Saturday, April 16, 2011

Previoulsy Obtained Fingerprint Cards, were used on 8-18-69 to correct some of the False Names (Aliases).


LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Some of the names that were altered after the 8-18, fingerprint reference:

Patricia Anne Burke, actually Catherine Gillies.

Sandra Collins Pugh, actually Sandra Collins Good.

Richard Allen Smith/Good, actually Daniel DeCarlo.

Oddly enough...
Nancy Laura Pitman, was changed to Brenda Sue McCann!
(She gave her real name to the police originally on 8-16, and they changed it to her alias, after the Aug.18, finger-print check!)
That's the LAPD for ya! LOL

It just goes to illustrate, that even with original documents... there's so many AKA's, and aliases, it's difficult to navigate.
I'ts like translating morse code.

Anonymous said...

I think you may be right- it may be impossible to determine for sure who some of them were- but if we could- it would answer a few new things for sure- which is why I am so interested...

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Hi Circumstance.

I'm gonna continue to dig, and upload stuff, as I have the chance.

Several minds, are better than one.

These types of documents are pieces... of a bigger picture.
There are knowledgable folks out there (like yourself), who are gifted at fitting these pieces together.

I'm convinced, it's gonna take the collaberation of a few people... if a solution to any of this, is ever to be found.

I'm trying brother... LOL

Peace... Lynyrd

Anonymous said...

Your doing an excellent job!!

Kimchi said...

I'd love to see the police reports that Jon A. has...why would they differ?

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Hey Kimchi!!!

Kimchi said...

Hey Lynyrd! Good stuff! Thank you!

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Thanks Lorena for adding yourself as a "follower".
Hope to see more of you!

Peace... Lynyrd.

katie8753 said...

The arrest sheet says that Danny DeCarlo a/k/a Richard Allen Smith pulled a handgun on the cops during the raid. I hadn't read that before.

Hi Kimchi!! The only reason I can think of if Jon A.'s police report differs, is that it's a different arrest???? I really don't know. It should be the same.

Circumstance, are you on the brink of a new theory???

Everyone, let's put on our "thinking caps". LOL.

katie8753 said...

The report reflects that several dangerous weapons were found at the ranch during the raid.

The arrestees were released due to some clerical technicality shortly after.

I'm just wondering about the cache of weapons. Did they have permits for those guns?? I highly doubt it. Some were probably stolen or traded. Did they confiscate those weapons?? Anyone know?

Kimchi said...

Well, what I want to know is, if Jon A got that mug shot from the 8/16/69 report, why wasn't he listed on the suspect list of detainee's that Lynyrd posted? Or was it from something else?

Kimchi said...

Sorry Katie, didn't see your post...

And yes, I think the Sheriff confiscated more weapons for evidence....

katie8753 said...

>>>Kimchi said: Well, what I want to know is, if Jon A got that mug shot from the 8/16/69 report, why wasn't he listed on the suspect list of detainee's that Lynyrd posted? Or was it from something else?>>>

Kimchi the mug shot on the Col's site doesn't show an arrest date, that I can see. How do we know this is 8/16/69?

>>>Sorry Katie, didn't see your post...

And yes, I think the Sheriff confiscated more weapons for evidence....>>>

Thanks Kimchi. I'm assuming the 9MM used on Gary was taken during that raid. I wonder if it showed up on anybody's radar. That was Bruce's gun I believe.

Kimchi said...

Seems like part of the photo (charges, etc) on the bottom of the mug shot of Bryn is cut off or we don't know a date or what the charges are for that mug shot...(I hate that term-mug shot)LOL...

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Kimchi said>>>>
"Well, what I want to know is, if Jon A got that mug shot from the 8/16/69 report, why wasn't he listed on the suspect list of detainee's that Lynyrd posted"?

Yes Kimchi...
The cruxt of this issue, is whether (or not) Bryn, was arrested along with the others, during the 8-16-69 raid.
They want to know, if Bryn is the guy, sitting handcuffed, well-dressed, on the trailor, looking back... in the center of the photo.
Or most specifically... (LOL), we're looking for proof-positve that Bryn was (or wasn't) arrested that day (as one of the 26).

Excluding Charlie, and Danny DeCarlo's alias... there are nine other male names on those pages.
Is one of them Bryn?
Beats me... because only a portion of the 26, provided their real name.
It's look like a small portion at that.

Hope that makes some sense. LOL

katie8753 said...

Well, Jared Loughner is being compared to Charles Manson.

And the beat goes on.

>>>Kimchi said: Seems like part of the photo (charges, etc) on the bottom of the mug shot of Bryn is cut off or we don't know a date or what the charges are for that mug shot...(I hate that term-mug shot)LOL...>>>

Yes you are right Kimchi. Something is being hidden from view. There is no arrest date or charges. Interesting.....

So how do we know it was for 8/16/69???

We don't.