Saturday, May 14, 2011

The stars painted inside Bobby's truck at Ballarat.


katie8753 said...

Is this that truck that's sitting outside the Lynyrd Cafe/General Store?

That looks like an old early 60's Ford. I don't know if I would classify that as a "power wagon". What kind of power was under the hood??? That camper would slow any racer down. HA HA.

Has that thing been sitting there since 1969????

Hey Lynyrd, I meant to mention that you need to install that "to go" window with a bell with a high clearance for when we drive thru with the black bus. LOLOL.

Love the stars commingled with the rust.

katie8753 said...

Back in the 60's I would think they would use a muscle car.

Like a Barracuda, or a Charger, or maybe a Ford Torino Talledaga (I actually knew someone who had a Talledaga back in 1970). Not some broken down pickup. HA HA.

bedpan25 said...

the most surprising thing is that beausoleil stenciled lynyrd's name on the ceiling! haha

on a vaguely related subject, have you guys seen michael's [BackporchTapes] 2010 video where he shows what may very well be Gary Hinman's old volkswagen bus which was crashed [probably by Bruce Davis] back in 1969?

it's quite amazing! the most startling thing is that the 40-yr old UCLA gate pass stickers are still intact and completely legible! [see close up photo at 1:58]

it's obvious that the printing of stickers wasn't outsourced to china back then, lol.

katie8753 said...

>>>Bedpan said:

the most surprising thing is that beausoleil stenciled lynyrd's name on the ceiling! haha>>>

Yeah Lynyrd. I didn't realize that you and Bobby were such good buds!! You oughta get a free record set from him. HA HA HA.

Bedpan, Hinman's VW bus was one of the firsts threads that Lynyrd ran I believe. Interesting stuff. There's no telling what kind of carcasses are lying out there the wilderness!!

katie8753 said...

Hi Bobby. So the powerwagon is there, it's just not in the picture. Right? Is there another picture of it?

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

I'm wondering how many chicks, looked-up at those stars, as Bobby F'd the sh#t out of them. LOLOL

Although... from what I'm told recently... just as many men may have looked-up at those stars, as Bobby F'd the sh#t out of them! LOLOL

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Hi Bedpan.

I actually featured the Hinman VW footage from BPT's, several threads back, as Katie suggested.

I stated on the thread... the most fascinating thing about the vehicle, is the UCLA sticker still intact.
I'm almost certain I mentioned that, right on the thread... if not, definitely in the comments.
I'm too lazy to go check. LOL
Great minds think alike I guess.

Anyone wanna go take a look? LOL

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

I found it.

The title of the thread is:
"Gary Hinman's VW Bus Crashed by Bruce Davis, with UCLA parking sticker still on the Bumper"!

If you hit the "older threads" tab, at the very bottom of the main page, 4 times, it's the top thread... Saturday, March 26, 2011.

My next task, is to set-up a catalog listing of all the older threads in the side-bar.
I've just been too busy.
"All good things, in all good time".

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Bedpan said>>>>
"the most surprising thing is that beausoleil stenciled lynyrd's name on the ceiling! haha"

Yeah... LOLOL
You'll find the "Lynyrd" name on several artifacts from back then. : )

Kimchi said...

Katie said"

"Hi Bobby. So the powerwagon is there, it's just not in the picture. Right? Is there another picture of it?"

Hi Katie - yes, there's many pictures of's very old - 1930's I's a dodge "power wagon" - I think it's called that because it was an original 4x4 and could go just about anywhere..

"Legend" has it that it's the truck that Tex drove into the mushy "not so dry" lake bed and got it stuck, and the locals pulled it out and it's been sitting at Ballaret for 42 years...