Tom G Says... "Let's Play Fantasy Parole"!!
Often on these Manson blogs, posters discuss/debate whether certain Manson members should ever be paroled. Maybe we could take it to the next level..... FANTASY PAROLE.
What do you think would most likely have happened had these Manson Family members been paroled?
If by some miracle, let's pretend that each family member is paroled around 1989-2000. What would they most likely do with their second chance in life?

I have my opinions on all of them. Remember, Nancy Pitman, Catherine Share, Mary Brunner, Steve Grogan were all released from prison and apparently got on with their lives. You can throw Sandy and Squeaky into that mix.
Tom's Predictions
Charles Manson- Would be scooped up within a week or two for parole violations. Charlie was never a rules guy. He would learn that maybe they didn't take fraternizing with minors too seriously in the 60's. In the 90's, they took it very seriously. This fellow was meant for prison and prison was meant for him.
Charles "Tex" Watson- Would return to his small Texas town and become pastor of a church. It would be one of these non-denominational, unaffiliated churches, if you will. He would trade off on his notoriety. The congregants would consist of ex-cons and recovering drug addicts. Tex would divorce his prison bride. He would remarry and divorce. He would marry again and divorce. But he would stay out of trouble, for the most part. He'd be happy tooling around town in a humongous F-350, sporting a white cowboy hat. None of his children would look alike. The church people would have fun guessing which child belonged to which mother.
The problem would be this; You can take Satan out of Susie, but you can't take Susie out of Susie. Would soon become involved in one of these salacious church sex scandals. Allegations would swirl that Susan Atkins was sleeping with men (plural) not her husband. She would deny it all in front of the cameras once again, being mouthy and defiant, flashing thigh and breast for the photographers. But her Christian star would fade and not being the center of attention, would lose interest in it and become a Scientologist. Any place where she can be the Queen Bee.
Leslie Van Houten- would be the darling of the Hollywood Cause Celebre Soon would marry a television star, someone out in leftfield, like Charlie Sheen. The two of them would be courtside at Lakers games, behind the dugout at Dodgers Stadium, ( which is only a couple of miles from Waverly Dr, by the way). But that marriage would fail and Lulu would hitch up with somebody else freaky.....somebody like Slash of Guns and Roses. Many domestic disputes. She becomes a favorite of the Paparazzi. Videos on Youtube of Leslie coming out of a Starbucks, swing her handbag at a Paparazzi. She stays out of jail, but her life is messy.
Patricia Krenwinkel- returns to Alabama and gets a job working in an Arts and Crafts store. Never marries, but lives quietly in a small apartment with her dog. Attends NA meetings, but over the years, has a relapse or two. This time around, she is mature enough to control it. Is a model employee at the Arts and Crafts store and it becomes a must for Mansonites to make a pilgrimage to Alabama once in a lifetime to buy a knick knack from Big Patty.
Bruce Davis- would drop off the face of the earth. Even his parole officer had no idea where he was. But then Eviliz would find some pictures of him on photobucket and the Where is Bruce chatter would start anew.

Bobby Beausoleil- marries a fine lady, lives an exemplary life and has modest success in the fields of music and entertainment. Also becomes a social activist and speaks very eloquently on the subject of prison reform. Thanks Tom!! Great Job!!
Great Job Tom! Thanks!
I fully intend to participate in this game... but, I wore myself out, getting the thread up. LOL
I'll join-in tomorow night.
Everyone... please join me in thanking Tom for his first thread contribution.
He obviously put a lot of time into it.
Well written! Well done!
Tom, I love your predictions on what would have been. HA HA.
I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on to even come close to the funny stuff you've thought up.
I think I'll start with Charlie. He's got the biggest bulls-eye on his back.
Charlie gets released in 2000. They give him a new suit of clothes and $50 to start his new life, open the gate and shove him out.
He goes back to the Haight, sits on a corner and starts strumming his guitar. Some passersby drop a nickel in his hat, some spit on him, but soon a cop walks up and asks him if he has a permit. He's told to move on.
He then decides to contact his usual devotees on his illegal cell phone. They all have caller ID by now and don't answer. He suddenly realizes that he's not that interesting if he's not in prison. Now he's just another old has-been. Another crazy person standing on the street corner yelling that the world is going to end and the government is responsible.
He then desperately tries to start another family. He siddles up to some young girls at a school bus stop and tries to pick them up. He resembles the "dirty old man" on Laugh In. They laugh at him as they board the bus, heading off to school.
Alone, hungry and with no other options, he heads back to Corcoran, bangs on the gate and pleads to be let back in.
"I was somebody in here!! People used to listen to my double-talk. Please let me back in."
Check this out. The "hot" teacher Debra LaFave, who likes to boink little boys, poutily wants her probation to end early.
Remember, she was too pretty to go to jail. HA HA.
LVH gets paroled? Ok, but then doesn't she move to Staten Island? Or Baltimore?
Hi Starship!
Yes, Leslie gets paroled, but then decides she doesn't need "him" anymore.
She decides that since she's the "prettiest" Manson witch, that she should head to Hollywood to make it big.
But, knowing that her teeth are too big, and her skull is too small, she opts for a head transplant.
Unfortunately, when she wakes up after the procedure, she finds that she's been given the head of Susan Boyle.
She runs screaming out of the hospital and IRONICALLY, is run over by a Hostess Twinkie Truck.
l/s- just because the guy was in handcuffs doesnt mean he was arrested.
i would imagine they'd handcuff just about everyone there if possible.
or maybe the guy had 'friends'that made the arrest disappear if you want to be conspiracy minded about it.
you could even go further with that angle but its a little farfetched.
its been said that the raid was videotaped-love to get ahold of that.
Pat Krenwinkel gets paroled in 1999. She settles in a halfway house in El Segundo.
She continues her work with animals and decides she likes them more than humans.
She eventually opens her own animal refuge center, which includes various wild animals.
Unfortunately for Pat, the tigers didn't like her as much as she liked them. One day, one of the Bengals decided to chase her around and around a tree, until she turned to butter.
Susan Atkins was finally granted parole in 2000. She was so excited that she ran out of the room blindly, as only Susan can, but unfortunately for Susan, she ran right into Debra Tate.
Debra lost her balance and fell on Susan.
There wasn't enough left of Susan to scrape up into a shoebox.
Debra's comment afterward was "I knew I was here for a reason. Serves her right."
I've made a new thread for the "Bryn" discussion... as, I don't want to mess-up Tom's thread here...
Peace... Lynyrd
Boy, things must really be dead out there.
So now we're down to
"Let's Play Pretend"?
I think that Tom has been sipping that playoff champagne just a little too early.
The question here is, are the Phillies that good or is it that the rest of the eastern division just sucks?
The Phillies were 23-9 against the NL West which was the joke of the league this year. They got fat on weak NL West Teams.
I HATE the Yankees but, if i were the Phillies, I wouldn't want to play them in the World Series. The Phillies should win the National League Title this year but they won't get by the Yankees.
You can drink some champagne Tom, but the Trophy stays in New York where it belongs.
Pristash, you're funny. "Staten Island or Baltimore". Most women would probably just put the gun to their head if you gave them those two choices like that. New Jersey's where it's at Pristash.
Baltimore? ...... please.
Baltimore's only claim to fame is their #1 murdering son named John Waters who takes perversion to new heights.
The Mets won their 1st ever World Series versus the Baltimore Orioles and they did it in 1969 ...... Karma Baby !
Then of course, in 1986, we showed the Boston Redsox who the REAL "Beasts of the East" were and taught Skynyrd what the true meaning of PAIN was.
But of course the Mets are not invincible as the 1973 and 2000 World Series had proven.
Losing to the Oakland A's in 7 games with the lineup they had was no sin but losing to a Yankees team that was juiced up on steroids was highway robbery. You had Roger Clemmons in a roid rage throwing a broken bat at Mike Piazza and NOT being ejected from the game? Oh the memories.
Gotta run .... Listen, leave the land of make believe to Mister Rogers.
I deal in reality not fantasy.
And for Tom .....
In the words of the Legendary Wrestling Champion, Hulk Hogan, I leave you with this thought ....
"Whatcha gonna do when the New York Yankees, and their 27 World Series Championships, run wild on you!"
Remember what happened in 2009?
Oh relax Jimmy. We're just having some fun. Nothing to do with reality for a change. :)
Well baby-killin' Tex finally gets his parole, and he moves in with his wife and kids.
His wife finally realizes that "conjugal sex" was much better than "parole sex". She also decides that he was a lot more interesting when he was in prison. Now he just sits around in his underwear.
She tells him she wants a divorce. She's already started seeing another convicted felon: Scott Peterson.
Dejected, Tex tries to go back to his hometown and they run him off on a rail.
He finally decides to go live in Afghanistan, and try to preach the word to them. He's captured by the Taliban. They gleefully tell him that they are going to kill him because he's an "American Pig".
He tries vainly to tell them that he's not the pig, he's the pig killer..and then.....Oh well. LOL.
Okay Bobby finally gets paroled in 1995. He's on top of the world! "Yeah (he thinks to myself) I killed that guy...but....whatever."
He goes to the nearest used car place and buys an old Fiat. It's all he can afford. He thinks to himself "this will at least get me to Santa Barbara, and I'll hook up there."
He starts driving and gets sleepy. He pulls over on the highway and thinks "I'll just catch a couple of winks and be on my way."
The next thing he knows, a cop is banging on his window.
"License and registration please." problem. "Officer I just got out of prison and don't have a license, but I'm sure that won't be a problem."
"'s a problem Bub. This car has been reported stolen and we just found a bloody knife in your tire well. You're under arrest for suspicion of murder."
"But officer...I didn't do it.....this time I really DIDN'T do it....."
"Tell that to the judge."
I'm watching Body Heat. WOW. What a movie. All that sweat. HA HA.
That Mickey Rourke was sooooooooo cute back then!
Course now he looks like a bad Botox experiment. Sigh.
I pretty much agree with Tom´s predictions. Even his predictions concerning Charlie.
I think, had it not been for the Celebrity status of the murder victims their prospects of being relaesed had been much bigger. As it seems now they will probably spend the rest of their lives behind bars.
V717, I agree with you that the celebrity status of this case has definitely affected the family getting out, but you have to remember one thing. Charlie specifically ordered these murders. He hand picked the victims.
He could have picked homeless people or people that no one would have thought twice about, but he choose "pigs". Because he wanted to shock the world. He wanted attention.
And he got his wish.
If he wanted attention why did he hide out in desert?
He wanted the world to take notice. He was tired of the world rejecting him.
He later retreated to the desert, but you have to admit V717, he left plenty of trails. Burning the loader, chasing young girls down, threatening local miners.
I mean, think about V717, if you really want to HIDE.
You DON'T do anything to draw attention to yourself. You "lay low".
Charlie didn't do that. Why? Because he can't. He needs attention, just like a moth needs light. He craves it.
He still does.
Yes he left some trails but it seems to me that burning loaders chasing young girls down, threatening local miners and so on is a sign of a somewhat desperat and confused person. He also sat up a chain of commando post to warn if intruders came near the Barker Ranch. Hadn´t his guards fallen asleep on their posts Charlie and some of his followers presuambly had managed to get away.
Oh V717, you're so sweet. You keep imagining that Charlie was innocent.
Charlie didn't want to hide. Like I said, he could have hid....but he chose to hide in the desert with his minions.
>>>He also sat up a chain of commando post to warn if intruders came near the Barker Ranch. Hadn´t his guards fallen asleep on their posts Charlie and some of his followers presuambly had managed to get away.>>>
He knew they were worthless. Which they were. He was caught. End of story.
V717, Charlie wanted to get caught. He was tired of being nobody.
V717, if Charlie really wanted to hide, he would have run off by himself and hid somewhere that no one could find him.
But he didn't.
He took the herd to the desert, knowing that he couldn't control them.
He knew that he would be discovered.
You and I both know that.
Please stop defending him.
Katie 8753.
So you say that a frustated Manson orchestrated the murders just in purpose to get attention from the public, because he was tired of being nobody. And then played a little game with the authorities "hide and seek" just for the fun of it.
That line of argument is illogical because there was no way that Manson could forsee that Susan Atkins would talk to a cellmate about the murders. You keep forgetting that it was Susan that broke the case. If she had kept her mouth shout the police probably never would have solved the case.
V717, just think about this.
Charlie knew Susan very well. He knew she liked to talk and brag. Knowing this, he chose her for murder, not twice, but three times.
You have to wonder what was going on his head.
And I agree, if Susan hadn't blabbed the case might never have been solved. But, there were others talking about the murders beside Susan. They were talking amongst themselves. Why do you think Zero was killed? Was he going to snitch?
There are all kinds of unanswered questions about how it WOULD have gone down if Susan hadn't blabbed.
Shorty was supposedly murdered because Charlie thought he was the one who caused the August raid on Spahn's. Don't you think that the family members knew about this?
If they were as close as they claim to be, surely they were aware of the murders. And the more people that know a secret, the less of a secret it becomes.
Katie 8753
I´m sorry Katie. But, I can´t follow you.
Manson choosed Susan because he knew that Susan sooner or later would open her mouth and begin to talk about the murders.
Yes, Zero was probably killed.
And Shorty was without no doubt murdered.
But what was the reason to kill Zero and Shorty if as you say Manson wanted to get caught?
There are to many contradictions in your reasoning.
V717, I don't know for a fact that Charlie wanted to get caught. It's just my opinion. I could very well be wrong.
I think Charlie wanted Shorty dead because he didn't like him, and the "snitch" thing was just an excuse to kill him.
Alright folks...
I'm ready to take a "crack" at Tom's Parole game!!
I'm not quite sure what these folks would be doing... but, I've got pretty strong thoughts, as to what they wouldn't be doing. LOL
Bear in mind folks, this is all conjecture... so don't attack me for "playing-along". LOL
Here goes...
I think Tom is dead-on correct.
I think Manson would have been in-and-out of prison his whole life... mostly "IN". LOL
I think Tex would have dropped the whole religion/pastor "schtick" the moment he walked out the prison door.
I think Tex gravitated to religion, as a means of survival... a means of making his LONG prison stay more tolerable.
I agree, he would have divorced his "prison wife" upon exiting the prison... and went through several wives and kids.
His occupation?
I could only guess.
I think it depends heavily on the time frame.
During the years when she made the "Laisure" decision... I think she was still a mental midget.
She surely would have made a total mess of her life, upon release.
In later years... I think she truly found God... and probably would have stuck-by Whitehouse... and led a fairly quiet life.
I give her far less credit than Tom... regarding "success and stardom".
I believe she would have remained "arrest-free"... and led a quiet, productive life.
As for marrying a hollywood actor, and attending Dodger/Laker games courtside... I highly doubt it.
Personally... I've never viewed Leslie as any type of shining starlet... as other folks always seem to.
I believe, even that John Waters character... would have turned his back on her, had she actually been released.
Hollywood... I don't see it.
Average Mom/Secretary type... probably.
I go the other way with this one.
I give Pat WAY more credit, in the area of "success" than Tom.
I find Pat quite intelligent, and congenial.
I think Pat could have been anything she put her mind to.
I think Pat is a person, who really would have made the most of a "second chance".
Pat (I think) would have been very successful in any professional area of her choice.
I agree with Tom here.
I think Bruce would have been so thrilled, just to walk-out that prison gate... he would have COMPLETELY disappeared like a fart in the wind.
I don't think anyone would have seen this cat again!
He would move out of the country... to Europe, South America, or Africa.
I gotta be honest...
I've never cared for the dude a whole lot.
I'm not even sure why.
I guess it's because he has a constant "air" of entitlement.
He and Leslie are comparable in that area... made for each other actually.
He'd remain out of trouble... and probably be moderately successful in a hands-on type of job.
Carpenter, musician, electrician... whatever.
He's a good-looking guy... so he'd likely have no problem getting laid... within a marriage... or extra-curricularly. LOL
Lynyrd's two-cents on the parole game! LOLOL
Well here's what I think about Bruce.
This guy is probably the creepiest of them all. He's most likely committed more murders than anyone.
He finally gets paroled. He thinks he got away with everything.
He quickly moves to England to start up the Scientology stuff again. This time the Scientologists are on to him. They tell him to get lost.
He moves to France and hooks up with Polanski.
Polanski makes him the star of his next movie "Bambi does Thumper".
While filming, they do some idle chit chat and Polanski realizes that he was in the Manson family.
In the next scene, Polanski directs Bruce to put his head in a guillotine. He promises nothing will happen.
Bruce does as he's directed, and only has time to look up as he hears a "whoosh sound".
The basket gets its mark.
No more Bruce.
I guess there is karma sometimes.
It seems there is a big controversy about Troy Davis' execution and a comparison to Charles Manson and Casey Anthony.
I haven't heard anything about Troy Davis until today. Evidently he was accused of murder and several witnesses against him recanted their statements.
I have no idea why. Nor do I care.
Casey Anthony is guilty. I have said that many, many times. She got off because the jury was too weak to convict her. The case was clear cut. She walked. She should have gotten the death penalty. This is a clear case of injustice.
But just because she walked, doesn't give anyone else the right to walk.
As I said I don't know anything about Troy Davis.
But I do know about Charles Manson. If he wants to fall on Casey's skirts and whine that he was falsely accused, so be it. I thought he was more of a man than that. Maybe the Viagra is kicking in.
But as younger adults, we must know that Charles Manson is guilty, and deserved what he got.
Good Lord....has everyone been napping???
Charles Manson is guilty as charged. The only reason he didn't meet the fate of Troy is because California decided to wuss out and repeal the death penalty.
He can dry up like a raisin in prison.
Justice will be served.
To Mr. Hippie Scholar,
I'm glad you didn't take offense. I was just having some fun.
New Jersey? Dude, I spent more time in New Jersey this summer than I ever would have imagined. Even have my own NJ Transit card. If you've moved I hope you are happy.
Well, Jerry Seinfeld was right. Beautiful women can get away with anything. They're beautiful Godzillas.
A Tampa judge decided that Debra LaFave's wish can be granted, and her parole ended early, even though Debra violated her probation by having contact with an underage female co-worker at a restaurant where she worked in 2008.
Boy, if Manson had only had this gal in his harem. They probably all would have walked. HA HA.
Speaking of guilty verdicts, there is a valid fear of a growing trend among jurors that has occurred since Casey Anthony was acquitted.
The jurors in the Anthony trial have received death threats because of public outcry due to their not guilty verdict of the murdering baby-killer.
Dr. Conrad Murray will go on trial as soon as jury selection is completed for the murder of Michael Jackson.
Each prospective juror was given a multi-page questionnaire to complete, which included the question: Would you be fearful of your life if you acquit?
I sure hope that Casey Anthony doesn't cause more mayhem by setting a precedence whereby jurors will be more inclined to vote guilty for fear of their safety.
People Magazine has Casey Anthony on the cover this week. She realizes she might have to leave the country once she completes her probation.
She can't get a job (no babysitting jokes, please), can't go out and make friends. No family to go to.
Actions have consequences. Maybe she can learn spanish and move to Guatemala.
Hi Tom!
Poor Casey. Boo hoo hoo. No more hot body contests. No more fun.
I don't think it will matter where she moves. She's pretty much hated worldwide.
Casey Anthony is a ho
But larger than average breasts in American Society gets you where people take your plight seriously.
Twelve jurors thought so.
Maybe that is so. You are serious people trying to figure out a 42 year old crime.
You are scholars and researchers who don't share my light-hearted perspective of the Manson family. Be that as it may......
If the Phillies win a World Series, complete this sentence......
Whoa Tom hang on.
Casey Anthony is a lying bitch. We all know that. She has lied about everything from square one.
I even went back to the jail house tapes to see what happened and she was STILL lying.
She has lied about everything.
I don't care which way the wind is blowing. Casey is a lying bitch and Manson is a lying bastard.
They're both lying.
starship said...
>>>>To Mr. Hippie Scholar,
I'm glad you didn't take offense. I was just having some fun.<<<<
No offense taken.
I was just thinking, even if a person did get released after 40 or more years in prison, coming back to a world as fucked up as this one, Staten Island and Baltimore would be two locations that would probably not be anyone's radar scope. They're better off staying in prison where you can get 3 meals a day and a place to sleep.
New Jersey? Dude, I spent more time in New Jersey this summer than I ever would have imagined. Even have my own NJ Transit card. If you've moved I hope you are happy.<<<<
New Jersey was, and still is, my backyard. I went to college there and my parents were actually elected officials at one time.
When i first started working in Manhatten, i used to take the North Jersey Coastline train into Penn Station. I used to drive over to Woodbridge and get the train from there.
I used to go shooting with my father at an outdoor range that used to be down in Englishtown maybe a mile or so down the road from the Crazy Eddie race track that was there at one time.
Seaside heights was always a good place to hang out and i used to go to a little out of the way place called Shipsbottom where there were some really beautiful beaches.
The Pine Barrons is down there where you can find out all about the legend of the New Jersey Devil.
I used to spend alot of time down in Cranbury and in East Windsor as well. Those are 2 gorgeous towns and Plainsboro isn't far from there either; another really nice place to live.
At least in New Jersey, you're close to Pennsylvania and the scenary in some of these areas is really amazing.
New York is the armpit of the east coast and i think the people who come here to visit are crazy because the best thing about New York is leaving it.
TomG said...
>>>Maybe that is so. You are serious people trying to figure out a 42 year old crime. <<<<
One is a mentally deranged movie producer who belongs in a straight jacket who keeps Bobby Beausoleil's family vest under glass as a souvenir.
Until they stop chanting, "Charlie said this" and "Charlie said that", there's no hope.
They don't even want to entertain the notion that maybe Charlie didn't send anyone out to kill.
Repeat after me, "Go with Tex and do what Tex tells you to do" ...... got that?
Tex was running his own drug enterprise and Manson already pulled his ass out of the fire once already with Lottsapoppa.
The case sickofans don't want a vanilla explanation of what happened especially at Cielo Drive. They're looking for some far out, exotic, kind of answer that may involve new names. They don't want the truth. They want a sexed up alternative to the truth so they can write new books.
Just like the time when Bobby calls Charlie about his little issue with Gary. Manson got sucked into that. There's a clear pattern of Charles Manson getting sucked into the ordeals of others that were not of his own making.
Enter Tex Watson telling Manson about what happened with Linda. Tex WANTED to take care of business, and he did, and as far as Manson goes, hey that's Tex's business.
So Tex was going to handle Cielo on his own with people who were close to Linda who were also part of his drug operation. They were going to isolate the house, whack Frykowksi and Folger, and then search the place for the goodies.
Manson was NOT expecting murder to be done, as he himself told Geraldo, and once Manson goes back to the scene to "See what his children had done" so the story goes.
People will not let go of the fantasy that Manson ordered the hit. Same thing with Nader. The only reason why anyone would want this guy dead was because he stuck his dick in Linda. So he has to die on the very same night as the LaBianca's?
Think about that. There is a connection and it all goes back to Mr Tex Watson.
The activities of Beasoleil and Watson clearly show that they were acting INDEPENDANT of Manson.
>>>If the Phillies win a World Series, complete this sentence......<<<<
I don't have to complete it because it's NOT happening.
Why, you ask?
Simple, because the New York Yankees said it's NOT happening, that's why, and they already said it in 2009.
Comet Elenin is also aligning with the Sun and Earth on Sept 27th and that just might put a damper on sports for quite a few people. We'll have to see how that plays out.
I'll bet you $100 dollars that comet Elenin, or whatever it is, doesn't hit the planet earth....$100 dollars.
And if it does, can I pay you by paypal, if it still works...
Hippie Schoolar
Think about that. There is a connection and it all goes back to Mr Tex Watson.
The activities of Beasoleil and Watson clearly show that they were acting INDEPENDANT of Manson.
Yes that´s truth.
Tex wasn´t some mind-blown zombie, imprisoned at Spahn Ranch by Charlie. Tex came and went as he pleased. In June 69 Tex was engaged to a girl named Rosina Kroner who had an apartment in Hollywood. That apartment was the place where the dope burn took place involving Lotsa Poppa.
Also remember, that before Tex and the girls drove up to Cielo Drive Susan Atkins and Tex sniffed some coke that they kept in a secret place from Manson.
Manson had forbidden all heavy drugs at the Ranch.
That indicates very strongly that Tex, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian and Patricia Krenwinkel had their own little business together.
Manson wasn´t involved in that enterprise.
Oh Holy Jesus. Let it go people. Let it go.
In 1969, some young people thought they were important. They took too many drugs and they made a mess of everything and spent their lives in jail. Sad, but true.
TomG said...
>>>I'll bet you $100 dollars that comet Elenin, or whatever it is, doesn't hit the planet earth....$100 dollars.<<<
$100 ... Why so much? You're a high roller, aren't you?
I don't believe that Comet Elenin, or whatever it really is, is going to hit us this week as it's too far away, but there's an alignmnet between the sun, the earth and elenin on Tuesday the 27th. Last alignmnet we had resulted in a 9.0 earthquake in Japan. This time, it's alot closer and the US Military has ordered President Obama to the Denver international airport where there is a deep underground military base. In fact, most of the worlds "ELITE" have real estate in that area under assumed names. Coincidence? I think not.
We could be in for some rough sledding between now and November 30th of this year.
It's no joke. Even these corronal mass ejections (CME's) from the sun could take out our power grid and knock us back into the stone age.
Science is what it is.
I'm sure that the Japanese are taking this very seriously.
The military could always turn on the HAARP too and tune that baby up to usher in martial law.
I wish everyone well, but i can't deny that we're getting real close to perhaps the fullfillment of bible prophecy.
>>>In 1969, some young people thought they were important.<<<
They still do in 2011. Nothing's changed.
In fact, one has a hollywood agent who makes her feel like a celebrity. He writes books, goes on radio talk shows like NPR and helps his friend with those tough decisions about who to interview with. He does everything except reach into his own pocket to get a decent attorney to represent his good friend. He's also a murderer himself so he has something in common with his pal. Baltimore's pride and joy. What does that tell you about Baltimore?
>>>>They took too many drugs and they made a mess of everything and spent their lives in jail. Sad, but true.<<<<
And you thought that Charlie Sheen had problems?
Interesting that you used a guy with the name "Charlie" in your story. Was that a subliminal message of some kind?
But the moral of the story here is that if you enter the house of Satan, the price of admission is usually very high.
Hey Jim, I don't know you from a can of paint, but I'll take a wild guess that you got a little banged up out there in that crazy world.
Far be it from me to give advice, in that I'm just as mental as anybody else out there...
If I did give advice, I would tell you to turn the computer off. As in power off. Walk around Staten Island. Go out to breakfast. Go out to lunch. Look others in the eye. Talk to them. Listen to them. Sharing with another human being is still a wonderful experience.
Once upon a time we communicated without wires and wifi
Walk up to St Peters School for girls. They had great basketball teams up there. Think about your life.
Don't worry about the world coming to an end. I'll watch the goddamn world for you. Somehow, we always get thru.
And the Mets beat Cole Hamels and the Phillies today, 2-1. You bastard.
Jimmy, when the moon is in the seventh house...and Jupiter aligns with Mars...then peace will guide the planets....and luh-uv will steer the stars!!
Comet Elenin Rocks Baby!!
TomG said...
>>>>Hey Jim, I don't know you from a can of paint, but I'll take a wild guess that you got a little banged up out there in that crazy world.<<<<
New York is a rough town Tom and somehow i managed to make a living here and made something of myself.
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't do so well.
>>>Far be it from me to give advice, in that I'm just as mental as anybody else out there...<<<
You certainly got that right. There may be hope for you yet Tom.
>>>If I did give advice, I would tell you to turn the computer off. As in power off.<<<
That's kind of hard to do for a guy in my profession, but believe it or not it does happen.
Walk around Staten Island. <<<<
People here drive Tom.
>>>>Go out to breakfast. Go out to lunch.<<<<
Actually, it's dinner time now Tom.
>>> Look others in the eye. Talk to them. Listen to them.<<<
I always do and it made me an Assistant Vice President.
Did it work for you Tom?
>>>>Sharing with another human being is still a wonderful experience.<<<
It is and I always do. You won't find a more generous, thoughtful and caring person than I Tom.
Once upon a time we communicated without wires and wifi<<<
Time sure flys doesn't it?
Whatever happened to the good old days?
>>>>Walk up to St Peters School for girls. They had great basketball teams up there. <<<<
St Peters School for Girls is closed Tom. The archdiocese didn't have the money to keep it open.
Think about your life.<<<
I always do and I hope that you think about yours as well.
Don't worry about the world coming to an end. I'll watch the goddamn world for you. Somehow, we always get thru.<<<
I'm a realist Tom. I'd like to think that there's nothing to worry about, but sad to say there is.
Again, Science is what it is.
And the Mets beat Cole Hamels and the Phillies today, 2-1. You bastard.<<<<
That's called Karma Tom.
Heed the warning.
St Peters School for Girls..............they closed? as Charlie Manson would say mfwhatsomframowhcichsomofabitch
No Catholic jokes please.But I should point out that my high school beat a highly touted St.Peters by 17 points at the Holy Spirit High tournament, played on Presidents Weekend in Absecon NJ.
Isn't Jesus good to us? Isn't he good?
katie8753 said...
>>>Jimmy, when the moon is in the seventh house...and Jupiter aligns with Mars...then peace will guide the planets....and luh-uv will steer the stars!!
Comet Elenin Rocks Baby!!<<<
Carl Sagan was one of my inspirational mentors in the field of Astronomy. He had a brilliant mind and was a realist like myself.
Whatever this object is, it's dragging along alot of junk behind it that we'll be passing through in November.
For the moment, another alignment between the sun, the earth and elenin is set for the 27th of September although some say the 26th.
The ISS space station was already evacuated and the illegal alien president that we have was ordered by the military to the Denver International Airport where he'll remain until the end of September.
They seem to expecting "Something". What that something is can be a number of things. It could even be related to solar flare activity from the sun.
The chem trailing of the skies has been non-stop.
This object that's being called ELENIN is about 3 times the size of the earth and fits into many of the biblical passages.
The object exists, its there, and its being tracked but its not being REPORTED as would be expected. Independant sources are reporting in what they find and Nasa has been updating the trajectory of this object.
IT won't hit us, but there's alot of stuff being dragged along that could and most likely will hit us.
By the way, is there anymore news on the Stolen Tate Garments?
Maybe they taken by homeland security and stored deep underground so that future generations of Tate sickofans will have something to talk about and that will lead to a new generation of bloggers talking about a case that's probably 100 years old or more.
I'm guessing that they were too valuable to be left behind. Don Murphy probably had them delivered to his deep underground illuminati bunker where Bobby Beausoleil's vest probably resides.
TomG said...
>>>>St Peters School for Girls..............they closed? as Charlie Manson would say mfwhatsomframowhcichsomofabitch
No Catholic jokes please.But I should point out that my high school beat a highly touted St.Peters by 17 points at the Holy Spirit High tournament, played on Presidents Weekend in Absecon NJ.
Isn't Jesus good to us? Isn't he good?<<<
The St Peters Boys school is open but the one for girls is closed.
I have a daughter who's in the Catholic School System and St Peters was one of the schools that she was accepted to just over a year ago. She also made Notre Dame Academy but wanted to go elsewhere.
But Yes, St Peter's School for girls is no more.
You have a daughter? As in you had intercourse with a woman? What's her name? Is she still alive? What became of her?
I'm really depressed that St Peters School for Girls is no more.
They were really nice kids and I can't believe you Staten Island people just let them fold up.
I met Noelle Pawlicki. She was 5'11 and goes to Long Island U. Nice girl. You like tall girls, Jim?
Another girl was named Candace. She goes to Holfstra.
Not a chance in the world a Catholic school goes under in my area while I'm still here. Not a chance in the world.
Jimmy you remind me of the fable about Chicken Little...the sky is falling, the sky is falling.
Along with Cocky Lockey, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey & Foxy Loxy.
Do you have any idea how many times this planet has come to a near miss of some flying debris in space in millions of years? Why start worrying now?
While I have only caught Jim's internet act, for some reason I didn't think he knew women, if you know what I mean.
But no. He actually did the wild thing with a woman ( who I really would like to meet ) and has a daughter. Wow.
All the more reason to get your act together dude. Every child should be proud of their Mom and Dad. No exceptions to that rule. It may be factual it may be cruel.
TomG said...
>>>>I'm really depressed that St Peters School for Girls is no more.<<<
It's a sign of the times. The sad part is that there could be more closings in the future.
>>>>They were really nice kids and I can't believe you Staten Island people just let them fold up.<<<<
Most of the native staten islanders have long since moved away. What we have living here now hardly classifies as human. It's only a sign that society as we know it is on the decline.
How interesting, the Mets appear to be leading Philadelphia 6-3 in the Top of the 7th in the 2nd game of the doubleheader.
No Catholic school goes belly up in Ocean City/Egg Harbor Township while I'm in this world.
If a child goes to class on friday, they go to that same class on monday.
Last thing I say. Good night. Sorry I was a little opinionated tonight.
blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord, hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest
TomG said...
>>>While I have only caught Jim's internet act, for some reason I didn't think he knew women, if you know what I mean.<<<
I do quite well for myself. You'd be quite surprised. The only problem is that i seem to attract MARRIED women and that's not the kind of game that i like to play. The last thing i need is an unhappy woman looking for greener pastures somewhere else. I don't want her looking in my direction.
>>>> But no. He actually did the wild thing with a woman ( who I really would like to meet ) and has a daughter. Wow.<<<<
That's how biology works Tom.
My ex has nothing but good things to say about me and that's a testiment to the kind of person that I am. She'll be the first to admit that the problems in her own life are what brought down are marriage but i don't hold it against her. I was there for her when noone else was and I have nothing to prove along those lines.
My guess is that you draw your conclusion about me based on what these distgusting individuals on the blogs have said. These people don't know me and I'm under no obligation to anyone to play by anyone's rules but my own. I say what's on my mind and, if they don't like, too fucking bad. That's life.
>>>All the more reason to get your act together dude.<<<
Get my act together as if you're some fucking paragon of virtue?
I'd be willing to bet right now that my act is better than anything you've ever done in your life. You try and make it to the level that i made it to in life and then come back and talk to me.
Every child should be proud of their Mom and Dad. No exceptions to that rule. It may be factual it may be cruel.<<<
Both of my kids are very proud of me and they're both excellent students that go to very prestigous schools. They get to ride the tail of my success.
Just worry about yourself Tom.
I've already proven myself on the battlefield of life and I did it on my own. I didn't have mommy and daddy to pave the way for me. I went into the Wall Street financial houses and worked my way up the political ladder.
Like Frank Sinatra, I did it "MY WAY" and that's how it is.
I'm some not douchebag researcher wasting my time on some 42 year old case who's looking for his own 5 minutes of fame and i'm not some chump collector who's wrapping his arms around a memory and trying to milk it for everything its worth.
I'm also not some psychopathic man-boy film producer who has to hide behind a thousand fake names.
Unlike your other colleagues who like to oogle over this case, I don't have a drug or alocohol problem, I don't have a prison record, and I don't make a living stealing people's pictures on Facebook.
That's puts me on a higher level than all of you COMBINED.
Don't like to hear it? Too fucking bad.
You have two kids? Wow.
You had sex with the same women more than once? ( I still want to meet her )
Ah, good for you. It's hard to picture, but good for you.
The Mets swept the Phillies tonight in both games.
Serves you right !
Karma !
I'm really worried about the Phillies and I wish people wouldn't joke about it. What the frick is wrong with the Phillies?
One last thought, before I call it a night.
Susan Atkins died two years ago tonight. You know, I never met her. But she is somebody who I find compelling and in another place and time in a different setting maybe we would have got along.
Or maybe she would have stuck a buck knife in my neck. Susie is Susie.
Peace out Susan Atkins. Rest baby girl.
For Elenin: Nothing matters but the weekend...from a Tuesday point of view...
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