Krenwinkel knew Garretson since before. If so, she spared his life. But why did she do that? Because she had nothing against Garretson. I have always said that the perpetrators and the victims knew each other.>>>
I don't think the murderers knew any of the other victims, but I think it's possible that Pat knew Garretson. Now..did he see and recognize her? I doubt it. It was dark outside and he didn't get a good look.
>>>These murders were drug related, and it was also about money. Where there is drugs- there is money. If it´s true that Linda Kasabian had been burnt on a drug deal on Cielo Drive we have a motive.>>>
V717, the motive was neither drugs nor money. I'll explain shortly in a future thread. Linda Kasabian had never been to Cielo Drive before.
>>>If some of the perpetrators had been to Cielo Drive before the murders took place they couldn´t have missed the fancy cars and the luxurious lifestle there. Surely there also would be a lot of money.>>>
I wouldn't consider a Camaro or a Firebird "fancy cars". The Porsche was expensive, but Jay was living outside his means. He had a "beer wallet" and a "champagne appetite".
I wouldn't call their lifestyle "luxurious". They had just enough money to be noticed. These people were definitely not "rich".
I wouldn't call their lifestyle "luxurious". They had just enough money to be noticed. These people were definitely not "rich".
-For the Manson people they represented richness-.
V717, are you kidding?
Manson and his minions lived off millionaires! Dennis Wilson had more money than Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger & Jay Sebring put together.
They evidently didn't care about the poshness of richdom.
Not until Charlie got the "kill piggy" syndrome.
Which was directed at Cielo Drive.
If Charlie really wanted to kill some "rich pigs", he should have started at a "real" movie star's house. Sharon was a bit player at best. Her net worth at her death was around $180,000. Folger had more at around $300,000. Voytek had none. Jay was in debt.
Dennis Wilson made millions.
katie8753 said...
>>>>Not until Charlie got the "kill piggy" syndrome.<<<<
You still have it stuck in your head that Manson was directing traffic at Cielo drive when he wasn't.
A clear pattern of Charles Manson getting personally involved in the fuckups of his friends and associates is clearly visible when you look at the activities of Bobby Beausoleil with Gary Hinman and Tex Watson with Lottsapoppa.
Again, this is widely known but always discarded by the HTLB faithful. Why?
It's like you don't want to accept the FACT that Charles Manson wasn't cast in the role that Vince said he was.
As long as you pin the tail on Charlie, you will NEVER get at the truth.
Charles Manson, love him or hate him, basically fell on the sword for his "Friends" which Vince refers to as "Family".
The man who KNOWS what happened i affectionately refer to as the "Pope of San Luis Obispo" and he's definetly the "Peter the Roman" of the Tate/LaBianca saga.
Charles Manson is a Muscian, a Pimp, a Con Man, a Hobo, a Hillbilly and a wise old sage who made the hell of prison his home, but he's NOT a murderer.
He's all things to all people. He's a mirror image of what you see in yourself.
Tex Watson is a murderer.
Only a man of evil can masquerade as a man of God and remain hidden in a cloak of obscurity even to this day.
Watson is Satanic and always was and always will be.
So was Yana the witch and so was Sexy Sadie; a one time associate of Anton LaVey.
Forget the FACT that Sharon Tate herself was a White Witch and was initiated into the coven of Maxine Saunders ..... and before you jump all over me, even the guy who did the Charles Manson Superstar documentary stated that Sharon Tate was part of Maxine's Coven or was for a time.
Forget the crap that took place in Griffith park, in which Leno LaBianca actually wrote about in a letter to his ex-wife where he said he was "Concerned" about what was going on there.
Forget about Salindar Nader and why this guy was chosen to die on the very same night as the LaBianca's but only AFTER the Labianca home was handled.
If you drink the Helter Skelter koolaid and refuse to look at what we KNOW after 42 years of Bugliosi mind-fucking, then you're like a dog that chases its tail running around and around and getting NOWHERE.
William Garretson has fried eggs for brains. He's over, DONE. Finished. His head is on life support. You're not going to get anything out of him that can be translated into english.
You need to talk to the Devil and that's Tex Watson. He knows and satan never spills his guts unless you make a deal with him.
katie8753 said...
If Charlie really wanted to kill some "rich pigs", he should have started at a "real" movie star's house. Sharon was a bit player at best. Her net worth at her death was around $180,000. Folger had more at around $300,000. Voytek had none. Jay was in debt.<<<<
Ah .... now we're getting somewhere.
"IF" Charlie wanted to ... but he didn't. Tex allowed things to get out of control, as his history seems to suggest.
Remember Lottsapoppa?
Charles Manson would have NEVER set foot in that guys house had it not been for Tex Watson's little drug burn where Tex left his girlfriend as collateral for the cash he stole.
That's a FACT. Nobody can dispute that.
>>>>Dennis Wilson made millions.<<<<
Rosemary LaBianca did pretty good too. In fact, at the time of her death, her net worth was rumored to be even more than abigail folger's.
I'm sure that Rosemary LaBianca was a wonderful woman in life, but she's no James Cramer.
I'd love to see what she was buying and selling and to review a list of all transactions (Deposits and Withdrawels) that were made to her trading account for the year of 1969 and perhaps 1968. The tax returns for the Carriage Boutique for those years might also yield some interesting data.
If Charlie really wanted to kill some "rich pigs", he should have started at a "real" movie star's house. Sharon was a bit player at best. Her net worth at her death was around $180,000. Folger had more at around $300,000. Voytek had none. Jay was in debt.
-So what? I´m sure the perpetrators didn´t check the victims bank accounts before the murders. A couple of thousand Dollars would be a big fortune for them-. And by the way, Charlie didn´t have "kill the rich piggy syndrome-."
Jimmy, when did you do an about face and become one of Charlie's foot soldiers? Were you kidnapped and thrown into a closet for days until you came out parroting Charlie's words?
>>>A clear pattern of Charles Manson getting personally involved in the fuckups of his friends and associates is clearly visible when you look at the activities of Bobby Beausoleil with Gary Hinman and Tex Watson with Lottsapoppa.>>>
Jimmy, who made Manson go to Hinman's and almost cut his ear off? Who made Manson go to Lottsapoppa's and shoot him? Nobody did. These were his own actions, his own decisions. Why keep on bringing up these actions, which were Charlie's alone, as a defense for his innocence?
>>>Forget the FACT that Sharon Tate herself was a White Witch and was initiated into the coven of Maxine Saunders ..... and before you jump all over me, even the guy who did the Charles Manson Superstar documentary stated that Sharon Tate was part of Maxine's Coven or was for a time.>>>
That is NOT a fact. It's just conjecture and innuendo, and has nothing to do with her murder.
>>>You need to talk to the Devil and that's Tex Watson. He knows and satan never spills his guts unless you make a deal with him.>>>
I've never defended Tex Watson. I know he's a pathetic loser, murderer AND a liar. Why would I talk to him? He's one of Charlie's greatest protegees. One of the finest, mindless killing machines that Charlie could have hoped for.
>>>Jimmy said: Remember Lottsapoppa?
Charles Manson would have NEVER set foot in that guys house had it not been for Tex Watson's little drug burn where Tex left his girlfriend as collateral for the cash he stole.>>>
Yes, Charlie went to Lottsapoppa's house. But was he being a "knight in shining armor". No. He went there for his own reasons, which have nothing to do with "saving a damsel in distress" or "saving his family".
He most likely went there to (1) get rid of Lottsapoppa and (2) have something to hang over Tex's head for later murder missions.
>>>Rosemary LaBianca did pretty good too. In fact, at the time of her death, her net worth was rumored to be even more than abigail folger's.
I'm sure that Rosemary LaBianca was a wonderful woman in life, but she's no James Cramer.>>>
I was only talking about the "wealth" at Cielo Drive because V717 brought up the fact that they had "fancy cars".
Rosemary did have a lot of money. Where did she get it? I don't know. Supposedly she was good at the stock market. I'm scratching my head over that one. How does a former "car hop" become a financial wizard?
I will agree with you on one thing. The LaBiancas were definitely not totally legit. Something just doesn't add up.
I'm not suggesting they caused their own murders, just that they had some shady dealings. To what extent...I don't know.
>>>V717 said: So what? I´m sure the perpetrators didn´t check the victims bank accounts before the murders. A couple of thousand Dollars would be a big fortune for them-.>>>
Well if the motive is money, don't you go after the "big fish"? Why dally with minnows?
>>>And by the way, Charlie didn´t have "kill the rich piggy syndrome-.">>>
Yes he did. Stop listening to Charlie and go back and read the facts of this case.
Well if the motive is money, don't you go after the "big fish"? Why dally with minnows?
-Yes, the motive: Drugs, money and paranoia. Tex Watsons sweeping drug business with Lotsapoppa. Tex was also doorman at "Whiskey A Go Go" for a time. What connections did he get there? Tex Watsons also sold wigs and so did Rosemary La Bianca. We have many loose ends here. Contrary to popular belif Tex Watson was fairly independent from Manson he had a life outside the family. Remember that Susan Atkins told, that before they drove up to Cielo Drive she and Tex took some hard drugs that they had been hiding from Manson. That dope must have been from one of Tex little business activity-.
About "kill the rich piggy syndrome."
If I understand Charlie right he rather prefer to make the best use of "rich piggies" than killing them. He didn´t go after Dennis Wilsson.
I have no idea what kind of money the victim had. I think Sharon's estate was only valued at $40,000.00 and that included everything she owned. Roman turned it all over to her dad. There's paperwork on the internet somewhere. Abigail's estate has also been mentioned, but I don't remember the amount of hers, Voytek's or the LaBianca's. I think Jay's $ was tied up in his business and home.
katie8753 said...
Jimmy, when did you do an about face and become one of Charlie's foot soldiers? Were you kidnapped and thrown into a closet for days until you came out parroting Charlie's words?<<<<
I've said many times that Tex Watson was the main catalyst for the murders, but you insist on placing the blame on Manson, as Bugliosi had done.
The more that you begin to study the interraction between these people, especially in the weeks leading up to the Cielo Drive incident, it's very clear that Tex Watson was acting INDEPENDANT of Charles Manson's wishes.
Tex Watson was running his own little drug business and even Susan Atkins confirms this.
This is where things started to turn ugly.
I'm confident that this is where the paranoia led to murder.
Jimmy, who made Manson go to Hinman's and almost cut his ear off? Who made Manson go to Lottsapoppa's and shoot him? Nobody did. These were his own actions, his own decisions. Why keep on bringing up these actions, which were Charlie's alone, as a defense for his innocence?<<<
Bobby Beausoleil contacts Charlie telling him that Gary is a "Problem" and then you have TJ Wallerman putting Charlie on the phone with Bernard Crowe because TJ thought that Lottsapoppa wanted Manson and not Watson because TJ knew Watson as "Tex". These were TJ's own words.
That is NOT a fact. It's just conjecture and innuendo, and has nothing to do with her murder.<<<
Nicholas Schrek seemed to think this was factual, as i do, and I do personally believe that Sharon Tate being a White Witch may have attributed to why she was sacrificed.
Understand something ... Even Tex Watson himself stated that on the night of the Tate Murders that he was "POSSESSED".
There is a Satanic element to what happened. I certainly believe there is. Yana the Witch and Sexy Sadie were also practishoners of the "Black Arts".
The knife through the neck of Leno LaBianca is a Satanic calling card.
We know that Tex had "Ambitions" and he wanted to be "Somebody".
Also, think back to the story that Bill Nelson told about Mama Watson coming out to visit Tex at a house he was staying at and how she left because of the presence of evil that she said she felt when she was there. That's pretty amazing shit and it ties into the Satanic side of what was happening at the time.
I've never defended Tex Watson. I know he's a pathetic loser, murderer AND a liar. Why would I talk to him? He's one of Charlie's greatest protegees. One of the finest, mindless killing machines that Charlie could have hoped for.<<<
Again, you place Charlie in a position as if he was the orchestra leader of a murder spree.
Charles Manson had nothing to do with what happened at Cielo Crive and in fact was pretty damn upset when Susan Atkins came back and told him what went down up at that house. Manson himself told that to Geraldo.
Tex Watson and his his little drug lord princess, Linda Kasabian, were the satanic disciples that brought down the house of Tate. It wasn't Charles Manson who did that.
Charlie was more into getting his message out through his music and he ended up getting jerked around by Terry Melcher.
Charles Manson was no saint, back in the day, but he was certainly not the murderer that he's been portrayed to be.
There's enough here for one to see that what Vincent Bugliosi had claimed isn't exactly true.
REPOSTED - Blog is removing posts again Lynyrd.
katie8753 said...
Jimmy, when did you do an about face and become one of Charlie's foot soldiers? Were you kidnapped and thrown into a closet for days until you came out parroting Charlie's words?<<<<
I've said many times that Tex Watson was the main catalyst for the murders, but you insist on placing the blame on Manson, as Bugliosi had done.
The more that you begin to study the interraction between these people, especially in the weeks leading up to the Cielo Drive incident, it's very clear that Tex Watson was acting INDEPENDANT of Charles Manson's wishes.
Tex Watson was running his own little drug business and even Susan Atkins confirms this.
This is where things started to turn ugly.
I'm confident that this is where the paranoia led to murder.
Jimmy, who made Manson go to Hinman's and almost cut his ear off? Who made Manson go to Lottsapoppa's and shoot him? Nobody did. These were his own actions, his own decisions. Why keep on bringing up these actions, which were Charlie's alone, as a defense for his innocence?<<<
Bobby Beausoleil contacts Charlie telling him that Gary is a "Problem" and then you have TJ Wallerman putting Charlie on the phone with Bernard Crowe because TJ thought that Lottsapoppa wanted Manson and not Watson because TJ knew Watson as "Tex". These were TJ's own words.
That is NOT a fact. It's just conjecture and innuendo, and has nothing to do with her murder.<<<
Nicholas Schrek seemed to think this was factual, as i do, and I do personally believe that Sharon Tate being a White Witch may have attributed to why she was sacrificed.
Understand something ... Even Tex Watson himself stated that on the night of the Tate Murders that he was "POSSESSED".
There is a Satanic element to what happened. I certainly believe there is. Yana the Witch and Sexy Sadie were also practishoners of the "Black Arts".
The knife through the neck of Leno LaBianca is a Satanic calling card.
We know that Tex had "Ambitions" and he wanted to be "Somebody".
Also, think back to the story that Bill Nelson told about Mama Watson coming out to visit Tex at a house he was staying at and how she left because of the presence of evil that she said she felt when she was there. That's pretty amazing shit and it ties into the Satanic side of what was happening at the time.
I've never defended Tex Watson. I know he's a pathetic loser, murderer AND a liar. Why would I talk to him? He's one of Charlie's greatest protegees. One of the finest, mindless killing machines that Charlie could have hoped for.<<<
Again, you place Charlie in a position as if he was the orchestra leader of a murder spree.
Charles Manson had nothing to do with what happened at Cielo Crive and in fact was pretty damn upset when Susan Atkins came back and told him what went down up at that house. Manson himself told that to Geraldo.
Tex Watson and his his little drug lord princess, Linda Kasabian, were the satanic disciples that brought down the house of Tate. It wasn't Charles Manson who did that.
Charlie was more into getting his message out through his music and he ended up getting jerked around by Terry Melcher.
Charles Manson was no saint, back in the day, but he was certainly not the murderer that he's been portrayed to be.
There's enough here for one to see that what Vincent Bugliosi had claimed isn't exactly true.
>>>Jimmy said: Tex Watson was running his own little drug business and even Susan Atkins confirms this.>>>
When did Susan confirm this?
>>>Bobby Beausoleil contacts Charlie telling him that Gary is a "Problem" and then you have TJ Wallerman putting Charlie on the phone with Bernard Crowe because TJ thought that Lottsapoppa wanted Manson and not Watson because TJ knew Watson as "Tex". These were TJ's own words.>>>
Did Bobby tell Charlie to come over and cut Gary's ear off? Did TJ or Tex tell Charlie to shoot Lottsapoppa? Who put a gun to Charlie's head and made him do those things? Nobody! Those were Charlie's decisions.
>>>Nicholas Schrek seemed to think this was factual, as i do, and I do personally believe that Sharon Tate being a White Witch may have attributed to why she was sacrificed.>>>
Nope, I disagree. Sharon Tate was NOT a card-carrying, broom-riding, sign-toting witch. PERIOD!
>>>Also, think back to the story that Bill Nelson told about Mama Watson coming out to visit Tex at a house he was staying at and how she left because of the presence of evil that she said she felt when she was there. That's pretty amazing shit and it ties into the Satanic side of what was happening at the time.>>>
Oh yeah, Bill Nelson. He's the pillar of truth.
Mama Watson was upset that her son was living in filth with jobless nobodies, not attending college like he said he would, and basically fucking his life up. She left and asked him to go with her.
>>>Charles Manson had nothing to do with what happened at Cielo Crive and in fact was pretty damn upset when Susan Atkins came back and told him what went down up at that house. Manson himself told that to Geraldo.>>>
Jimmy you must be smoking some good crack. Manson had EVERYTHING to do with Cielo Drive. And Waverly Drive. Manson ordered the murders at both places. The only difference between Manson and Watson is that Manson didn't perform his deeds. He got Tex and the girls to do them.
That's why he shot Lottsapoppa. To hold it over Tex's head so he would kill.
Hi Jim.
For some unknown reason, your comment was in the "spam folder".
I have no idea why the blog does that periodically.
I posted it.
Now it's double-posted. LOL
katie8753 said...
Did Bobby tell Charlie to come over and cut Gary's ear off?<<<
It sounds to me like Charlie thought that Gary was jerking bobby around. Even bobby had said that Gary pulled a gun on him.
Charlie got called into something that wasn't of his doing and he was pissed.
As for the slicing of the ear .... shit happens. I'm sure he didn't plan it that way. He had the sword and I also believe that Bruce Davis went with him.
Had Gary retuned the money for the bad mescaline that he had sold to bobby, that more than likely would have been the end of it.
Did TJ or Tex tell Charlie to shoot Lottsapoppa? Who put a gun to Charlie's head and made him do those things? Nobody! Those were Charlie's decisions.<<<<
You're missing the whole point here Katie.
Charlie KNEW that Tex's girlfriend was being held captive and would probably have been murdered had Manson not intervened.
It's been said that Bernard Crowe had said that he was going to come down to spahn and start killing people there.
Manson wasn't going to walk into that place unarmed, in fact, he didn't even have to go since this was Tex Watson's screwup but this situation posed an immediate danger to those people staying at Spahn.
Manson went there not to Kill Bernard Crowe, but to defuse the situation with him. Manson even offered his own life but, as TJ Wallerman had stated, Bernard Crowe said that it had to be the girl.
Hence, Manson had to shoot Bernard Crowe.
This wasn't a premeditated event where Manson planned Bernard Crowe's death.
Manson would have been better off had he just hung up the phone but that would have brought down violence on many people because of something that Tex did.
People spin this incident as if it were Charles Manson's own issue, but it wasn't.
>>>Nope, I disagree. Sharon Tate was NOT a card-carrying, broom-riding, sign-toting witch. PERIOD!<<<
Nicholas Schrek says otherwise and states such in his Charles Manson Superstar documentary.
He even states that Sharon Tate was initiated into the coven of Maxine Saunders in a private ceremony at one of her movie trailers while on set in England.
He says that she was a "White Witch", not the broom stick riding variety that you speak of.
>>>Oh yeah, Bill Nelson. He's the pillar of truth.<<<<
In some cases, Yes he is, especially in regards to his research on Marine Habe and how he linked Tex Watson to her death.
It was rumored that Marina Habe was murdered right before New Years as her body was discovered by a jogger on New Years day in 1969.
Bill had stated that Marina had gone to Spahn Ranch and may have stayed there for a night or two as she was home for christmas. She was attending the University of Honolulu at the time.
Bill Nelson did his homework, even managing to locate Catherine Share through her congregational minister, but lost face when the White Rabbitt played his own mind games with Bill.
By the way, excellent work on the Charlene Caffritz piece. That's some amazing stuff.
Those videos that she allegedly took, wasn't it rumored that Andy Warhol had gotten ahold of some of them at one time?
I remember hearing about this somewhere.
LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...
Hi Jim.
For some unknown reason, your comment was in the "spam folder".
I have no idea why the blog does that periodically.<<<
It sounds like Google didn't like what i had to say, no surprise there.
Something of interest to all:
Jimmy...Lady GaGa???
Night night!! HA HA.
my source for the garretson motorcycle accident is the colonel's blog january 8, 2006.
beauders said...
>>>my source for the garretson motorcycle accident is the colonel's blog january 8, 2006.<<<
Somehow i don't see Garretson as an "Easy Rider" type.
There's more bullshit in this case than there is fact.
It's like getting a piece of steak in a restaurant that's mostly fat. You can smell it, it even tastes good, but you feel cheated because you didn't get the good piece of meat that you hoped for.
After you gnaw on it for a while, you just wanna pick it up with your hands and smack the chef in the head with it for serving it to you.
That's what's become of HTLB today.
Beauders, I checked out the Col's blog and you are indeed correct. He did report that Garretson had a motorcycle accident and lost both legs.
He cites a "source". I'm not sure if it's correct, but he did say that.
Garretson's getting involved with "Rosie" loses a lot more credence with him. He just seems to have suffered a complete breakdown of mental faculties.
I guess the poor guy just went down and down after Cielo Drive.
>>>Jimmy said: There's more bullshit in this case than there is fact.>>>
You got that right bucko.
Everything you're peddling is bullshit.
Charles Manson is guilty. Guilty of ordering murders, guilty of attempted manslaughter, guilty of abusing children and young people, guilty of leading people astray, guilty of theft, guilty of pimping, guilty as charged!!!
Charles Manson was ALWAYS in charge. He never lost control until after his followers finally woke up to the fact that he wasn't "Jesus", he was just another shyster, another con man looking for a shill.
He was ordering murders while in jail. He was ordering his minions to shave their heads, carve their foreheads, make threats, make hang-up phone calls, stalk people, crawl to the courthouse, sit on the sidewalk and sing, chant and talk gibberish, and finally to rob a gun store to get him out.
Charles Manson is guilty. Period!
Dear Katie 873
Manson is always guilty. No matter what.
For a long time I was fooled by Danton´s partisans.
Reposted -
katie8753 said...
You got that right bucko.
Everything you're peddling is bullshit. <<<<
You wouldn't know the truth if it swam up behind you and bit you on the ass.
You, and the rest of your obsessive blog cult members along with their facebook picture stealing stalker sickofans are what gives Charles Manson a bad reputation that he probably doesn't really deserve.
You sickos have pumped this case like a cheap penny stock and milked it for all it was worth, portraying Manson as the Devil, yadda, yadda, yadda when the reality is that you bitches are even worse than he ever was.
You try to portray yourselves as knowledgeable researchers when the vast majority of you are nothing more than a pack of fucking idiots who cling onto something because it makes them feel morally superior to others.
Even with William Garretson, it's almost beyond pathetic how you all latch onto a borderline retard like and act like he's got all the answers.
That's just tragically SAD. Maybe if somebody had the bright idea of interviwing this guy 30 years ago, you might have gotten something intelligle out of his mouth.
I have to laugh; you dirtbags sit there drooling like the social deviants that you are salivating over what you might believe to be a new FACT or shred of evidence hinting at motive.
This blog has become more like Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club for HTLB addicts.
What's Colonel Fucktard going to do now that this case is becomming as old as the Panamints?
Maybe you can answer that one Colonel Katie since we all know that the Colonel is the sockpuppet master of cyberspace?
You are NEVER going to get a final answer on what happened unless you fly Tex Watson out of the country in the middle of the night and take him to one of those Bulgarian getaway places that the CIA likes to use when they entertain their guests.
The only time that people step foward to provide anything NEW is when they're either looking for money or are peddling a new book.
Nobody comes foward because they have a conscience. The human animal is a vile creature thats driven by his own passions.
This video is just for you Colonel Katie - Enjoy.
Hi Jimmy. Are you broadcasting from your basement again? Better watch out for those Brown Recluses. They can be prittttyyy-naaaasty. HA HA.
>>>You wouldn't know the truth if it swam up behind you and bit you on the ass.>>>
I beg to differ. We know it better than you do.
>>>You, and the rest of your obsessive blog cult members along with their facebook picture stealing stalker sickofans are what gives Charles Manson a bad reputation that he probably doesn't really deserve.>>>
We don't steal facebook pictures. You've got the wrong blog bucko.
>>>You try to portray yourselves as knowledgeable researchers when the vast majority of you are nothing more than a pack of fucking idiots who cling onto something because it makes them feel morally superior to others.>>>
And you differ how....???
>>>I have to laugh; you dirtbags sit there drooling like the social deviants that you are salivating over what you might believe to be a new FACT or shred of evidence hinting at motive.>>>
And what NEW facts have you come up with Jimmy? Oh...let's see....Charlie says he's innocent. Oh yeah....THAT'S NEW!! HA HA.
>>>What's Colonel Fucktard going to do now that this case is becomming as old as the Panamints?
Maybe you can answer that one Colonel Katie since we all know that the Colonel is the sockpuppet master of cyberspace?>>>
Oh now I'm Colonel Scott again. Well, I have to say, if I have to be accused of being someone, I'd pick the Col. Or Lynyrd. I've been accused of being both! Now that's good company! LOL.
>>>The only time that people step foward to provide anything NEW is when they're either looking for money or are peddling a new book.>>>
I'm not writing a book.
>>>This video is just for you Colonel Katie - Enjoy.>>
Hey thanks Jimmy. Why don't you show that video to Chuckie. He might have a "brain cell revival" remembering when he started his cult! HA HA.
Here's another one that Colonel Katie might enjoy :-)
Cult Building For Dummies:
So Jimmy, you're down to watching Aussies make videos about "cult building"?
Are you planning to start your own cult?
Let's see...what cult what that be? A cult for jobless, useless, non-performing people? A cult for cretinous, low-IQ lobotomous folks?
Well, if that's the genre, then you can probably start with some familiar suspects.
Give Sandy & Squeaky a call. I'm sure they're looking for a new "master". The one they used to serve is all used up. He's only a banana peel away from senility and grabbing butterflies off the wallpaper.
Or maybe you'd like to start a cult on "alien invasions". Well, you missed the boat on that one. Marshall Applewhite already did that one to death. And I mean that literally. HA HA.
But since you're following Aussies, maybe you're thinking of doing a "kangaroo cult". The one wherein someone has to live in the pouch. I'll tell you what...those big ole back feet can kick the hell outta somebody. Have you ever been "clomped" by a kangaroo? HA HA.
Are you still missing Horseteeth? Sheesh.
Maybe your theme song can be "Flowers on the Wall". HA HA.
"Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo, now don't tell me I've nothing to do".
This song is dedicated to Jimmy and Horseteeth. I hope they live happily ever after. HA HA.
And by the way, Ms Katie, Harold Camping missed another big call;
Oct 21,2011 has come and gone. We are all still here. Even horseteeth.
Life really isn't so bad, if you just live it a day out a time!
Tom, thanks! I forgot about Harold Camping and his predictions!
Well he has been wrong about his "end of world" crap 12 times.
This guy literally needs to give up the ghost. The only reason he hasn't been pronounced dead is that he won't hold still long enough. HA HA.
There will always be an End of the World market because there will always be.....
those who cannot cope or stay strong, and choose escapism, idealism, flat out insanity to get thru another day.
Thats why God gave us alcohol and drugs.
Tom, there will always be an "end of the world market" because there's money in it.
This is what Camping did. "Sell everything you own and when you're raptured you won't have any earthly things to cling to". But...the catch is, sell or donate it to "me".
This guy knows where to fish. He knows the sweet spots.
And those carp aren't catching on very fast, if you know what I mean. LOL.
Since we are swapping some youtube videos, can I add one?
As long as this Camping fucker stays alive, he will perpetuate his death knoll to any idiot that will listen, and continue to hear the "ca-shing" of the cash register every time he he pushes the "sale button". HA HA.
Ah Tom. Always is Always Forever.
Lynyrd falls for that song every time.
Truth be told, these girls can't carry a tune in a bucket, especially acapella. If it wasn't for the echo sound chamber, it would sound like a cacophony of strange noises blended together of a horse giving birth and a girl's choir on their first recitation that was tone-deaf. LOL.
Respectfully, I disagree....
These were goofed up kids, in a time when their peers were being drafted, not volunteering, but being ordered to spread the blessings of democracy into Southeast Asia.
How'd that work out, by the way?
Well Tom, I disagree.
I was "of age" in 1969 and I remember the Vietnam war very well. The boys I graduated high school with were snatched off to be killed in that unholy war.
I didn't join a hippy cult. I didn't swagger off after some half-cocked "pied piper" to end up killing folks.
I got a job and supported myself.
Unlike these useless fobs who glommed onto a charlatan whose only reason to be was to steal, use & kill.
I suffered the indignities of the Vietnam war myself. But I never degenerated to a useless life form. I chose the high road.
Stop making excuses for these idiots.
There is no excuse for these girls to follow after Charles Manson.
I was around the same age as they were. There was no way I would do what they did.
There are a lot of people who would not have done what they did.
No excuse at all.
They're not cute, they're despicable. They're not even to be pitied. It's beyond that.
They had choices. And they made the choice to be with a dirty con man.
Their choice!!!
No matter if they were kicked out because they were lazy or insolent. That was their choice. And they will live with that for the rest of eternity.
We disagree.
And it won't get settled tonight.
Maybe I'll see you at that Will Garretson interview tommorow.
If not, peace out.
Okay Tom. I'm not ranting at you...I'm ranting at them.
We do disagree. I think that every single one of those girls (and guys) other than waifs who were deposited there against their will, should be held accountable.
But, as you said, it won't be settled tonight.
Have a nice evening! :)
Not to get the last word, because I don't play that, Tex Watson was the only one in the whole family who I didn't like.
The rest of them I am sure I could get along well with.
This wasn't 2011 girl. Their classmates were being killed in a War.( for who, for what?)
In my lifetime, Viet Nam,
Iraq, Afghanistan. Anybody see a pattern here?
See ya.
Tom were you not listening? Did I not make myself clear? READ MY LIPS!!!
My classmates were being killed too. I was fucking there! I lived thru it!
I didn't join a cult because of the war.
Let me repeat! I didn't join a cult!
I went and got a job and became self-sufficient.
I didn't kill strangers because of the Vietnam war.
So you liked everyone except Tex??? Did you like Bruce? Did you like Clem? Did you like Charlie?
Clarify please. Please expound on why you would like Bruce, Clem or Charlie.
Maybe I should say it one more time, in case you didn't get it.
I was in high school in the 60's. I lived thru the Vietnam war. I saw my classmates go to war. I watched my own brother worry about having to go.
What part of that did you not get? Should I repeat it again to make sure you understand????
I have very strong feelings about this subject, and so do you.
Hopefully, we can talk tomorrow, or another time.
Peace Out.
What kind of a serial killer is named "Bruce" anyway?
That name has always been associated with a "limp wrist".
Police: We're looking for a serial killer named Bruce.
Hairdresser: Well...if you look real "hard", he's utilizing chair #3. But don't throw him off his curve. He's trying to create. He's creating a "master-piece".
Tom I have VERY strong feelings about this.
I lived this era.
I didn't read about it, I was fucking THERE.
I talked to my friends who came back from the war. It wasn't pretty. In fact, it was downright pathetic.
But my point is....I didn't go haywire and join a cult.
I got a respectable job and earned my keep.
Which is tons above these cunts that joined Charlie's "tribe" and became nobodies that just stole and killed folks.
To put the blame on the war is ludicrous and you won't ever get that past me.
So don't even try. It won't happen.
So, that being said, as I said before, have a nice evening.
Not everyone is as strong and together as you, Katie.
Some young people got mad and acted out.
>>>Tom said: Not everyone is as strong and together as you, Katie.
Some young people got mad and acted out.>>>
Then they were WEAK!! Weak minded and neer-do-wells.
I've already stated my case.
I'm watching boxing now. I like that jab, jab, jab....punch.
If you think that the Manson family had a reason to be, you might as well believe in that Camping fucker. And Tinkerbell.
The use of the c word was a little bit over the top.
See you. We'll talk another time.
I'll make my case a little bit better.
>>>Tom said: The use of the c word was a little bit over the top.>>>
Did you think you were at an Alice in the Wonderland tea party?
>>>See you. We'll talk another time.
I'll make my case a little bit better.>>>
I hope so, because your case stinks.
It's not worth pursuing. Not even a cadaver dog would pursue it.
As I said before, have a nice evening.
Good Night! Love you. Mean it.
Okay Tom, we'll "let it be" for now.
I think I'll tear the Col a new asshole. So much for Jimmy's revelation. HA HA.
Or maybe I'll wait til tomorrow.
I'm tarrrred.
I think I'll just head to the house.
you're the best writer I have encountered in these Manson Blogs. Great Stuff.
But I disagree with some things I'm sure we can work out.
Well I just got a burst of strength. I'm going to reply to the "col".
HA HA. Watch me.
Anger is the enemy of instruction, big girl....
Harold Camping may be a loon, but here's a guy who gives Harold Camping a real run for his money when it comes to "End Times" prophecy:
What would google be without software errors?
Anyway, let's see if this one makes it through.
Harold Camping takes a back seat to this guy:
William Tapley - The Night Before Armageddon.
Hi Katie...I mean Colonel..I mean wow..hahahahaaa
Jimmy baby did you forget to take your meds?? I will say this though I bet you are the life of the party when you get all manic and start with the armageddon stuff..insert some Alex Jones mumbo jumbo and its like time to blast off..
What else..oh yeah did you know Jimmy that you have your own theme song..since I heard this I cannot stop laughing..its so fitting on so many levels so check it out-- hope you dig it as much as I do:
Hi Missy! You changed your avatar....I like it!
Perfect theme song for Mr. Jimmy. HA HA!
Thanks Katie and as much as I would love to take credit for finding the Monkey Boy song this I cannot do. I came across it on someone's youtube channel who I will not name in case they do not want to be outed..hahhaa but yeah its a great song for a great guy and therefore I was compelled to share it with the world!!
Miss Spiritual Tramp 1979 said...
>>>What else..oh yeah did you know Jimmy that you have your own theme song..since I heard this I cannot stop laughing..its so fitting on so many levels so check it out-- hope you dig it as much as I do:<<<
I don't endulge myself in the idiotic ramblings of the FAN BASE that you do Tramp, being the real Tramp that you obviously are.
The only song that fits me is the one performed by Carly Simon, "NOBODY DOES IT BETTER" !
That says it all right there. End of Story.
Anyway, have fun kiddies and sickofans.
Let me know when you stalk up some new facebook pictures. Maybe another one of Ruth Ann's kids may take some new video footage or something.
The Truth shall set you Free aka-Hippie Scholar aka-Monkey Boy said:
I don't endulge myself in the idiotic ramblings of the FAN BASE that you do Tramp, being the real Tramp that you obviously are.
>>>nice David Icke reference btw..let me guess is he your role model..someone who is possibly even more out of touch with reality than yourself...yes a perfect ROLE MODEL FOR A DUMMIE..its all making sence now.
And wait a second did you just call me a TRAMP???hahahaaa thats awesome comming from an A list misogynist like you..seriously I expect nothing less from your I am guessing you didn't like the song then??
>>>Jimmy said: Let me know when you stalk up some new facebook pictures. Maybe another one of Ruth Ann's kids may take some new video footage or something.>>>
Jimmy I said this before and I'll say it again. I'm putting it very simply. I can't dumb it down anymore than this: doesn't steal Facebook pictures of family members and post them. You're thinking of another blog.
Aren't you one of the top sicko fans MonkeyBoy? You idolize Charlie and think he is guilt free.
I Guess you haven't been reading a thing Katie and other blog members have posted. Or is it just that
you can't accept the truth.
Get a grip on reality Monkey Boy
and stop Gripping your Banana.
you are so delluisonal its not
even funny more.
Sorry Monkey Katie is right.
You are wrong.
is this site still active?
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